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Messages - Old Crow

Ban Appeal / Re: Guess the banhammer chose me today...
« on: 25 Nov, 2013 02:06 »
Steam ID is clean so far as I can see.

GarrysMod / Re: Concerning the TTT server
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 17:34 »
Or we could simplifly the rules.

So on one of the best TTT servers, the rules bascially boil down to about ten lines of text. KISS (Keep it simple stupid)

That, combined with giving admins more leeaway with how they interpet the rules, or how they inforce them, would be better.

Daf faq is this shit? I don't get this at all ho.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 12:47 »
Mmm I think Sq would be fine as HA too be honest... I love Minecraft that's true and I like to help people on it, that's also true... But being a HA on it? I don't have enough experience with minecraft servers in general whereas Sq has a ton. I'm also not the most active person on it =P Leninade, Live Bait, Burgers, an too be honest probably Sq are all more active on it than I am =\. Any one of them would be much better candidates for HA on any future Minecraft server we have than I would be. I think the only thing Sq has to really do to be contacted more easily would be to turn on his steam more often and maybe give a few people his cell phone number =P.
^my two cents.

Why not hold a HA nomination for Sq for any future MC servers?

Because we had an HA for the Minecraft server that was never on, was never on the forums and never updated the server.....and therefor after two weeks the server died.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 00:40 »
If that's the case Pillz he would really need to make sure we could reach him and that he could run it. No sense in giving somebody an "HA in name only" because from what I've seen, its hard to get a hold of him (anybody remember the animal spawn spam? How about the horses "dying") Again Sqt is a great guy, but when it comes to MC, things need to be sorted ASAP.

IMO Red might make a better candidate for that :P

And again, I think HA's should only be pulled from the Vet pool, unless you guys make a rule change.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 23 Nov, 2013 15:50 »
I was thinking if we did get an official CG server maybe we could have Sqtg run it, but I feel if we put it on the serverbox it'll only be a smidgen better than Sqtg's spare computer.

When he get's bukkit and everything back on the current server it should be back to normal though. When we have the funds and resources we can look to purchasing upgrades and have Sqtg run as HA with a HA/a or two for when he's busy.

Until then, we can move the board; just waiting on a fancy banner.

Wait, why would Sqt be an HA? That would kinda be unfair to the process of pulling from the pool of Vet admins we have and while Sqt is a cool guy, I know he has much better things to do then run the server (we already have enough inactive HA's right now :/ )

GarrysMod / Re: Concerning the TTT server
« on: 23 Nov, 2013 14:55 »
A lot of the regulars stopped playing TTT. I don't have an exact reason why, but it's a fact. That's why I stopped playing - when most of my friends are gone, I have no incentive to play anymore. This is probably true for a bunch of others who used to play TTT.
Now, pretty much the only times I see the server semi-populated is when a couple of CG members (2 or 3) get on just to mess around, along with a few randoms. It's not really fun anymore.
We need new regulars, who will actually be loyal to the server, and join the community; maybe invite some of their friends to hop on as well. It should be more like Hidden, which is welcoming new forum members almost every week. I think adding some kind of donating perk system would help attract more players to make this happen.
So yeh, that's my rant for the day.

I think some people left too because the rules have become too restricting. We need to relax them to the point where the game is fun again (which its not right now because it feels like its role playing more then having fun) but keep them at a point where other people can't ruin the fun of others. I say we give the admins more leeway around a looser set of rules and give people more chances to improve instead of clamping down on them right away.

Also there may need to be some more powerful weapons, to give Traitors incentive to start shooting up the place, or at least some tweaking. I've seen far too many rounds take to long because a T knows he cannot outgun the innos, so he tries to pick them off. While that works fine for the beginning of the game or with some T buddies, once there is one T left, and he knows he will lose, he usually delays the round. Maybe even the Jihad should come back.

Lastly, we need more custom stuff as a draw and for the love of god, a new voting plugin. I've seen some that are awesome and make ours look like a joke.


Friend got a shot of me while playing magic at work without me knowing it.


Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 23 Nov, 2013 14:49 »
I suppose you guys are right. The stats alone speak the truth. I reverse my previous position, lets make it a full board. That being said, I think it would be cool to get a Minecraft server again at some point, if we can keep the population up. I haven't been playing lately because sometimes the lag is horrible, and Sqt, we need to be able to get ahold of you better man when the server is down.

Minecraft / Re: MC Screenshots!
« on: 22 Nov, 2013 21:06 »
I'm on board. Count me in, I'll be playing come Saturday night!

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Finniespin still TF2 MOD.
« on: 22 Nov, 2013 10:18 »
What? Yahtzee isn't CL fool.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 21 Nov, 2013 23:28 »
Granted, but the only place you can have all of it is in space

I wish my free HBO came with Game of Thrones on demand >.<

Pillz deleted that bitch!

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Doge will save us
« on: 21 Nov, 2013 23:21 »

Much rorh

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