Show Posts - TowerSheep


Messages - TowerSheep

Banned he shall be for all time.

I don't know if this is somewhere else already so I'm asking here.

What kind of complaint?: map

Why are you complaining?: on canyon is there anything we can do about the soothing windows lag??
Suggested solution?: i have no clue how to fix this. I'm wondering if it's the server or something else.
Screen Shot: N/A.
Unfortunately this is an issue with the model of the window. I do not know any fixes for this.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Tower Sheep Ban Abuse.
« on: 29 Jul, 2012 01:55 »
I leave it to the CL's to close out my Abuse threads as it wouldn't be fair if I did it.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Tower Sheep Ban Abuse.
« on: 29 Jul, 2012 00:11 »
For the love of god you people need to read...

The ONLY person I'm bashing here is Tower. Exeryone else get's a +1 in my books.

You should read the rules: Personal attacks are now allowed on these fourms.

You were gaged for:
Spamming to be unmuted
Advertising other servers by posting their address in the common chat.

You were gagged for:
Mic spam 2x

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Tower Sheep Ban Abuse.
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 23:49 »
It's not revenge RDM, it's a "this is gonna be hilarious RDM".

And I'm fixing it as we speak

So revenge rdm and trolling. Welcome to perma ban.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Tower Sheep Ban Abuse.
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 23:43 »
You killed me because I muted you. That's revenge rdm which is a week ban. You even said so yourself, I took a picture of the logs knowing you'd say i was in the wrong.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 23:20 »
You were banned for being on the gas station roof on Christmas town. It was only an hour ban. Learn to not go up there.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 03:05 »
^ Hates lifes
< Knows all the answers
v Will put my manliness in their mouth


Solved Applications / Re: Specialist7.scooby TTT app
« on: 26 Jul, 2012 20:01 »

The TowerSheep method

1. Charge Slender
2. Kill him with your awesome
3. Win game.

Maps Area / Re: Mapping basics for beginners
« on: 25 Jul, 2012 17:00 »
This looks really awesome, did you write this?

Even if you just pasted it here this is really nice to know. I may try my hand at mapping as I have several ideas.

Remind me tonight and I'll make the final call. I'm swamped at work and school but I am paying attention.

What type of suggestion?: Feature

What does it do?: When players die while shooting/aiming, their weapons should be welded to the hand and fire while going ragdoll.

Why should it be added?: Would make kills more cinematic, and gives a fair chance of hurting someone in the fire (I think damage should be "dealt" by the killer.) And it wouldn't be too overpowered or annoying because not many people aim (Unless with snipers)

Link to download/addon: N/A

This is already part of the game that badking himself is working on, it is still very buggy.

I'm not accepting too many new admins and I want people that don't have a record of resigning. When you left you said you were leaving gaming all together.

It's nothing about your attitude but I want to give new people a chance.


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