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Messages - Pillz

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Admin Promotion
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 18:45 »
maybe give 1? ;o  :-\

Hahaha. I'm good.

I actually like zpo_deadblock every once and a while, though it is rather short. zps version of zpo maps are kind of bad too though. zps_subway may be good with a full server but that's about it.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Admin Promotion
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 07:52 »
Promote 2 admins on ZPS

Dinomoto from Full to Veteran. Reason: been playing on server Looong in diff Groups/Community's =) Awesome

Yahtzee from Full to Veteran. Reason been here at CG loong, and been Vet on TTT ( im slow sry) =)

Pwn3dl1fe From Full to Veteran. Reason same as yahtzee(done a few days ago now, so dunno if its already posted)

Finally, i just wanna thanks all plays on the server, Specially the admin's for populateting it alot of times when its dead, its rlly rlly good job =) keep it up

Peace all

I lol'd.
A lot.
For so many reasons.

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Screenshots
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 07:51 »
This is a thread I want to make, where basically you post a screenshot, any screenshot from ZPS and explain what is happening in the picture. It can be for lulz, or for informational purposes like I'm about to do.

So here is this one...

This is the Crypt Super Cade on Church siege. It's a shitty map, and ridiculously overpowered if you have 2 mintues to spend cading. Figured I'd share with everyone how to do this overpowered, and unbreakable cade. So it's fair to everyone.


hospital defense sucks, imo. All stock maps should be there also. There's no argument for stock maps being too shitty with some of the maps on KAT

Admin Department / Re: Admin Forum Activity
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 07:35 »
Sand's actually perfectly capable of getting on the internet and gets on steam everyday, she just doesn't play ZPS anymore, or do anything CG/KAT affiliated. Says she was online 5 hours ago, and it's 5am. She left due to school starting, two weeks before it did. Unless it's like her brother getting online or something.

Though yes, she did post about her long awayness. Just saying. It seems like she could be more active if she wanted to be.

Anyway Cadaver uses the forums quite a lot I would say. More than the others.

Regardless, we talked about this on the server, I'm just going to post my suggestion here too.

Instead of 1 post a day, I think 10 a week or something would be reasonable. Since there are just some days or pairs of days where people don't get on.

I don't like underaged boys.

General Gaming Talk / Re: portal 2
« on: 28 Aug, 2010 23:32 »

Get out.

General Gaming Talk / Re: portal 2
« on: 27 Aug, 2010 12:50 »
Get Portal: Prelude.

General Gaming Talk / Re: portal 2
« on: 27 Aug, 2010 04:06 »
I believe the game never really tells you. But everywhere online calls her Chell and Valve refers to her as Chell. So that's her name.

General Gaming Talk / Re: portal 2
« on: 26 Aug, 2010 13:11 »
Not quite right, I DON*T like protal but have never tried it, god damn the worst looking game play ive EVER seen....   LOLZOR

How does the gameplay look bad? o.O

I didn't think Portal was all that special really. I understood it.

Yeah, it really isn't that special, just everyone really likes it and made it into memes and stuff. Not everyone likes it though I guess.

General Gaming Talk / Re: portal 2
« on: 26 Aug, 2010 01:04 »
It takes like an hour to beat it, what's the hold up? lol

General Gaming Talk / Re: portal 2
« on: 25 Aug, 2010 11:05 »
The storyline is actually hilarious, aperture science was created by Cave Johnson. Aperture used to just be a company for designing shower curtains that appear more hygenic. When Cave was exposed to mercury his kidneys soon began to fail and he recieved brain damage. On his death bed, he came up with a 3 tier plan to help future benefit Aperture, or something..

    * Tier 1: The Heimlich Counter-Maneuver - "A reliable technique for interrupting the life-saving Heimlich Maneuver." In other words, ensure choking.

    * Tier 2: The Take-A-Wish Foundation - "A charitable organization that will purchase wishes from the parents of terminally ill children and redistribute them to wish-deprived but otherwise healthy adults." It counters the real-life Make-A-Wish Foundation, designed to grant wishes to terminally ill children.

    * Tier 3: The 'Portal' project - As said by Johnson when it was first laid lout: "Some kind of rip in the fabric of space... That would... Well, it'd be like, I don't know, something that would help with the shower curtains I guess. I haven't worked this idea out as much as the wish-taking one." This is what will become the 'Portal' project, involving the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device and its creation of portals.

Basically, one of their employees actually makes some progress on the third tier, they start working on that, then Black Mesa starts working on similar technology, in response Aperture begins work on GlaDoS, once activated she kills practically everyone, they install a morality core, then blablabla, Chell is a test subject.

Doug Rattman designed the Disk Operating System and more for GlaDoS, then is a forced subject later, he creates the little Rattman holes you find in the game.

Anyway, full story here.

She's three years older than me.

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