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Introductions Forum / Re: Dinomoto drops in
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:55:09 PM »
You're almost as good as Heath Ledger, when it comes to jokes.

Haha, I'm such a bad person  lol.gif
Is it that you didn't understand it's a joke?

Because if so I blaim you.

Unless you understood from the start and just disliked it... that I can accept


Introductions Forum / Re: Dinomoto drops in
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:29:14 PM »
Welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanned.

To CG.
I wasn't banned...

I know but I thought it would be funny to say instead of "Baaaaaaaaaack"

Being right > Being funny
Being Dino < Being Anyone that isn't Dino.


Sorry I win.  trollface
Why yes, I imagine being Dino would suck, through these answers.
A) Dinosaurs are extinct
B) it's my life, get your own.
C) you dont have the guts to be me.
A) O Rly?
B) I have my own DURP thats why I won!
C) What the guy above me said.

:P smug

Nah but seriously welcome back.
If you didn't catch that I've been jokeing or something.

Introductions Forum / Re: Dinomoto drops in
« on: August 24, 2013, 03:08:20 PM »
Welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanned.

To CG.
I wasn't banned...

I know but I thought it would be funny to say instead of "Baaaaaaaaaack"

Being right > Being funny
Being Dino < Being Anyone that isn't Dino.


Sorry I win.  trollface

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: August 24, 2013, 03:07:02 PM »
I set that as my TTT spray a while ago to fuck with Blade and Unknown.

Debate Forum / Re: The "Friendzone"
« on: August 23, 2013, 04:43:31 PM »
I know how you feel, I've been stuck in the friend zone and I don't have the courage to tell them how I really feel.  :-[

Spoiler for Hidden:
-_- Get out of here troll.

Blow m... nvm. BLOW UR SELF!

Introductions Forum / Re: Dinomoto drops in
« on: August 23, 2013, 03:35:41 AM »

Rules / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town Rules
« on: August 20, 2013, 01:01:45 PM »
Update as of August 20th

Changed the wording of rule 3 under section III to:
    3. Damaging and/or destroying Health Stations

Changed the wording of rule 1 under section IV, subsection 67th way to:
    1. Damaging and/or breaking the traitor tester
Me Like. Getting closer to something I'd play on XD

Ok I'mma ask nicely, both of you take the discussion/argument over permadeath somewhere else please, I'd like to discuss THIS game not one game concept present in any roguelike.


This is shaping up to be the first actual scary game in a while, the last game that felt that tense was Amnesia, and before that the only scary games I'd EVER played (that were ACTUALLY SCARY i mean) were Silent Hill 2 & 3
The new Amnesia game comes out Sept 10th. BTW.

Trailer didn't really show me what I need to know. Looks like good visuals with a Slender overlay (they use in all the new slender games).

Looks like it could be goodish or pretty spooky. But probably not the scariest game I've ever seen.

But it did captivate my interest. At the very least. I will look forward to more info on this.

Also I should mention Per Death is stupid. And I hope it's a feature you can have on or off as it doesn't make things scary but rather annoying. If you have to restart the whole game every time you die, then it's either a short game, an easy game, or a very annoying one.

Death should be a punishment, not a minor inconvenience. Though I don't agree with having to playthrough the entire game again if you die near the end. If you fuck up and die, you should at least have to redo the "Chapter" and if you're still constantly dying, then you're either very bad at video games or you're incapable of learning.
Then that's not perma death. I didn't say I hated save points. In fact I miss them.
Although I'm not sure why you are being a masochist. I'm not sure a game has to punish you. It's up to you how you want to play a game.

Although I have nothing vs the save points / chapters you mentioned.

The player should learn not to do certain things and Death is the perfect way to teach them. If they continue to die after the first time and consequence of dying are high, then they'll quickly learn to stop doing what killed them, or try a different approach.
I didn't realize games were for punishing our selves but ok.

And trust me if you watch game play videos of people, they do the same stuff that gets them killed over and over. They are very dumb.

Trailer didn't really show me what I need to know. Looks like good visuals with a Slender overlay (they use in all the new slender games).

Looks like it could be goodish or pretty spooky. But probably not the scariest game I've ever seen.

