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Messages - Doc. Mentalist S.

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Team Fortress 2 / Re: TF2 Trading Thread
« on: 25 Sep, 2011 15:44 »
Need more people trading/asking for requests

The Art Forum / Re: Best Movies Evar.
« on: 25 Sep, 2011 15:33 »

Yeah i'm a ginger. woot woot

11:02 PM - Patty <3: Ok... I have a picture of me on CG.
11:03 PM - Doc. Mentalist: do you actually?
11:03 PM - Patty <3: Yeah haha
11:03 PM - Doc. Mentalist: is that you actually?
11:03 PM - Patty <3: Yeah.
11:03 PM - Patty <3: Actually.
11:03 PM - Patty <3: Yeah.
11:03 PM - Doc. Mentalist: you look soo happy
11:03 PM - Patty <3: Last day of school
11:04 PM - Patty <3: :]
11:04 PM - Doc. Mentalist: nice
11:04 PM - Patty <3: There was a person nevt to me, but i'm more beautiful
11:04 PM - Patty <3: next*
11:04 PM - Doc. Mentalist: lol

Team Fortress 2 / Re: TF2 Trading Thread
« on: 16 Sep, 2011 22:50 »
Got alot of stuff within a month and a half so heres some stuff
backpack is:
Steam page:

Trading Weapon on Page 1

Vintage Hats/Miscs
  • Baseball Bill's Sport Shine (hatless scout)
  • Magistrate's Mullet
  • Bonk Helm
  • Mining Hat

Non-painted, Non-vintage Hats/Miscs
  • (2)Killer's Kabuto
  • Whiskered Gentleman
  • (2)Respectless Rubber Glove
  • Frenchman's Beret
  • (2)Fancy Fedora
  • Brigade Helm
  • Private Eye
  • Tam O' Shanter
  • Otolaryngologist's mirror
  • Tippler's Tricorne
  • Sergeant's Drill Hat
  • Rimmed Raincatcher   
  • Profesional's Panama
  • Triboniophorus Tyrannus (Brainslug)
  • industrial Festivizer
  • Vintage Tyrolean
  • Doctor's Sack
  • Heavy Duty Rag
  • (2)Safe'N'Sound
  • Defiant Spartan
  • Tyrant's Helm
  • (2)Dr's. Dapper Topper
  • Furious Fukaamigasa
  • Big Chief
  • Honcho's Headgear
  • Trophy Belt
  • Tough Guy's Toque
  • Hottie's Hoodie

  • (1)Noble Violet
  • (1)Zephiah's Greed
  • (2)No. 216-190-216
  • (2)MuskelMannBraun
  • (1)Mann Co. Orange
  • (3)Peculiar Drab Tincture
  • (1)A color similar to slate
  • (1)Dark Salmon Injustice
  • (1)The Color of A Gentlemann's Business Pants

  • (23)Genuine Noisemaker - Koto

Looking for/ Want to "buy"
  • Crate Series 1
  • Other paints
  • Reggaelator


Solved Applications / Re: Sejo's AoC Admin App
« on: 21 Aug, 2011 21:28 »
There are no head admins for AoC, at least im not aware of one. But you should go for that positioning.
My opinion wont matter since im resigning but, Sejo would greatly benefit your server and so, he has my vote

Solved Ban Requests / Re: [BOSS] Mr.President
« on: 16 Aug, 2011 05:43 »
sad to see them rdming on our servers not very good for their image

Funny that you said that. I've seen and even heard that some of CG's OWN admin(S) grief servers outside of CG's domain.

EDIT: Its just the one person that did the rdm'ing.

Debate Forum / Re: England Riots
« on: 09 Aug, 2011 23:28 »
Way to misuse the term "retarded". If you're going to debate, use terminologies that are more politically correct and acceptable.
However to the topic, it does sound ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as the Vancouver Stanley Cup riot.
How is it not as ridiculous?
It's a riot the thing that uprises usually is why people are rioting. They riot cause they want to. They find something to use as a match and light the fire.

Vancouver riot was a riot about How a home team losing the Stanley Cup. They go out and torch some cars, broke some glass OK, drunk fans(idiots).

Now "England Riots" a riot about Social injustice? Has more meaning and sense than the Vancouver riot.

Therefore, The General riot itself is not so ridiculous.
You must have thought that i was referring to the riot branching off to different areas and being a 3 day, on going thing.

Debate Forum / Re: England Riots
« on: 09 Aug, 2011 19:00 »
Way to misuse the term "retarded". If you're going to debate, use terminologies that are more politically correct and acceptable.
However to the topic, it does sound ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as the Vancouver Stanley Cup riot.

HAH man... i remembered tf2 back in the day... back in 2007. ALOT of changes yea. TF2 will never be the same...

The Art Forum / Re: Post your fav kick ass songs
« on: 05 Aug, 2011 03:38 »
Le Castle Vania - Awake
StereoHeroes - Wild Child (Le Castle Vania Remix)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Solved Applications / Re: Sejo Mino's Admin App
« on: 26 Jul, 2011 03:10 »
@ Sejo, if i had HA i would add you, but just a heads up since you missed a bit.
Wholegrain's... lets just say hes in charge with whats up with ZPS. Including admin applications.

What server are you applying for: zpo_biotec

In game name: Coadventure

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID jonjon77

Do you have past admin experience: No but i know commands

Why you wish to be admin: I believe i can help the server keep it's peace

What are some good qualities you possess: I respect other players. i know the rules on CG i been playing for  a few years

What country are you from: North America

Chances of getting adminship, 0% or ever at all...

You rushfully made that app without checking with your inputted information. You made an admin post within someone else's post.
1st post = admin app. Missing a lot of required information. Barely know you...
You don't know the rules and sadly neither do the other players. You only know common knowledge rules. Because that MOTD is not
updated and a few rules are missing in chat, players don't know.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Wholegrain take over
« on: 21 Jul, 2011 18:37 »
How about some new maps hey?

Players that have been playing on the server previously are leaving because of the dull map selection up on nomination.

Old Time Aways / Re: Life and things
« on: 15 Jul, 2011 02:43 »
Yea, i wasn't kidding about being away xP.

Im glad that things for zps are working out fine with the admins getting their respective position and 'powers' once again. Aswell as perma mute, gag & silence  on.

In the states, longboarding day and night is all i have to say. Watch over ZPS,

Ban on sight Ry for speedhacking/teleporting
and ban on sight agnel guy for ping masking.
that is all xP

One more thing wholegrain or whoever.
 Boost up mines aswell as other admins to the same admin ranking/#/ Power level as kami and pillz. Thanks.

At Your tattoos.

A tattoo?  Why?  Think of it this way:  What will it look like when you are 72? All stretched and droopy, discolored and with hair growing in its center.  Having to describe what the heck "Star Wars" is to your grand kids. 

Why brand yourself?   

FYI: Your link is borked. 

How about one of these?


I just had to xP

Anyways, there's my profile pic of me. Ima' try to get a picture of me on my longboard if i can.

Most of the times votes can be unfair since people can just spam 1, assuming that 1 = yes and 2 = no.
A lot of the times, people will press 1 without reading what the vote is meant for.

ex. VOTE: Mute malak

1. Yes (i willingly voted yes to mute OR i voted 1 to get this 'spam' off OR pressed 1 on accident)
2. No (same as above)

Making a proper vote with 4 options, 1,2 being random/spam choices would be a just solution.
But i trust on full confidence that tower may have made the right choices based on their opinions of amount of inputted spam you put into.

2 votes were made and you have to acknowledge that.

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