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Messages - Sammy

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Zombie Master / Something for you budding ZM'ers
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:27:24 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH7eUlri4yM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH7eUlri4yM</a>

62.00. Sound Familiar?

Btw there are 3 of these video's, chiptunes a blast for gaming music. I listen to it whilst playing League. :)

The Art Forum / Re: Favorite Game Tracks?
« on: July 10, 2013, 06:17:21 PM »
#Invalid YouTube Link#  is totally my favorite song from any Final Fantasy ;D   :P


#Invalid YouTube Link#

Dont worry I fixed it xD

#Invalid YouTube Link#

-facepalm... (unless its just me who keeps seeing 'invalid youpube link')

Gustav, sorry man but I asked Crow DIRECTLY what was going on several months ago. He named who the cl's were planning to have take over and then I just left it at that. This was AFTER I persistently asked Inject which got me ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE.

Sorry but, if we don't complain in this fashion NOTHING will be done about it.

You clearly have little/no idea what the Zm admins have been through, and you claiming me, nor Otter have any idea what it means to be HA is just a joke. Hell im sure all of the admins know what it entrails, I can definitely say that for Chris.


Been a day and a half, haven't heard a thing.

Got a hunch they either noticed and are trying to do something before saying anything... or they know but are intentionally ignoring... There's not a chance in hell they didn't notice the 4 posts. Just keep the thread alive and keep bumping... eventually something will happen.

(My guess is they will lock them)

Casual post to put this back on the main page...

Solved Applications / Re: (=CG=)Scooby TTT admin app
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:18:43 AM »
Wow 93 posts? Probably the highest ever post count before someones applied for admin.

Just for that I +1 you sir. You're clearly active, and you didn't just immediately apply after 20 posts.


It's like his 3rd time applying? XD

Curses foiled again... wait why was he denied the first two times? I'm assuming with all the +1's that problem was resolved?

When TicTac says 'over a month' its actually been 8 or so months... For me anyhow.

Solved Applications / Re: (=CG=)Scooby TTT admin app
« on: July 09, 2013, 06:37:26 AM »
Wow 93 posts? Probably the highest ever post count before someones applied for admin.

Just for that I +1 you sir. You're clearly active, and you didn't just immediately apply after 20 posts.


I'll do it on this one as well... Yeah I got sick of waiting so I asked for a transfer. It sometimes gets me asking what the higher ups have in mind for ZM.. whether they are actually just going to ditch it or something.... I cant see why its taken now 8-9 months to find a suitable replacement for Arbys.

I already moved to ZPS because of this. Although I still play and use admin occasionally on ZM ... I got sick of waiting for the stuff to be done.

Help Section / Re: Zombie Master
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:05:58 AM »
Yeah old mods are usually really iffy with steam. Either use the link or google 'Zombie Master 1.2.1 Download'.


Introductions Forum / Re: Er... Hi? :3
« on: July 02, 2013, 06:01:30 PM »
Welcome to the forums. I hope you realize what you just did by signing up to this madhouse.

General Gaming Talk / Re: A tale of two games
« on: June 15, 2013, 12:23:54 PM »
I heard that Stronghold 3 was pants. To be fair so was 2... nothing good from them since Crusader.

General Gaming Talk / Re: League Patch 3.8
« on: June 11, 2013, 08:03:15 AM »
Nerf to khazix seems fair, nerf to hecs ulti for e buff, meh. Not needed. Jungle changes, spawn times good, lantern, meh. Dorans stuff plus boots change is good.Don't really use teemo or morgana so don't care about wits end.

Don't really use teemo or morgana so don't care about wits end.

Don't really use teemo or morgana so don't care about wits end.

What is wrong with you and why are you building that on Morgana.

I have no clue why I put morgana or even where that train of thought was going. Not sure who I meant to put there, but lol not morgana.

You meant irelia most likely, the only other champ that really needs wits end.

Side Note: 500th Post! :)

General Gaming Talk / Re: League Patch 3.8
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:53:20 AM »
forever in elohell :( silver 1
but i wonder who's playing league

Gold 5 Aint much better man, been gold gold 4 three times now, bad teams knocking me back into this hell. Sammehd for any adders.

It's in russian btw cause that was the first language I found it for, the english version is now posted, just when I posted this russia was the only available video.

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