But it did captivate my interest. At the very least. I will look forward to more info on this.

Also I should mention Per Death is stupid. And I hope it's a feature you can have on or off as it doesn't make things scary but rather annoying. If you have to restart the whole game every time you die, then it's either a short game, an easy game, or a very annoying one.

Death should be a punishment, not a minor inconvenience. Though I don't agree with having to playthrough the entire game again if you die near the end. If you fuck up and die, you should at least have to redo the "Chapter" and if you're still constantly dying, then you're either very bad at video games or you're incapable of learning.
Then that's not perma death. I didn't say I hated save points. In fact I miss them.
Although I'm not sure why you are being a masochist. I'm not sure a game has to punish you. It's up to you how you want to play a game.

Although I have nothing vs the save points / chapters you mentioned.

Trailer didn't really show me what I need to know. Looks like good visuals with a Slender overlay (they use in all the new slender games).

Looks like it could be goodish or pretty spooky. But probably not the scariest game I've ever seen.

But it did captivate my interest. At the very least. I will look forward to more info on this.

Also I should mention Per Death is stupid. And I hope it's a feature you can have on or off as it doesn't make things scary but rather annoying. If you have to restart the whole game every time you die, then it's either a short game, an easy game, or a very annoying one.

This is a roguelike.  The game elements will be randomized every time, and permadeath is how it works.  Like most roguelikes, it isn't going to be 'redoing everything you've already done' because it will be randomized as to where things are. 

Obviously you don't like roguelikes, so this is not a game for you.  Like Crawl, Nethack, Escape Velocity, FTL, Desktop Dungeons, this is a game where you play it multiple times, seeing what you can accomplish by being clever and not getting killed.

You will die.  A lot.  It's just how the genre is.  Too many games these days are easy, because you can just pick up where you died, with very little consequence (if any!) so the threat of death isn't scary.
I've never heard the term "RougeLike" and I didn't say I dislike it, but changing elements doesn't change anything when it comes to perma death.
I like randomized. So please don't assume what I like and don't.

Doesn't work for this. Artificially lengthened game.
This is called an opinion. Relax. I think it breaks and makes the game dumb. With perma death. We both stated our options no sense going any further then that. Don't bother telling me you disagree that doesn't do anything consider I know you do.

Also I should mention Per Death is stupid. And I hope it's a feature you can have on or off as it doesn't make things scary but rather annoying. If you have to restart the whole game every time you die, then it's either a short game, an easy game, or a very annoying one.

Well not in all cases, can make it tense and in some cases a lot more enjoyable, and it does add some worry/fear of dying.

I understand though that you don't want to lose all your work, but you should play a game like The Binding of Isaac, Minecraft in hardcore mode (really satisfying once you've got a great house and done a dungeon or two.)
It's not tense to know I have to redo everything I've already done. It all cases it's only annoying. That goes for all games minecraft included.

Besides that Minecraft loses it's charm after you've played it so many hours regardless. Defently not more enjoyable, if you find that enjoyable you should go outside and achieve something that actually matters. I play games for fun and entertainment not because I'm building something great.

Trailer didn't really show me what I need to know. Looks like good visuals with a Slender overlay (they use in all the new slender games).

Looks like it could be goodish or pretty spooky. But probably not the scariest game I've ever seen.

But it did captivate my interest. At the very least. I will look forward to more info on this.

Also I should mention Per Death is stupid. And I hope it's a feature you can have on or off as it doesn't make things scary but rather annoying. If you have to restart the whole game every time you die, then it's either a short game, an easy game, or a very annoying one.

Programming / Re: domain name site recommendations
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:23:43 AM »
okie dokey :) thanx for your help guys :)
I can give you a mutually beneficial coupon.

Programming / Re: domain name site recommendations
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:15:00 PM »
well i just need to make a site for my class where i can post my work and stuff (like a portfolio). he just said i need to get a domain name and a sever. ( which is why he recommended go daddy). he didnt recommend any free sites since in past Exp students have been having trouble with it. we are going to be using Dreamweaver and flash < if that's important to add) also working with css. :/
Well he didn't seem to specifiy if he wants you to have a REAL domain or not.

With godaddy a new domain will cost you 4 bucks.

Hosting is free with ads supported.

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