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Messages - Inject OH 4

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Admin Applications / Re: AlphaWeeaboo [Community Leader Application]
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:35:36 PM »
Alright. Any final comments?

Approval in the next 1 hour if no one has anything else to say!

Admin Applications / Re: Pillz [CL]
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:35:32 PM »
Alright. Any final comments?

Approval in the next 1 hour if no one has anything else to say!

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Inject is away, post politics
« on: November 11, 2013, 11:45:45 PM »
I'm not away haven't left. Just haven't had time to delve into the current issues with other issues going on simultaneously.

But in the heart of the WayOffTopicBox

 discofrog discofrog discofrog discofrog

Voice Server / Re: Ventilo ip still up on the frontpage
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:16:21 PM »
I view the forums other places than my home computer (which has a 32" HD monitor), my laptop is only 14" so its resolution is less than 1080p, and my computer at work doesn't have HD monitor, thats at 1400x900 and still displays wrong :P


Websites should be compatible with more than just the best graphics. If the only option in video games was Ultra, who the fuck would be playing modern-day video games? Not consoles, that's for sure.

I use a 720p screen on my laptop to view my forums, even if I have my home computer available, as I'm usually using my home computer to play video games and therefore having my laptop to peruse the forums is helpful; when the main theme is broken, its less helpful.

Spoiler for Hidden:
If you're saying that the forums are meant to use 1080p and only 1080p, then you're not running the forums correctly.
OH man time to own some noobs.

First off 1080 isn't the best it's just the most common. 720 should work fine for this on the forums as well. It's not like 1080 is a billionaires life style, homeless people can gather enough cash for a 720p monitor for Christ sake.

I will also insert that calling someone poor in pretty mean Inject. Regardless if it was sarcasm. It is just something you do not do. Since how do you know they are not living in a very struggled lifestyle where they have to dumpster dive for food?
Pretty mean? When people act like that they need to be pushed back on the train (Keep your hands and limbs inside the train at all time children).
If you have to dumster dive for food, you should probably get off the PC and get a job and stop spending time on CG's forums. I highly doubt anyone is dumber diving, and you act as if I live a grand life style or something.

And /done

Voice Server / Re: Ventilo ip still up on the frontpage
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:24:58 PM »
True, but why would you have anything lower then full HD res? Are you poor? lol.gif

Spoiler for Hidden:
Oh lookie here at millionaire Inject over here with all his money and girls and life, that's why he's not been doing blardyblargh on our servers.

Please check your messages before you post them, that one sounds incredibly fucking douchey, seeing as you're supposed to be a grown adult.
Spoiler Alert,

160 dollars you can probably sell your current one for more and you can get this. Derp derp. It's not expensive.

Voice Server / Re: Ventilo ip still up on the frontpage
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:15:44 PM »
Inferno CG =  best theme!

It's simplistic and easy to use.
No overly graphic images and small texts!
Vertex is the definition of simple. Same graphics *in fact less* and normal sized text. Perhaps you don't run at HD Res?

Agreed, Vertex sucks because on smaller resolutions the donations and logout buttons glitch down in front of the links for the current board/child board/thread you are currently viewing so you can't click any of it
True, but why would you have anything lower then full HD res? Are you poor? lol.gif

Voice Server / Re: Ventilo ip still up on the frontpage
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:34:58 PM »

Inject, fix it!
ewww you use the wrong theme.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Space Engineers
« on: October 30, 2013, 04:51:52 PM »
Its in alpha its to be expected

Exactly why you don't pay people for alphas.

Seriously, if people keep buying these games as buggy as they are in alpha, more and more game developers are going to start releasing unfinished stuff all the time instead of finishing the damned thing, lets not support that trend eh?
Gota say, you have a point. I've felt the same way. And it's already happening. The indie alpha BS has already slipped it's way into AAA titles.
Indie is going to kill the gaming industry. -_-

Also I'd hope when you said you'll buy it at release you meant "IF IT'S GOOD".

Also, I think it's ok to have exceptions to the rule. While Minecraft was in Beta/Alpha for a long time, it was never really in Alpha/Beta realistically since it wasn't really unfinished in the sence of bugs but in the sence  of added features to come. So I can see it being OK to buy Minecraft while in BETA.

Help Section / Re: Please remove this post.
« on: October 28, 2013, 11:32:17 PM »
Removing it doesn't make it not exist...

GarrysMod / Re: Question on using Macros to bhop
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:21:55 PM »
If garry wanted console scripts etc banned he'd have done it in the first place. Fact is it's an element of the game.

bind alis bhop "+jump;+jump;+jump;+jump;+jump;"
bind j bhop

Done. All in source console. Can't prove, can't ban. It's legit.

This is a no ban no issue situation.
But the screenshot shows a program... not a console
The concept remains the same.

The program fyi came with his keyboard as a similar one did with mine. It was part of the drivers.
They retain no difference in productivity with the application and the in game console binding. Thus seeing the two as different is irrelevant.

GarrysMod / Re: Question on using Macros to bhop
« on: October 28, 2013, 12:57:29 PM »
You heard it from Inject folks, I guess we should all bhop constantly on the TTT server
Despite the fact that you can remove that with what tower said.

So if Bhoping is an issue then toss it over to the HA.

It's not like binding space on off on off to a key makes bhoping as easy as  123. It still involves correct mouse movement to flow the hops correctly. So I doubt if we'll be seeing a full server bhoping any time soon.

GarrysMod / Re: Question on using Macros to bhop
« on: October 28, 2013, 10:42:44 AM »
If garry wanted console scripts etc banned he'd have done it in the first place. Fact is it's an element of the game.

bind alis bhop "+jump;+jump;+jump;+jump;+jump;"
bind j bhop

Done. All in source console. Can't prove, can't ban. It's legit.

This is a no ban no issue situation.

It would only take an asteroid the size of an american football field to destroy the ecosystem.
How big was the meteor in russia?
"1.5-metre-long (five-foot-long) rock from the lake"
Not big.

Even if that .1% chance happened, couldn't we just nuke it?

Causing billions of meteorites to rain all over earth and cause widespread damage? I don't think so.

Also, it's more like 1 in 60,000 chance that it'll actually hit earth. There's a better chance of this asteroid striking earth than you winning basically any lottery.
You can blow it up super far away from earth. Or did everyone forget that?

What would you suggest?
America wastes another several billion dollars to send a nuke into space, towards an asteroid that could potentially shift its course at any time due to a number of things. That also has a almost .5% chance of hitting us in 19 years.

It's a waste of money and a bad idea in general.
If it's going to hit us, it'll hit us, maybe it won't be one big one anymore, it'll just be thousands/hundreds of smaller ones capable of hitting a much larger area.

Unless someone manages to come up a better solution in the next 19 years, there's no proper way to stop an asteroid especially one of that size.
There already is better solutions. If within 10 years or 18 years we know for a fact if it will hit or not NASA will send it of course, and not explode it. Is actually not that hard. Theres videos on this. It's all been done before. easy peasy.

New generally doesn't lie... it over hypes or extenuates. It's up for the common man to read between the lines.

The source then therefore should be mostly irrelevant.
NASA says it could hit us in 19 years....
This happens all the time. What are the chances? 1 in 2000? Yeah... we are fine.

Also we have protection from this kind of stuff, so if we found it would hit us we could still protect our self.

So while you may not like the source. It wasn't lieing it just made it seem like a big deal when it isn't as all. Thus it is still relevant news.

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