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Messages - Old Crow

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GarrysMod / Re: TTT Fun Night Ideas
« on: December 03, 2013, 09:30:31 PM »
Readd Grapplehook?

for the billionth time, that thing has so many issues its not worth the trouble. Then again, if we could have it for the fun night only, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

General Discussions / Re: CG Fun Night Times, dates & passwords
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:52:45 PM »
I've tried suggesting Hidden fun night but at the time, Pyro said he's not available at the hours people would want to play.

Hidden fun night would be possible with a decent # of people if they do it on 2 servers at once (preferably ones with more maps obviously) and as long as there is an admin on each one to run it I think it would be fun, however without Pyro to password and reset the servers for the fun night I don't see how it would work, unless we can find a time that Pyro can be around AND people would be around to play

Have the HA assistants run it then?

Minecraft / Re: Tekkit Server
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:19:27 PM »
More of you bitches need to play this. It seems like its just been Death, Dylan, Ralph and some guy named Alex, and myself. We need more factories, we need more quarry's, we need a massive huge super special awesome moon base cause fuck you we need one.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Baa
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:47:04 AM »

Way Off Topic Box / Re: I have returned Children
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:53:20 PM »
I plan to spend this holiday season moving back in to my appartment, having my friends over for a winter party with a fire pit and finally returning to playing games with CG more consistently. I'm looking forward to being able to play with you guys again. I'll have time since my life is finally calming down in the best possible way.

Give me time for me, you, Kwuartz War Thunder ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

If I get a SSD/HDD tomorrow, me give you Dota time in return  ┬─┬ ノ( ã‚œ-゜ノ)

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« on: December 01, 2013, 02:21:16 AM »
It'd be nice if he had FTP and could work on servers with HA's permission but people don't seem to like the rank so I guess we'll just throw it away and demote Red instead?
All I wanted to do was help and so far I have helped, a lot. But if this is how you all see this rank/position, as a slap in the face and something you all hate, then yes I will resign/be demoted/have less power as GA, I don't mind I suppose. CG needs to be fixed (Because yes, it is broken right now.) and I've done my part so far, if my usefulness has ended then ok.
So far when i read this whole report i found kwartz ranking thingy kinda of a eye opener. It is going to get in the way a bit and will need to be re-tweaked. I also read this and i notice that this post doesn't show leadership, but regret. Also noticed that the name change has happened, wasn't that used for only people who had offensive names, names that were not in English, or other. As I remember from a message from Inject a while ago, which is why he made it off limits. Nothing against you tho Red. XP

Names can be changed very rarely, and 95% of the time you only can do it once.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:53:41 PM »
I'm not talking about abuse Cortez (although I did reference it, my bad), more along the lines of not meeting a standard. There are at least two admins that shouldn't have progressed past trial but did anyway. Yeah, I get we shouldn't be super serious either, but there should be a standard non the less. Admins are the face of the community and their respective servers after all.

All that being said, right now our staff is top notch, but still food for thought.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:31:57 PM »
Well then thats the problem, not the ranks, but enforcement.  I have seen people get proof against trials and then nothing was done by the HA so maybe they just gave them a warning but I dunno man.  Maybe if soemone has a problem with an admin doing things wrong they should go to HA AND the CLs to make sure noone 'sweeps things under the rug'

But shouldn't trial actually mean trial? It shouldn't be a free ride IMO, same goes for CLs/HAs that don't do their job, or drag their feet on making decisions.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Opinions about Hacker Shaming
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:02:30 PM »
Chasing them down on other servers, not a fan of that. That being said, I have exactly zero fucks to give for hackers getting banned.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:00:41 PM »
With a rank it means they are expected to do things rather than just when they feel like it, if they dont do the job they lose it, simple enough

But nobody has. There are people that don't do anything and still have admin, and again, I have never seen a Trial lose their admin, even after abusing the powers.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« on: November 30, 2013, 05:47:38 PM »
I'm confused. Tell me how Kwaurtz is "trolling" ??

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« on: November 30, 2013, 12:19:14 PM »
And there is the problem Kwuartz, somebody doesn't take criticism, and no matter how wrong he is, he will never admit to it, so we can't speak our minds to a certain extent.

I also don't expect changes within a day, but again we are on borrowed time (although its getting better)

Admin Applications / Re: [ZPS] Smiley
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:12:16 PM »
I can't take the credit on this one, it wasn't me that found it  :P

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