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Messages - Tictactoe360

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Admin Resignation / Re: Blackllama is now your everyday simpleton!
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:34:27 AM »
Banned for trying to retire.
We own you.

I'd say the only reason why they are even considered is because of all the bad press they have gotten due to SimCity, DS3 and other things lately. That and because its the internet, people see EA and think 'Evil'!

I'm sure if this was a professional study it would be way different, because at the end of the day EA is just a video game company.

A terrible Video game company that's ruined several franchise and bastardized several games. But still, just a video game company.

Zombie Master / Re: And people wanted to take Zm down?
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:22:32 PM »
Now zps is about to be shut down

Don't worry Honey Bun, I'll come fill you up.

Zombie Master / Re: And people wanted to take Zm down?
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:06:22 PM »
The days have come of the self-sufficient zm servers!

Most times I logged in, in the last few weeks, either one or both had non-conjoint players playing!

Its a miracle!

Who's idea was it anyway to ditch zm? Oh ho ho ho =]

Those "Magically" Filled Servers would be the result of Bananas, Chris, Peekas and myself being on almost every day.

I'd rather pay $60 for a game with an actual story than $5 for some shit platformer... Bethesda games come to mind

Sex now!

I'd rather find out the 5$ Game I bought was bad, than that 60$ Generic Shooter...  Every recent big name shooter comes to mind.

Back people love watermelons.
I've also heard, many Back people can run fast and are very good at basket ball.

Also there's a great big comparison between Indie and AAA games.
Indie games have some form of Creativity within them 99% of the time.
Whereas as AAA games like Call Of Duty, Halo, Gears Of War have little to no creativity 99% of the time.

Compared to big name releases and Indie games. I have yet to buy an Indie game that I haven't enjoyed.
Where, I've found maybe 1 or 2 big name games that actually felt like it was worth the money.

{Sniped so I don't get any Fanboys rustled}
No, and I swear to god you indie fan boys are going to make my brain explode.

It's more like 90% of indie games.... DON'T HAVE ANY CREATIVITY WHAT SO EVER. Clearly you are unaware to the vast scale of available indie games (Likely Billions). Also, good job naming off the major shit tastic rehashed AAA game over the other wise great AAA games, Of course thoes are bad. Games like the half life series, bioshock*, mass effect 1-2, Dishonored, Dota2, TF2, WoT (not indie in technical terms),  Diablo, and many many more are all GREAT, AAA Game titles. And although you may think the mass % sucks, you have to remember maybe 12 new titles come out every 6 months, where as like 4500 Indie titles come out. Good luck sifting through 90% junk (Potentially 100%) to find the good indie game in that bag of shit, Or wait for your gay ass Humble Bundle pack.

So no, FUCKING No. In no god damn way is this a good comparison, jesus shut your mouth fan boys, SHUT IT AHJDSGAJHDGHJKASD@@@@@

And yes, sure a few of the new AAA titles aren't so great and shit happens, w/e. AAA titles (good ones) take a long time to come out. The only reason you may think indie is the fucking bomb digity is because you have over a billion to choose from. And even then I think hardly any are good. So much junk. You're lost in a black hole of mental bull shit joining the hip new cool club of the
"Lets Fuck Indie games in the ass and let it fuck us, OH MY GOD I LOVE INDIE GAMES , BLOW JOB BLOW JOB BLOW JOB, I DON'T HAVE A GF LOL OL OL O LL OL FUCK ME"
So you go ahead and master bate to all the indie developers, because I'm going to (RIGHT NOW) Start making the shittest indie game ever and I'm going to let you all download it and play it. And if you so happen to like it. CG will become ....



I've yet to buy a Humble Bundle pack.
I believe a good game should be bought at full price.

AAA games: How much money people put into games.

Indie games: How much time people put in to games.

Cod is AAA and as Leet says it's just the same thing over again.

FTL: Faster Than Light is indie and I see no resemblance to other games making it amazing.

Hope this helped a little.
That's like saying

Back people like watermelon
White people like Good Food.

