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Introductions Forum / Re: Haha Im Me ;)
« on: 20 Sep, 2011 05:46 »
I've been watching you burz. Don't take it up the butt.


Introductions Forum / Re: Haha Im Me ;)
« on: 20 Sep, 2011 03:14 »
Hmm awkward hellos much?

You're just a pervy creep aren't you.

meow, post a picture so i can photoshop it again

Lol why me? Ask waffuls or maybe even Eco for an unphotoshopped picture!

I'll pay you Corey... In gum

I supply Arbys with an arsenal of pictures

ugh Corey you're even hotter with a mask on..



Because fuck you
ugh Corey is so hot

Voice Server / Re: To many!
« on: 07 Sep, 2011 03:48 »
Maybe we should just switch to mumble and have a 100 slot server which is cheaper......
Jokes.. That'll never happen although it's quality is great and we can see who's in the channel when in-game.  :-\

Voice Server / Re: To many!
« on: 06 Sep, 2011 21:05 »
Just keep the channels the way they are just don't make anymore for LoL cause next thing you know.. Randoms are gonna come in and just use our vent for LoL

Voice Server / Re: To many!
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 22:11 »

CG is a gaming community. An Open Gaming Community.

AS for LoL - it is a game.  It is a game CG members play.  It is a game which seems to have a need for Ventrilo.
AS Vent is not full, and the LoL people populate the Vent, but do not take up too much of the vent slots, what then is the deal?

Is it a recruitment tool? This is unclear. 

But, hey, as a side note, this is no big deal.

I've been playing LoL since October and in vents/communities that have LoL, that's basically the only thing that people play. This won't be a recruitment tool nor will it boost the server population. Here, I'll show you what the other vents look like..

All of them are playing  LoL.. they just don't have seperate match channels.

Those two pictures are only one vent and that's not even scrolled down to the bottom. There are 50 channels for just LoL matches. The other games all the way down at the bottom are hardly ever populated.

Due to seeing all these communities/vents go down.. I honestly don't think CG should even consider "recruiting" people from LoL.

Voice Server / Re: To many!
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 04:30 »
no cause all they'll be doing is playing league of legends and taking space.

Thats actually very true. It's better not to make a public vent just for league cause I've already dealt with situations like this for other vents/communities. Itd only be a good idea if all the games we had were mmorpgs/rts's. And plus cg would have to put out more money for more slots because on most of the other vents I have where people play LoL, that's usually all they ever play and theres always at least 15-20 people in there.

Voice Server / Re: To many!
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 02:34 »
Vent channels don't take up slots..
And we DO need them, seeing as we are using them.

There's no point in making a thread about this...

Yeah.. We need them because sometimes different groups of people are playing in a different match and it gets frustrating if we're all in the same channel. Unneeded thread IMO.

Does this mean that you guys are going to distort more of my pictures...?

sadface ):

so which one are you meow?

the one to the left or right?

I really can't tell by your voice xD

Obv the cat on the left...
what cat?

The kitten... duh

Oh and

DUDE!! I got that same shirt from warped tour!  Where'd you get it?

EDIT: cept mines black with white letters

lol the guy gave me discout cause i was dressed pretty hipster that day... you went to carson huh.. i went to sd instead :)
did you mosh?

I <3 you

This is my idol.. I worship you Master Corey..

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