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Messages - Old Crow

Pages: 1 ... 178 179 [180] 181 182 ... 184
Solved Ban Requests / Re: Declivity
« on: July 29, 2011, 02:37:51 AM »
err yours are much better and you beat me to it.  ;)

Solved Ban Requests / Declivity
« on: July 29, 2011, 02:06:12 AM »
 Your name in-game: Old Crow

    • Offender's name in-game:Declivity

    • Date/Time of the offense: 12:00 AM EST July 29th

    • SteamID: STEAM_0:0:32212205

    • Server: TTT

    • Any administrators on the server?: Myself but no admin powers yet!

    • What was the problem/offense?: Mass RDM and RDM and leave

    • Proof: Coming in 10-15 mins

    • Other comments: This guy was a detective twice in a row. RDMed two people before getting killed in the first round and the round after he RDMed 2 people again until killed and then left.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi
« on: July 28, 2011, 12:45:18 PM »
Hello Sir  frogc00l

Debate Forum / Re: AK-47 or M16
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:28:03 AM »

47 nations chose this as their main battle rifle during the time of the AK-47 and M14. 

Just a thought.

It was the Right arm of the free world, but the AK was the only one out when the FAL came around and it cant fire Burst/Auto in an assault form.

Solved Applications / Re: Sly Administration Application
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:23:55 AM »

Been around him alot before the servers got DDoS to hell. Very cool guy

General Gaming Talk / Re: Mario Kart server?
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:27:13 PM »
Only problem with a Mario Kart server is that it gets old sometimes.

We can't get rid of our nukes, not because we're greedy, or want the upper hand. Simply because everybody else has them. I read this thread and it's all just bashing the USA, but pretty much the same could be said about every other country. I'm tired of reading shit and people can't seem to get the point, and instead think the US is this big bad country that's greedy for power. Which it isn't, we just happen to be at the top right now, so everybody picks at our flaws. We could do the same to any other country, but we don't.

Anyways, we can't disarm ourselves unless every other country does it first, not only because we have 300+ million people to protect, but because we still follow the motto of ask and you shall receive, so if another country is under the threat of nuclear war, we would step in, and keep the conflict away from such disastrous outcomes.

So, lets get this thread back on topic, and away from bashing the USA for having nukes, and back to whether or not we should get rid of ours, and what conditions would have to be present to do so.

Totally. WE are not some power hungry country trying to take over the world. I did say nobody should have nukes but the reality is nobody will get rid of them unless everybody else does (and that wont happen. I'm looking at you North Korea, China). It is def not a first option rather a tit for tat if some jackass decided to screw with us.

Or just have hundreds of these!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8hlj4EbdsE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8hlj4EbdsE</a>

Like somebody said earlier America wouldn't be the first to use nukes. I know their Army is not 1.4 billion strong but the standing Army is about 12 million and they can call up reserves of 100 million. 100! That's a third of the US population and there's no way a third of our countrymen can fight. Remember Korea? The Chinese would just send waves of people to get mowed down and they still ended up taking back half the country!

Solved Applications / Re: Old Crows admin app
« on: July 20, 2011, 03:15:32 AM »
Yes under 1 condition:

Wanna get a drink some time <3

Hell yeah dude!!

Yes all great powers fall but the question is..... Will the Chinese just fuck everybody over because they can??
They are the next in line and with 1.4 Billion people what can stop them?

Debate Forum / Re: American League or National League?
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:28:25 AM »
American League FTW! Go Tigers!

I second this!

Detroit baseball bitches!

now if they can just stay in first  smug

Debate Forum / Re: Conspiracy Theories V2
« on: July 17, 2011, 01:08:46 AM »
oy fail thread is fail

Solved Applications / Re: Old Crows admin app
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:54:27 AM »
Sir I am 22. born Jan of 1989. I know my voice does sound younger on the mic but I assure you im 22. I can provide proof if you require

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Oddjob
« on: July 14, 2011, 03:07:48 PM »
i did sir. Check the steam ID category again or is it not a valid ID?

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