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Messages - Inject OH 4

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I'm wondering if they know it's supposed to be "Dancing with Molly" instead of Miley.
It could be either how would you know?

Miley can't sing so it's hard to tell what she says but if she sung it her version might be Miley. I don't have the leryics.

Either way better then hers.

Me and my girlfriend had a heated argument which resulted in googling. I didn't think it was Molly but there was an interview with Miley Cyrus where she admits calling it Molly. Which wasn't a surprise after learning she says "All the people in line for the bathroom, trying to get a line in the bathroom, we're so turnt up gosh we're so turnt up" referencing cocaine.

In the interview she's like "No I say Molly, but the producers didn't like it and keep trying to censor my song on the radio-" blah blah. At some points in the song its more clear but like Miley said you can hear it how you want to hear it.

She says she's "grown up" now and people are going to have to get used to it.

Yeah.. we'll get used to it by ignoring her maybe.
Well that's evidence enough.

And 100% on your last line.

I'm wondering if they know it's supposed to be "Dancing with Molly" instead of Miley.
It could be either how would you know?

Miley can't sing so it's hard to tell what she says but if she sung it her version might be Miley. I don't have the leryics.

Either way better then hers.

GarrysMod / Re: TTT Crashes saved my life.
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:48:19 AM »
"Life knows two miseries; getting what you don't want and not getting what you want." -Max Payne

Yus. An unnecessary quote for this picture.
Fuck yeah, Max Payne's a bad ass.

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:59:24 AM »
I forget if this was asked (I think it was, more-or-less, but not as blunt)

How long does it take to approve the Global Moderator applications?

If this is 'out-of-the-norm', then what is holding back the GM apps from being denied/accepted?
I haven't heard from a single CL other then old crow. So assuming that stands true today, then I suppose we will just handle it our self's.

Can we look into making this some kind of rule? It seems that with some things, the problem is the CLs communicating and agreeing which takes forever. Why cant it be if theirs something important at hand, a CL messages the others and proposes their idea. If no one or only some of the CLs respond in 3-5 days, those handle it themselves, to avoid long waits.
That's usually not the issue.

It's usually just disagreements or other issues. Either way All CL's should have a say.

Anyways on the next CL meeting we can all chat up the storm.

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:14:54 AM »
I forget if this was asked (I think it was, more-or-less, but not as blunt)

How long does it take to approve the Global Moderator applications?

If this is 'out-of-the-norm', then what is holding back the GM apps from being denied/accepted?
I haven't heard from a single CL other then old crow. So assuming that stands true today, then I suppose we will just handle it our self's.

Admin Applications / Re: Transfer Request from TTT to ZM
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:57:59 PM »

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 08, 2013, 12:36:29 AM »
Um, who is "Guvna"?  I've never heard of such a person in CG.
I believe he was talking about this Guvnuh.

Well what does that guy have to do with any of what happened?  I've never seen this person in my life @_@

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 07, 2013, 10:44:10 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.

Well in this situation all candidates for HA have had experience with FTP and whatnot before. Death was SKG's HA for ZM after the fall of Tictac, and Chris ran SKG while I'm sure Otter and whoever else has had experience also.

The community wouldn't vote someone in who has no idea what they're doing, while I'm sure it could happen; but the communities say should matter more. In the end we all got to vote on it which was good, but it it should not of taken so long. There's no getting around how ridiculously long it took, people were decently calm about it at first, but as nothing happened for weeks than months people became very irate about it. Everyone was probably PMing Inject pissy messages which isn't how to get things done but if it was "my" server I would of been just as mad.

I don't think the community should hold all the power but if everyone's QQing because there's no head admin, it shouldn't be a 5 month venture to obtain one. That's some shit I expect from congress, or the people who fix roads; but not CG where accomplishing that takes a few clicks and conversations.

