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Messages - HerpDerpMike

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21
Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse: Nexus
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:56:07 PM »
This is not admin abuse because no admin powers will used. It is however up for debate of whether or not this is RDM. Personally I don't think so because the player he was following didn't have to initiate the conflict.
It may not be admin abuse, but an admin not following the rules and rejecting the slay is bad. :/
Nexus was shot at (or T baited) and he shot back. You say this in your first post. Where is the problem?
The player gave nexus a warning shot and Nexus killed him for it. That's the problem..

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:47:44 PM »
my god Herp do you like playing at a 800X600 resolution?? lol
I'm playing at my normal res.. 1600x1200, not 800x600 XD

Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse: Nexus
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:45:59 PM »
This is not admin abuse because no admin powers will used. It is however up for debate of whether or not this is RDM. Personally I don't think so because the player he was following didn't have to initiate the conflict.
It may not be admin abuse, but an admin not following the rules and rejecting the slay is bad. :/

Admin Abuse / Admin Abuse: Nexus
« on: March 25, 2013, 06:12:11 PM »
Name of player reporting abuse: HerpDerpMike

Steam ID, to facilitate unban if applicable:

Server: ttt

Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Nexus

In which server did the abuse occur?: TTT

What occurred, what did the abuse consist of: RDM

What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): About 3:00

Please link any evidence (videos, screen shots, etc.): Sorry, just witnessed it.

Additional comments: I'm not the one who got RDM'd but I witnessed enough to report it. Why am I reporting it? The player did not want to get involved with drama and I felt this was very bad on Nexus's defence. Nexus was given 3 warnings by the player because nexus was stalking him for traitor acts. The player gave him 3 warnings then shot at Nexus, then Nexus killed him (Not allowed too).Nexus rejected the RDM and the player offered him to slay himself, he said no.  Btw, Other players witnessed it too.

If needed, I will mention the player

Edit: Edited spelling and grammar mistakes.

The Art Forum / Re: Songs you listen to!
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:58:40 PM »
Sorry if some of you don't like the style of music I listen too XD<3
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNudfQuu9qI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNudfQuu9qI</a>

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:42:15 PM »

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Billy Ruben's Application.
« on: March 22, 2013, 11:50:27 PM »

Very active, chill and collected, and never had a problem before.
Congrats, you were the first person that I have recommended for admin.

Give him the job or the parrot Gods will destroy you.
Everything he said just with a  discofrog

The Art Forum / Re: Post your desktop thread
« on: March 20, 2013, 05:59:33 PM »
Here XD

Global Moderator Comment Forum Rules:
Code: [Select]
25)  No Double, Triple (more then one post of the same user in a row) Posting.
I don't enjoy being ignored.
I warned you repeatedly to avoid double posting. Once in this thread, the second time in the Shoutbox, immediately after your shout concerning the status of this thread. If you cannot be bothered with forum rules, then I won't be bothered with leniency. You are now formally warned, with an upped warning status on the forums.
This is the THIRD time I edit your posts to merge them into one, there won't be a fourth.

This is what I don't understand.

If the intention was that you had to leave right away, and was going to screw around before you left, why:

1)Did you buy a teleporter to use
2)use it twice
3)leave right after only those uses

It would have just been much safer to kill yourself in game, or buy the teleporter and give it to an inno, etc. Why do something that could cause RDM (even though you said you never knew how to tele frag), then leave right after?

See where I'm coming from? It doesn't make sense considering the time frame between the telefrags. If you had killed both in one shot that would make sense, but teleporting, seeing somebody check a body out, teleport next to them, notice that there are now two dead bodies should raise some red flags.

Oh and Cortez, check the time in the round. I think it was almost 3 minutes into the round if I remember when we checked them. If so, seems odd to play for that amount of time knowing that you have to leave soon, instead of screwing around within the first couple seconds then leaving.
I had to go in the middle of the round, I didnt do anything since. I bought the tele. I'm a retard and I do stupid things, that's why I didn't just leave. I could understand why you think this was intentional, but I swear.. I would never mean to do it :/.

Its like a unspoken rule of TTT, where if the other guy didn't agree to be telefragged then its rdm.

If we keep adding rules and regulations to the motd, then its going to start being the bible, and intimidate new players.

If it isn't written, and it isn't enforced, it as if the rule didn't exist then. You can't have unspoken rules, because situations like this happen.

It would fall under RDM as that is what is happening, especially if it was intentional.

Honestly this looks like RDM
The ten second gap as I said is a major factor. Are there any logs that would show how many times he teleported?

In my mind it looks like he Tele killed the first guy and waited for the next person to check the body then tele killed him. He can say he didn't hear the person die, but I find it hard to believe that he

1) Didn't see the bodies of either people he killed
2) Had to leave IMMEDIATELY after he kills two people
I was about to leave. I was looking in one direction. I had no thought of even killing anyone in the game. I just derped before I left..

If someone could please get logs on how many times I tele'd it would be great. That would be proof that I was just tele'ing over and over again.
I'd say that someone went to get look at the body then I killed him too.. Honest mistake D:

It is kinda wrong to punish someone for a mechanic that we have no rules about. Its not listed anywhere, and shit I never even heard about it till just now.
I never heard about it either D:

Honestly this looks like RDM.
He didn't kill them both at the same time, there's a ten second gap meaning he killed the first guy moved away and did it again.

I'd consider this maybe being an accident if he had killed both at the same time.
But the ten second gap is what makes this so sketchy.

You're honestly trying to tell us that after the first person you killed. You some how completely missed their body at your feet and their death cry?

The whole leaving immediately afterwards makes this seem even more like you did it purposefully.
I have turtle beaches, I don't know about you but when you're about to leave you dont keep them on. The Tele doesnt let you tele in the same spot if you're standing on the marked spot. It tele's you a good 3 feet away and then I tele'd to the second guy. As I said I didn't know it would kill anyone that's why I was confused on why I was banned.

Global Moderator Comment Do not double post.

Well according to the logs Wellrgr did say that you were going to get banned but Herp never said anything before leaving. He telefragged two people within a minute of eachother though which is seems pretty intentional.
I wasn't even watching the people, I was focused on leaving and I started derping before I did.. I didn't even know there was such a thing as telefragging..


DERPd yourself right into that ban.

Um, what...

By derping I meant spamming the right click (tele'ing) as I said earlier..

Well according to the logs Wellrgr did say that you were going to get banned but Herp never said anything before leaving. He telefragged two people within a minute of eachother though which is seems pretty intentional.
I wasn't even watching the people, I was focused on leaving and I started derping before I did.. I didn't even know there was such a thing as telefragging..

You killed them in different times, it is in the picture that mystery posted. You teleported from different places and then jumped/left. I am just stating what i saw, i have nothing more to say.
I never remembered typing "NOPE" in game before I left. and I still don't remember anyone telling me I was going to get banned.

Yep. HerpDerp is a Derp, after steam message exchanges he messed up on map names. Fail, we will laugh in your face.
:c i sowwy 4 not knowing map names.  :-[

Herp you have played canyon with us. Could someone double check the logs of this, the map and what he said.

If what Well says is true, I would say Herp wait the whole week. Bad Boi Herp.
Send me a pic of Caynon

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