So, in short no. Although a lot of AAA games may be shit... so are most Indie games. In fact theirs a lot of indie games that had very little time put in them and are complete shit.

So that in no way is a fair comparison or argument other then that AAA titles get more funding.

Back people love watermelons.
I've also heard, many Back people can run fast and are very good at basket ball.

Also there's a great big comparison between Indie and AAA games.
Indie games have some form of Creativity within them 99% of the time.
Whereas as AAA games like Call Of Duty, Halo, Gears Of War have little to no creativity 99% of the time.

Compared to big name releases and Indie games. I have yet to buy an Indie game that I haven't enjoyed.
Where, I've found maybe 1 or 2 big name games that actually felt like it was worth the money.

{Sniped so I don't get any Fanboys rustled}

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: April 08, 2013, 07:05:56 PM »
You get one, and only one picture of my gross face.

A picture of me taken on a potato in my living room, after someone told me I couldn't be a Walrus.

Hi, I'm a Canadian who doesn't pay attention to the news.
Nor do I have television.

Oh look, Korea and the US are waving their dicks at each other.
My only real question is who shoots first?

I wanna say the US is the first to strike, North Korea does this stunt on a regular basis, but never on this level. There's also the chance that Han shoots first, but that's a debate nobody wants to get into.

My money's on North Korean leaders is assassinated by an American Special Forces member/group within the next 1 - 3 Months. America denies everything, Korea goes full out attempt at war. America and the rest of the world "Kindly" tell Korea to sit back down.

Though in all seriousness, something has to be done about North Korea.


What's the "AAA Game series' this post is like me going


Solved Ban Appeals / Re: snakefrog's "why was I banned?" thread
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:42:11 PM »

Would be nice to know where the ban came from in the first place. I don't want to feel like everybodies gonna look at me the same way people look at their neighboor who has a pink slip.

I'm not racist, nor do I troll like a 12yr old. I am no bad guy I swear, I can break these cuffs.
But seriously thanks. You'll never have any trouble from me. I will probably only be active on your ZM servers if anything.

That's the problem though, we don't have any possible records of where the ban came from. There are no other bans on you from anywhere else, so it doesn't look like you're a racist or a troll. If anything, given the events that took place around the estimated time of your ban. I'm willing to bet that you were one of the many people falsely banned by a really crappy admin we use to have.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: snakefrog's "why was I banned?" thread
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:33:46 PM »
I can get in Contact with Raunky at the moment, but I did look the guy up and the only ban that came up for his name or his Steam ID is the one here.

I will to bet that the ban was made by Ellie before she was removed entirely from the community.
Raunky, Arby and I rarely used long bans, especially perma-ban those were reserved purely for Racism or extreme cases of trolling.

Everything else was either a Slay, Gag, Mute, Kick or 15Minutes - 1Hour bans.
However, Ellie had a tendency to go all out with her powers. (I.E Ban for blocking her, Ban for not doing the objectives properly)

So there is a great chance that this guy fell through the cracks when we undid the damage Ellie caused.

If I have any say in this due to the age of the ban, I'd recommend he's unbanned. The guy has a clean record, it's from a time period where we no longer have the proper records and he took the time to apply for an Unban, so I'd say give it to him.

At the very worst if he's a problem you can just reban him. It's better than keeping him banned and assuming he did something wrong, when in reality he was the victim here.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: snakefrog's "why was I banned?" thread
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:23:06 PM »
It would apply to everything that runs of sourcebans.

Is there even a way to figure out who banned him? Since its an import it could be very old.

I'm trying to get a hold of Raunky at the moment. The three admins who could have banned him from ZM are Raunky, Arby, or myself.

There's also the possibility that Ellie banned him during one of her fits of bullshit.
Give me a few minutes to try and figure this out.

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Leetgrain
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:09:56 PM »
I'm back home, fucking tired, but back home :P


General Gaming Talk / Re: Favorite weapon and plasmid combo
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:53:12 AM »
Anti-entropic Field and a good condition Shotgun

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