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Messages - Nelth

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The Art Forum / Re: WoW Character Art
« on: March 26, 2012, 09:55:35 PM »

1) Yes only High Elves and Night Elves tapped into THE WELL, but then EVERY RACE OF THE ALLIANCE STARTED STUDYING MAGIC!
2) They were forced to by the burning legion. And your saying putting people into internment camps to be killed just like in WW2 is ok.
3) I ment the camps influenced him.
4) I know it was out of order I wasnt bothered to retype.
5) They really had no reason too. :P
Also if we used DND alignment Thrall would be Lawfull good and Wyvern would Be nuetral Chaotic.
1. The arcane magics that they practice today are the same that the Horde practices, the new arcane energy is entirely harmless and uncorrupting.
2. It is okay because they are ALIENS. They have no place in the humans world, unlike the Germans and Japanese in WWII, so they kept them in camps until they could figure out what to do with them.
3. He never knew about the camps, he never went through the Dark Portal.
5. Most engagements have been Horde started, Ashenvale, Arathi Basin, and the destruction of Theramore (next expac) for example. Wyrnn also showed restraint when allowing Saurfang to reclaim his son's corpse in Ice crown citadel.

Im posting a pic of my character to be more on topic, hes the holiest of holy dwarves.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Roger Waters Nose, Roblit, Covert
« on: March 26, 2012, 09:28:29 AM »
As old crow said, Roblit deserves a weekban, but covert should be permaed for repeat mass rdm, waters didnt do much.

The Art Forum / Re: WoW Character Art
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:05:19 AM »
Funny how some call the horde Evil when the alliance are more evil. It's actually the alliance thats racist and against the Horde, Thrall is all for creating peace, but Wrynn has to go all warrior and try to kill everyone.
You do realize that Wrynn watched his family butchered by orcs, his kingdom turned to rubble by orcs, and he had to fight in an orcish arena for about 10 years? Also Thrall is not even in the picture anymore for him, its all Garrosh now.

Neither Faction is Evil or Good, because nothing is ever wholly good or evil, it is always one with the other sprinkled in.

The Art Forum / Re: WoW Character Art
« on: March 25, 2012, 08:24:37 PM »
Hmm, ill try to draw either my troll or my Dk Worgen tommorow.
Also: For The Horde!
@Lama: I myself dont care for the alliance cause most of what happend in lore is because of them. Example: If it werent for the alliance tapping into arcane energys (Night/high elves/humans) the burning legion wouldnt have sought out azzeroth, opening the dark portal Making the orcs, ogres and dranei charge after alliance, causing wc1 then the alliance put the horde into camps (Simmilair to aushitz) which angered the orcs causing wc2, then the burning legion got help, creating the scourge, and making a Orc walock, who had went insane because of the alliances camps, the first lich king. then Arthas is born. WC3 starts, Arthas kills his father, falls in love with jania, kills his freind/mentor and becomes LK. Realy the horde didnt do much, and most of the horde races were evolving or overthrowing their evil lords during wc1-3.
1. The alliance never tapped into the arcane energies of the Well of Eternity, that was Azshara and her people. The alliance took in the NIGHT ELVES, who were opposed to Azshara and arcane energies all together. They hated her as much as the Horde.
2. The alliance put the ORCS into the camps because they were alien invaders who had slaughtered many cities in their blood lust. They were war prisoners and were treated as war prisoners.
3. The alliance internment camps never created the lich king. Ner'zhul was a orc that had failed Kil'jaedan, so his soul was cast into the twisting nether. He eventually fell out of the Nether and landed in Northrend. He then started tinkering with the diseases his prison had accumulated in the Nether. From this experimentation, the original Plague was created.
4. Out of order. First love, then kills his father. I might add that the killing was planned by Ner'zhul, and Arthas didn't have much of a say in the situation whilst being corrupted by Frostmourne.
5. Most of the Horde races hadn't cared to help at all during any of the crisis's that plagued the world, and by the time of the plague and the orcish invaders, the other races were well into evolution.

From what you've said so far, albeit with errors, You should only hate the Humans and Night Elves. Not the Dwarves, Draenei, Gnomes, or Worgen.

Just some pennies from a lorenut.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Scroll of resurection (wow)
« on: March 24, 2012, 09:21:32 PM »
DO NOT CAMP THE TIME-LOST PROTO DRAKE YOU ARE STUPID IF YOU THINK IT SPAWNS EVEN IN HOURS - It is totally random i was on for A WEEK with it only spawning once - Use Npc scan if you wish to waste your life. i had better luck with aeonaxx found in deepholm and seeing how wow sucks now good day.

made? trollface
This trophy will never be yours arth, for that which I hath gained shalt never be yours! Also I went and killed it again the other day, you should transfer to Nathrezim.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Combat Surf Gameplay #1 by Tendovvi :>
« on: March 24, 2012, 06:45:49 PM »
Get rid of the rap music and thats a pretty fine gameplay video  trollface

General Gaming Talk / Re: Scroll of resurection (wow)
« on: March 24, 2012, 06:33:09 PM »
Look online, it has a set flying path, but do to it being a rare spawn, it only spawns once every 8-24 hours i think. And not only that, by it shares a spawn with another rare dragon, so if you see the other dragon, you have to kill it and wait again and hope the time lost spawns that time.
Oh, also there is a rare spawn gnome called gurky I think, he shares the spawntimer. He is only in one location though.

Solved Applications / Re: Another Admin App from Accan
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:22:01 AM »
I'll +1 you, but you will be missed on TTT

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:49:29 PM »
Granted, but they just changed the name.

I wish Hair wasnt such a buzzkill, like buzzkillington.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Interzu being EXTREMLY disrespectful
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:35:51 PM »
I still believe that a.week ban is more than suitable to this situation. We weekbanned hair when he was rdming a bit too much. Why not a illmannered reg?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Interzu being EXTREMLY disrespectful
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:09:57 PM »
He has been rather rude of late and very arrogant. I would suggest a weekban for him to cool off steam, instead of a.Pmute because he is a reg

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:29:18 PM »
Granted, but he now asks you who your previous supplier was.

I wish that my school would stop giving me projects to do.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Scroll of resurection (wow)
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:28:01 PM »
I found it after.30 mins of camping his path. Thank god for.pally bubbles, or else the fall would have killed me.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Scroll of resurection (wow)
« on: March 18, 2012, 09:10:02 PM »
what is all this scroll nonsense, i dont actually play wow anymore but ill occasionally hop on and fly on green proto drake #swag
I have one, but do you have the red, ironbound, and purple one?  smug

Ok well i dont have the purple one yet, i just need brewfest and i got it.
Bah sniper, all of those dull in comparison to my gorgeous mount, THE TIME-LOST PROTODRAKE Meme4

General Gaming Talk / Re: Scroll of resurection (wow)
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:17:32 PM »
I will resurrect anyone that wants to be resurrected. I want that mount  Meme9

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