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Messages - Kwaurtz

Debate Forum / Re: Warfare
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 23:16 »
Human nature is war. The biggest of pushes of our technology have been in times of war. Canning of food and learning how to preserve it and keep it safe longer? War. Some of our biggest advances in Medicine? War.

Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.

Did you try contacting them other ways? Did you try to come on to team speak?

CG has a rule against rage quitters, which most of the ZM community seems to disregard, especially in this situation.

Sometimes you gotta cause some drama to trigger a change.

I don't understand what change everyone wants to be privvy about. The fact that in about three months we are going to run over budget? The fact that the CL's have things they wish not to discuss with everyone else becuase of their private lives or to prevent even more drama from being started? Honestly, CG is about as 'open' as any other clan. Sure, anyone can play on our servers and wear our tag, but the core groups of people who make up the forums are a few non admins, and the majority are admins. CG might as well call itself a clan versus a community.

I voted Android because I DO visit the cg site on my phone, and it is miserable trying to use it on my phone.

Why can a CL break forum rules without intervention?

Why is it fine for a CL to yell at others via steam chat about video games, while others can't yell back at the CL for an actual concern?

Why is access for most CLs lower than one of them?

Because the term CL is an outdated one. As Old Crow and I have talked about before, using a unified term like CL does no justice, because the CL's don't do the same job as one another. Each has a unique task they take care of and that is how it has always been. Sure, the CL's have had access to things, but they were never balanced in what they could do. I honestly think your entire approach to this was childish and over-reacting. Its just like when a kid doesn't get their way 'I DONT LIKE THIS I QUIT'. Can you also provide points to where the CL's have broken the forums rules? CG has a rule against rage quitters, which most of the ZM community seems to disregard, especially in this situation.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 05:19 »
All I have to say is that having been there and back, the CL's deal with a lot of stuff, and its not as simple as bringing on a new CL. When I got put into that spot, I had to learn what every server did as far as backend, that each game server will be set up differently, and dealing with the different admin mods etc can cause a headache with how they react to the server. Not only that but the CL's are not meant to be there for dealing with every small issue. CG has a line of command, and interrupting that line and going straight to the CL's doesn't always bring the best.

As someone who works with technology now, you have to follow the proper chain of command. Failure to do so can lead to things being overlooked, stepping on peoples toe's creating resentment, etc. If its a server issue, I'd approach the proper HA for the server. If its something they can't help you, move to the next person. Considering that theres been a few hiccups lately mitigated to a single server, I can say for once I have full faith in the CL's and how they are running this, and have no interest in what truly goes on in the background.

May I also say that CL's owe you as much information as they want to give. CG while it is a friendly community, is not your job, it is not your income, and is a community in the sake that it is a bunch of servers held under the same banner. You cannot go from one CG server to the next and expect the same player base, reactions to things said, etc. Thats what makes CG, is that it is an eclectic group of personalities, that arent forced together.

You also have to accept the fact that they are humans, and have lives outside of CG. As you can see Inject has been very much keeping you up to date with what hes doing.

And like Tower said, don't just send a pm to the CL's, that won't get anything done. We have multiple ways of contacting them, if all you do is send a pm then obviously it isn't a big deal because you aren't doing your best to reach them as fast as possible, so why should they respond to your item as fast as possible?

All in all, what I'm saying is don't critique them on something that half of the people in this thread have never had to deal with. Chris, Pillz, and Tower being the exceptions to this statement. In short, the CL's owe you nothing except for the solace that the servers are up, and everything is being taken care of.

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 16:42 »
GTAV is coming to PC, at the launch of GTA online, which isn't available for console launch.

Gotta love SMU. It's a party school, which means it's full of assholes, stupid assholes. Also it's encouraging rape, which is probably the worst type of hazing.

Hazing is illegal in the US.

Never knew that. Unfortunately, this is a Canadian college.

Also it's a university, you have it in the title and everything XD

In America College and university are pretty interchangeable.

GarrysMod / Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
« on: 04 Sep, 2013 23:54 »
Most of the time, they simply say "unknown gave me the knife" followed by a server side KOS on me. They don't lie about where they got the T weapon.

It still is ghosting and ruining the potential round for the rest of your t-buddies. They are gimped because of you.

I see no correlation between ghosting and ruining a T victory. I'm playing TTT my own way. I'm not using another form of communication. I do not know what the rules are for quoting something out of admin office but, it is on topic.

Since when is that considered ghosting? Its not using an external source to your advantage, which is what ghosting is, it is trolling and intentionally causing a fellow traitor to die without evidence, leading it to be rdm.

Thats for a different context and is for calling out other T's as the T, which is different. I'm not saying what you are doing is punishable, but you are gimping the T's by shortening their numbers.

GarrysMod / Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
« on: 04 Sep, 2013 23:45 »
Most of the time, they simply say "unknown gave me the knife" followed by a server side KOS on me. They don't lie about where they got the T weapon.

It still is ghosting and ruining the potential round for the rest of your t-buddies. They are gimped because of you.

Hazing is illegal in the US.

Ban Appeal / Re: Bigsister ttt ban appeal
« on: 04 Sep, 2013 18:09 »
So Wooley enlightened me in his last post with the fact that people downloading the map will still appear in the status as "spawning", a fact that I bunch of people probably didn't know such as I.

Mystery solved, I looked at the video and apparently Bigsister was in fact downloading the map after three rounds.

The power of technology has saved us all!

Btw Big you should add me on steam bc when I went to check to see if you were still on Gmod I couldn't since your acct is private.

What video?

Ban Appeal / Re: Bigsister ttt ban appeal
« on: 04 Sep, 2013 15:36 »
Christmastown isn't even a big map. And even three rounds? I highly doubt that. Not only that, but the ban took place at one AM. Your screenshots indicate that its 9pm in your steam menu. Meaning you just fabricated those screenshots earlier today. Why would you be taking screenshots during your download of the map anyways?

Well it says that you were in the server or on GMOD at the time of this, so do you remember it happening? Also if bigsister uploaded these at the time of his ban, a link to the actual steam screenshot would be sufficient.

I work during the times the screenshots would have been taken except for last night which was my day off.

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