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Messages - HerpDerpMike

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Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:50:23 PM »
Just because he says he doesnt troll "here" doesnt mean hes not a troll.  Just sayin.

This is the only server I actually care about, I stopped trolling as I said earlier..

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:38:16 PM »
So we completely drop our standards because he doesn't do it here?
That's quite a shitty thing, especially when he's shown he does do it here (The current ban)

He's also posted a list of things he apparently enjoys doing and shows no remorse for them.
Having him in CG shows how low our standards are, when someone acts like a shithead on any server, they should be treated as such on all especially when they do it for fun.

Just because he says he says he doesn't do it here and that he "loves" our server doesn't mean it's true especially with someone like him who gets kicks out of doing it in the first place.
This ban was for rdm and leave and from what I can tell was an accident. And it doesn't show low standards, it shows we give players a clean slate, just because he's done it on other server's doesn't mean he'll do it here, and he hasn't, he's been a good player and is quite fun to play with.

And don't go around calling people idiots Herp, in all honesty, you set yourself up for a post like this.
Thought people read the forum, and sorry Tic for calling you an idiot.. I just got mad after you being mean in your first post.

I also removed the post because I realised that it made people think that I'm a bad person to the server -sorry everyone D:

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:25:30 PM »
I'm sorry, but while you guys seem to have a good history with Mike I've run into him on another server (Echo-Gaming Minecraft IIRC) one morning and he was being a complete douchebag. Throwing around racial and homophobic slurs, rdming every round, ghosting with his friend. I'm not saying up the ban, but I'm not saying remove it either.
Yes I have history of being a complete ****got and a troller.
I will admit this:
False KOS'd/Saying other people RDM'd
Trolling (Mic Spam)
Prop Kill
T-Bait (I still do it  trollface)

Conjoint Gaming is one of the few servers I like, if I do something wrong, I don't mean it.

I don't give two fucks if you think this is the best server ever.

"I RDM'd
False KOS'd/Saying other people RDM'd
Trolling (Mic Spam)
Prop Kill
T-Bait (I still do it  trollface)"

Get the fuck out, and stay out.
A player like you isn't welcome nor are you wanted.

You've just admitted to breaking several rules, stated you'll continue and acted like this is all a big joke.
It would be stupid to let someone like you back in and waste server slots. When we can have real players who actually care about the rules in the server.
As long as he doesn't do it on our server, who cares? He's a semi-reg and I haven't had trouble with him up to this point.
He just doesn't care to read the forum before he posts like an idiot.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:19:18 PM »
I'm sorry, but while you guys seem to have a good history with Mike I've run into him on another server (Echo-Gaming Minecraft IIRC) one morning and he was being a complete douchebag. Throwing around racial and homophobic slurs, rdming every round, ghosting with his friend. I'm not saying up the ban, but I'm not saying remove it either.
Yes I have history of being a complete ****got and a troller.
I will admit this:
False KOS'd/Saying other people RDM'd
Trolling (Mic Spam)
Prop Kill
T-Bait (I still do it  trollface)

Conjoint Gaming is one of the few servers I like, if I do something wrong, I don't mean it.

I don't give two fucks if you think this is the best server ever.

"I RDM'd
False KOS'd/Saying other people RDM'd
Trolling (Mic Spam)
Prop Kill
T-Bait (I still do it  trollface)"

Get the fuck out, and stay out.
A player like you isn't welcome nor are you wanted.

You've just admitted to breaking several rules, stated you'll continue and acted like this is all a big joke.
It would be stupid to let someone like you back in and waste server slots. When we can have real players who actually care about the rules in the server.
Ok 1. Read the chat - talking about another server 2. Why would I admit it then say I love the server? 3. I do care about the server, I'm very active.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:17:54 PM »
I'm sorry, but while you guys seem to have a good history with Mike I've run into him on another server (Echo-Gaming Minecraft IIRC) one morning and he was being a complete douchebag. Throwing around racial and homophobic slurs, rdming every round, ghosting with his friend. I'm not saying up the ban, but I'm not saying remove it either.

What he does on other servers is of no business to us. If he behaves well on our servers, I see no issue in letting him stay. If he is doing it with the CG tag on, it's a different story, because he is affiliating himself with us.
Actually, today I put the tag on and haven't trolled in a week - and I'm actually going to stop trolling.. :)

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 07:52:50 PM »

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:47:22 PM »
Herp's a semi-reg, I'm ok with an unban (I'm the one who banned him).
Well there we go.

You should still fill out the format though, or just give the steam ID, we need it to unban you.  I think as of now only Cortez and the CL's have access to the unban command. I didn't have it the last time I checked anyway.

Who were you banned by: Tyber

Why were you banned: RDM and Leave (sowwy o-o)

What server where you banned from: ttt

What date and/or time around were you banned: I don't know o-o?

Steam ID: I actually don't know, my bad :3

Your in game name: HerpDerpMike

^What a cool kat  smug

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063562808/

Additional comments: I am very sorry - I didn't mean to, I luv dis server ;(

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:42:58 PM »
Herp's a semi-reg, I'm ok with an unban (I'm the one who banned him).
I'm a reg, I'm on it every single minute and second of my life.

Solved Ban Appeals / HerpDerpMike's Appeal
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:12:59 PM »
Who were you banned by: Tyber

Why were you banned: RDM and Leave (sowwy o-o)

What server where you banned from: ttt

What date and/or time around were you banned: I don't know o-o?

Steam ID: I actually don't know, my bad :3

Your in game name: HerpDerpMike

^What a cool kat 

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063562808/

Additional comments: I am very sorry - I didn't mean to, I luv dis server ;(
This is what happend, I always do this - sometimes when I'm inno I kill myself and do something funny in last words
So I blew up a barrel to kill myself - and someone was behind me and they died.. Later I left to go help my friend make a Minecraft Machinima.
It was an honest mistake and I'll take a slay when I get back :)

 Thank you in Advance.

Global Moderator Comment Edited with proper info.

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