I don't know. I've always felt like CG operates weird and never really understand why. I can't really explain it all because I don't really know all the issues; but I feel like most everything is up to Inject and I just don't feel like he should make all the calls. I believe he knows what he's doing, but with his busy schedule I really think he needs more help. I just want to see him willing to make that happen really. I know it's hard and complicated to run things but it's not impossible to pass that knowledge on.

Idunno; I'm spent on the subject. *poof*
I don't know where the poll thread is but I'm pretty sure death wasn't the hardest pushed.

If you can find the thread toss it up here.
And everything being up to me is false. I didn't chose the ZM HA pick.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.
The community's say matters to an extent, but yeah I know what you mean. And you are right. It's the same reason electoral collages exist.

Even company's know (most of them, minus the ones who go out of business) that customers and consumers don't actually know what they want! They believe they want something but when the product or service is a reality they realize it's not something they really needed or wanted in the first place.

Same goes for TV. You might scream at it saying NO DON'T RUN IN THAT HOME ALONE THAT'S DUMB... but if she doesn't do it and the movie has no plot you become quite unhappy. Humans often think they know what is right for them, but sometimes they don't. And thats why they elected people to make choices for them. Humans sway the world the direction they want and from there it's up to the higher ups.

Of course CG Isn't a government and it shouldn't be compared to one. However, the fact is you don't know what you want or need all of the time.
And sometimes the things you want wont work out, We are the CL's if no CL's can get along with a HA you want then having them as an HA is going to be very difficult if not impossible (not saying that's the case here, as me and Chris are getting along alright, this is just an example).

We have to think of things steps ahead of you guys. You don't understand some of the work CL/Management does.  And what you call secerates is essentially the password to my steam account. I'm sorry I can't tell you everything.

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:44:30 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:54:33 PM »
All I want to know is why with teh ZM HA situation, Old Crow and Cadaver got nowhere talking to Inject, but as soon as Towersheep said something to Inject, he put up the HA nomination thread like 15 minutes later.

So where is the disconnect with communication here?  Do we need a better way for the CLs to communicate with each other so messages don't get lost and things don't get missed?
It had nothing to do with Tower. It was Guvna, he was respectful and keep on about the situation.

Help Section / Re: Invalid sample rate with custom sounds?
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:39:56 AM »
Audicity should be able to fix that.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:34:54 AM »
I am so fed up with the secretive way things are done around here, its just like politics sometimes!

I also don't think we should be required to go anywhere but the forums to talk to CLs, every time I ask why PMs seldom get responses I get told "Message them on steam or Vent (or TS) you'll never hear back from a PM."

Well why not?  If they're a community leader, why aren't they on the COMMUNITY FORUMS?  It's just as easy as replying to an email, even if the response is "I got your message but I don't have time to deal with it"

Nothing secret is going on I'm not sure what you are referring to.
I Respond to PMs, and visit the forum every day.

ON topic to the OP of this thread:
You all need to relax, this isn't really the place for the initial incident, you should have PMed someone.

Also Maybe?: http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?topic=10158.0
I know you reapplied at http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?topic=10593.0
Probably was glanced over as an error. That or have you been on the forum in a year?

General Discussions / Re: Mobile Device Question - Very Important - CG .mobi
« on: September 07, 2013, 04:25:31 AM »
Do any of the tablets really need a mobile version? The site works just fine as it is on my nexus 7 and my moms iPad.
Depends on the user for that Abka. If you don't feel so that's fine that will probably be my next question. Lots of research needs to be done first.

These are the current prototypes of Mobile Designs in mind:

Type 2 is more functional. What do you want more functionality or looks?

General Discussions / Re: Mobile Device Question - Very Important - CG .mobi
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:44:59 PM »
I use mostly my android but it's so god damn hard to access the forums with it. (shitty el cheapo phone) but i do use my ipod for most website browsing matters.
Alright sweet. +1 for iOS then :P

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:38:34 PM »
Not surprizing. With the new consoles of this gen we should see A LOT of very good ports to PC. Since they now use the same architecture.

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