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Messages - Cadaver

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Help Section / Re: Non-Nvidia Graphics Card
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:57:51 PM »

Seems both are within limits (under 80 degrees C) Though a bit hot.

I think this:

Replace the thermal paste on the CPU cooler, properly, with something more heat conductive.  OR possibly upgrade the CPU cooler, as I presume it is stock.  $25, or less, will get you an excellent after market cooler right now.

Get rid of the Nvidia card.  Do attempt to reinstall the ATI 5770 - BUT ONLY AFTER CHECKING THE POWER SUPPLY and ensuring it has the wattage necessary to run the card. (IE: 600 watt or more.)  Dell is notorious for skimping on power supplies.

Check the case cooling.  Make sure the fans run in one direction.  (Example: blow in at the front of the case, and blow out the back.)
Make sure you have adequate air flow by having enough fans.
Place the case in an area where there is plenty of space around it. Away from heat creating things.

What is your Anti-Virus?

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: can i be un-perma-gagged?
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:46:10 PM »
I politely suggest you do not act the fanboy in our server. It negatively impacts game play.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: can i be un-perma-gagged?
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:42:53 PM »
You constantly troll others with your voice and your obsession with Tendovvi, making everyone's experience unpleasant and annoyed. Such as giving Tendovvi his weapons, vintar when he hasn't been proven, and scouts.

Help Section / Re: Non-Nvidia Graphics Card
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:41:18 PM »
Yeah, me thinks your cpu is overheating. 

I also think if it is an Inspiron (Dell, right?) you WILL have to upgrade your power supply to get a better graphics card.

In The News / Re: Game Devs Are Child Molesters
« on: January 25, 2013, 01:17:23 PM »
Ah, yes, Ralph Nader.  Made a name for himself attacking General Motors over the Corvair automobile.  Course he attacked them, publicly, after they had fixed the issues of the car (although, those issues were deadly.)  Crippled GM for a few years.

Ran for President, and due to this, we got President Dubya Bush, instead of President Al Gore.

He has done many a disservice to the U.S.

He is old, and craves the spotlight.  So he has to do something extreme to get the spotlight, in this day and age.

So he belittles the victims of real molestation, by proclaiming those who have never molested, as molesters.   Sigh. Go back to the retirement home Ralph Nader, you have personally cost this nation more than enough.

GarrysMod / Re: Leaving :'(
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:35:40 AM »
Don't leave.  You can still game.

Keep pushing on the vac ban removal.

Hmm.  I will think of something.

Help Section / Re: Non-Nvidia Graphics Card
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:30:19 PM »
You may have a case cooling problem, instead of a video card problem.

How many case cooling fans?  Which direction are they blowing? Where is the case located?

I suggest this:  The old 5770 card is the SAME card as a 6770. (Basically, the 6770 is a 5770 with a different sticker on it.  Yes, it was that good of a card.) So, buying a 6770 does not make sense. Attempt to reconnect the 5770 you have.

The 7850 is a better card.

Also, look at your power supply.  What brand, model, and wattage is it? 

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:17:47 AM »
In like 30 years people will be claiming that 9/11 never happened or they'll STILL being arguing it was an inside job. What else is new? You may as well say George W. Bush is a shapeshifting alien from Andromeda while you're at it.

SHHHHH! They will take you if they find out you know!

GarrysMod / Re: The Vintar nerf and why you should all shut up about it
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:51:02 PM »
How is raging about it effective?

One guy wants to quit  the Community over A. Single. Game. Weapon.  How is this acceptable behavior?

It is a game.  Whining and raging over it does not help.

Being suggestive on improvements help.   Showing how it is ineffective and should be adjusted, helps.

It is a simple weapon, which has a lot of advantages for the Terrorist to kill all others. 

In its present state, it is very powerful, and I can see the argument it is over powered.   

Just because it seems more limited now, and I have a feeling the hit boxes (crappy in the new Gmod) may be impacting its play directly, does not mean your life is over, and you should go die now.

If TTT is this important in your life,  perhaps it is time to step away from the computer, and go outside.

And the tone people are posting with, needs to be not so asinine.   Catch my drift?

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:39:02 PM »

Problem is, there are people out there that will believe these things. Why? cause they do not care for facts. If it agrees with their views (and they are extremists mind you) then they shall ignore reality and believe the lies.

Sadly, this is true, even within CG.  And they are not extremists. It is a flaw in Human Character to do this.  The "I cannot be wrong" aspect of human nature pushes all to find info, even stuff which is patently false, to cover their position as being correct and right.  See 60%+ of all politics in the U.S. and the world.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 12:39:27 PM »
Lets see.  The internet has allowed the lunatic fringe a platform to spew their version of reality. 

Examples:  Birthers.  This fellow.  9/11 conspiracy theorists.  etc.

Ignore the idiots.  It is the only way they will go away.

In The News / Re: Worlds Happiest Countries
« on: January 21, 2013, 12:35:31 PM »
US numbers are terrible.  And are not as distorted as you think.  The wage income figures show no real growth since Reagan.

Solved Applications / Re: Christovski for....something on ZM?
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:56:59 AM »

Introductions Forum / Re: Back from the grave.
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:19:08 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPw-3e_pzqU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPw-3e_pzqU</a>

Welcome back.


Yes, I thought you would see the irony. And enjoy it.


What did I admin: In this Community: Started as an Admin for CTC, for ZPS.  Then was Vet in CG.  Then was Forum Moderator here.  Then was moved to CL.  Was CL when Inject and Jorgen became CL.   Resigned due to WG, who is no longer with us. (Seemed to be the catalyst for his removal.) And now I have returned.

Introductions Forum / Back from the grave.
« on: January 19, 2013, 04:38:26 PM »
Something moves, in the darkness of the grave.

Darkness moves in the dark.

Movement where there is supposed to be none.

A dark force breaks free from the coffin.

Clawed hands tear the earth.

Cadaver has arisen from his grave. He retrieves his mantle of responsibility. The Community has a leader return.

It is official, I have returned as Community Leader for Conjoint Gaming.   

Who am I?  I have been Community Leader before.  I have been with this Community since before it existed as Conjoint Gaming.  I was Veteran Admin back in the day of Claire's Torture Chamber.  I was a Community Leader for a few years. 

I then resigned.  Due to a  former Community Leader I had left, as I could not support his negative and childish actions any more.

This created change,  removing that old CL from power, and giving the power back to the Community. 

I had hung around, just to advise and suggest (now, I do not have to suggest TowerSheep  XD ) and show support for the new community.

Then I got requests to return.  Lots of them.  From regular members to senior admin they came.  Humbling.  So, due to your requests, I have returned.

For those of you who do not know me, I was the Social Aspects Community Leader. I have the dubious pleasure of dealing with the trolls, racists, bullies, and sexists.  I was the solution provider for the arguments and fighting in the Community.

I can say, the Community now has very few issues, since the bad Community Leader was removed.  This new Community is focused on FUN, and enjoying games. 

I was, as BlackLLama said, I was the Drama Queen for CG.  Anything drama was referred to me. 

You guys wanted me back, so here I am.  Your voices were heard, and I serve at the whim of the Community.

Thank you.

Looking forward to serve you.


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