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Introductions Forum / Re: Hi...
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:15:47 PM »
Australia? Damn you might be the first person in CG ever to be from Australia. According to Google Analytics I Believe you are.
We've had people from all over but not a lot from Australia.

So a warm welcome to you!

Demo: (Current Demographics or CG)

Meh.  Boring all-blue theme but I guess boring-looking is better than looking pretty and being stuck with a small screen.

edit:  On vertex the drop-down menus don't work on moderate, profile, or my messages like they do on CG Blueferno, despite having arrows that suggest there should be a drop down  :-\
You have to click the arrows for them to drop down

And anything that doesn't work on Vertex should be reported. Everything should work just fine.

You are using the old CG Ferno. No Longer supported.
Switch to Virtex or Virtex Low Res for support.

CG YouTube / Re: Recording Software
« on: September 29, 2013, 05:06:14 PM »
Personally I use bandicam. It records just fine for me and as far as I can recall it records HD and what-not.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: No Swedish Desires for Hidden & Personal Life
« on: September 18, 2013, 10:48:04 PM »
It's to small of a theft to file a DMCA. All we can do is kindly ask they change it basically.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: No Swedish Desires for Hidden & Personal Life
« on: September 18, 2013, 02:04:06 PM »
I second what Dbag said.. this is the second time i request you lock this thread.
 I don't need to explain your job as cl but use your common sense to lock it already.
How about you do your job as a NON CL, which of course is to do nothing in this matter.

CG is done locking every thread under the sun. If this thread has nothing more to add, then no one post it dies naturally. That's how real forums work.

I see no personal PA's and I nothing wrong with this thread.

CG needs to grow up and put on its big boy pants.
No offense but I never thought I'd say this...
Dante is right  trollface

Seriously, relax. Thread isn't locked. If someone PA's or breaks a rule they will be dealt with individually not a locking of the whole thread.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: No Swedish Desires for Hidden & Personal Life
« on: September 18, 2013, 08:55:22 AM »
While I don't really care what you guys post on here, truthfully its good that everyone is exercising free speech. But I might suggest to the people that want to complain to make a separate thread, and also that the CL's lock the thread to avoid any bloodshed. Love you Guys :)
no please no more locks dear lord.

I don't feel things have gone out of control and I feel the post are still very relevant.

If he had just been honest all of this could have been avoided.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: No Swedish Desires for Hidden & Personal Life
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:26:52 PM »
Well, I'm not really disappointed, but it is weird that you didn't notify us...

You could've asked anyone to make some rules, heck, you're pretty good at making standards and rules yourself. But to just copy it from our site and just replace Conjoint gaming with Hunter gaming shows how little you care about CG as a whole. I know you care about Hidden, but is this also true for the rest of the community.

That's the funny thing about all this, I'm almost 100% that had Cash chose to tell us about his own community instead of apparently lying and stealing our forum rules/Application Formats/agreements the CL's would have been more than happy to help him set up his own forum rules.

Instead he chose to abandon the community, steal things from our site thinking nobody would know and then apparently lie under the guise that he had something that needed to be done.

I'm going to assume the reason he's moving away from Hidden is because it would have been too obvious with such a small server list, compared to something like TTT which has thousands of servers that many people will never even play on.
See that's the thing. You can leave and make your own community, I don't give a fart... but stealing...


Admin Time Away Forum / Re: No Swedish Desires for Hidden & Personal Life
« on: September 17, 2013, 12:48:39 AM »
Ouch. This is actually kind of painful. Didn't expect that from cash. :(

Makes me pretty disappointed and sad.
But either way, :/

Not sure what to think of this.

Admin Applications / Re: AlphaWeeaboo for Global Forum Mod.
« on: September 15, 2013, 11:45:23 PM »
All I see is positive feedback and the CL's agree.


Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:43:58 PM »

Admin Applications / Re: Pillz wants to help too~
« on: September 11, 2013, 01:41:10 PM »
Community Leader
    Must have a Nomination thread where the community can give input and feedback on if that person would be a good candidate and it must be open for 2 weeks before it is closed and a decision is made
    Must have Veteran admin or higher leadership in CG...

Note: You should not ask to become a community leader. Community leaders are chosen by the current leaders when and if they feel necessary to add a new leader.
Not saying it can't happen but I'm not saying it will either. When it happens it will happen. Lets treat this as a GM app for now please.

Admin Applications / Re: AlphaWeeaboo for Global Forum Mod.
« on: September 10, 2013, 02:29:57 PM »
I think this may be a little too late.  Notice Towersheep's forum name color?

Yes, Dark/Alpha would have been a good choice.   

Personally, I am glad Dark stuck around with the Community, after WG shiat upon him in the manner he did...
No reason there can't be more then one.

General Discussions / Re: Mobile Device Question - Very Important - CG .mobi
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:57:00 AM »
Android phone + Android Tablet here.


The Home/Forum buttons at the top can be a little hard to hit on mobile devices; as Donations and Logout appear right underneath them and occasionally I hit logout instead of Forum which leads to a few minutes of trying to log back in.

It's mostly all perfect on my android Razr M; I just feel like the design could be tweaked a bit to make buttons a bit easier to click, and so the site requires less zooming in.

Alright. Still looking for final options on this.

is V2 good with everyone?

Admin Applications / Re: AlphaWeeaboo for Global Forum Mod.
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:49:20 PM »
The One and only, Dark Emo.

I can't say no to that XD


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