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Zombie Master / Re: Worth keeping ZM2?
« on: 26 Apr, 2013 20:38 »
Just an outsider looking in, and what I've heard from some of the ZM guys.

There appears there was issues with admin powers, such as regs not being able to ban by steam ids or something. I thought ZM is getting big enough for a HA. I'm just curious why ZM guys aren't signing up and applying for admin like TTT and now Hidden has.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Kacey
« on: 26 Apr, 2013 18:28 »
After reading all the threads revolving around this, I am gonna post no, the permanent ban should stay permanent. I also agree to what oobla said about the month long bans. I also agree that permanent bans should STAY permanent, only being revoked if there isn't enough evidence or new evidence comes to light.

Yep, the original perma ban was appealed and then got denied. I don't understand why a second appeal should hold any weight in the first place.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Kacey
« on: 26 Apr, 2013 17:13 »
As one of the admins that has played with you the most. I say No.

1 month after a supposed "permanent" ban is too short, especially since all the evidence was overwhelming. You had past issues and you said that you would improve, but you didn't.

A day after you got p-banned, I hopped on the server to admin and told some of our regulars that you've been banned for good. They responded positively saying "Finally!!" or something along those lines, meaning that you were probably continuing to prop kill when admins weren't on.

So, I would be more generous to an appeal, if you

1. Play on other CG servers, and show that you can behave well especially with those not from TTT

2. Make an appeal another 1-2 months after this one. (I don't know the specific rule about ban appeals sooo...)

Good luck in the future though.

Introductions Forum / Re: This is not an introduction.
« on: 21 Apr, 2013 12:20 »
You're pretty cool on TTT, so enjoy your stay at CG!!

GarrysMod / Re: Best Last Words
« on: 21 Apr, 2013 02:35 »

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 20 Apr, 2013 20:29 »
Granted, everyone you ever "<3" comes back and  beats you up. This includes, Chris, Me, Tyber, Red, and Oobla.

I wish leet would pick me

Debate Forum / Re: Unknown Reviews Anime
« on: 20 Apr, 2013 02:17 »
I forgot to put it in the review, but how did you guys like Nia ? I didn't really particularly like her, as she was basically used just as Simon's love interest.

Debate Forum / Gurren Lagann
« on: 18 Apr, 2013 23:57 »
Anime Name: Gurren Lagann

Basic Plot: So humanity has long abandoned the surface land, and been forced into underground villages by the Spiral King. He has suppressed the human race with his minions, Beastmen who pilot Gunmen, mecha like fighting robots. One day, Yoko, a teenage redhead falls into Jeehad village, the residence of the main characters, Simon and Kamina. Accompaning Yoko, to the surface, Kamina forms Team Gurren, a group of rebels trying to push humanity to the surface and fight against the Spiral King.

Character Development:

Simon: I thoroughly enjoyed watching Simon, as he matured from a scared little boy into a badass leader. For some reason, there wasn't anything I could hate or find annoying about him, he was overall a well written character. There was a time skip in the middle of the 27 episode series, and it was interesting to see him after 6 years. I wish there was a second series, just to see Simon again.

Kamina: The cool older brother character, he doesn't change much along the series, but he doesn't have to. He leads Team Gurren, and appears to be pretty perverted but its still kinda fun. He motivates Simon to "DRILL TO THE HEAVENS!!!" later on in the series he plays a much bigger role for Simon.
Spoiler for Hidden:
He dies in episode eight, and will motivate the rest of Team Gurren to continue on.

Fan Service: They made Yoko into Gurren Lagann's sex symbol. I actually didn't think it was too bad and didn't ruin the series, but it was the focal point of one of the earlier episodes. One I thought was bad was how weak the writers made Yoko, sure she can fight in her bra and underwear, but at least make her a badass with it. She gets a sniper rifle, but it seems she doesn't really compare to the mecha gunmen in fights. So fanservice wasn't too bad.

Sub or Dub: The show's lines do get a bit cheesy at points, but I enjoyed it. Dub was actually pretty good, so I'll recommend it. You should probably test both and see which one you like more.

Verdict: A very good mecha anime, it does focus more on the mech fights than something like Code Geass. However along with iconic scenes, a good storyline, I would recommend it to anyone even those who aren't too big fans of anime. It's just sad that the reason we don't have a second season, is that they went broke.

Score: 9/10

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: caboose 74 time away
« on: 18 Apr, 2013 17:22 »
Come back soon Caboose!!

Debate Forum / Bleach
« on: 17 Apr, 2013 00:11 »
First Knock at the Big Three. (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece). Bleach's anime has been canceled but the manga still continues.

Anime Name: Bleach

Basic Plot:

Ichigo Kurosaki, an ordinary high school boy, is able to see ghosts. He is soon thrown into the world of the Shinigami, death gods who keep the balance between the living and the dead, by killing evil ghosts, or Hollows. Rukia Kuchiki, gives Ichigo shinigami powers in order to protect his family temporary. However, she get's stuck in the human world, for a little bit, and her and Ichigo develop a close but not romantic relationship. Later on she is forced to return to the Soul Society, where she meets execution, and Ichigo must rise to the challenge of saving his friend. After this arc, this should have been the end of Bleach, in my opinion.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Tite Kubo pulls out the rest of the story from his trolling asshole now. From Aizen becoming this surreal demi-god that can foresee 1,000 years into the future, and Ichigo reduced to shit. With a really forced romance between Inoue and Ichigo, the story lost all respect from any true anime watcher. Not even mentioning the filler arcs that could make Chuck Norris cry.

Character Development:

Ichigo: Honestly one of the tragic anime heroes ever. Tite Kubo should be ashamed of how badly he fucked up Ichigo. Up until the end of Soul Society Arc, he was the feel good hero. He would barely come out of his intense battles alive, but he was such a badass we had no choice to join along. Especially with his fight with Byakuya which would last for about 5 episodes, they were able to make sword fighting entertaining and cool. However once that Arc ends, he turns into the biggest baby, that ever existed. A quick example was his fight with Grimmjow. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Apparently its ok to have the main hero get the snot beat out of him constantly, especially after we had established he is supposedly on "captain-level"

Honestly no other characters changed, they were all bland and it felt like Kubo was just trying to fill out the entire universe with poorly made characters. Just a quick example of how stretched out the cast was.

Fan Service: According to Tite Kubo the bigger the breasts, the better. The fanservice was soo bloody annoying, with Matsumoto complaining almost in every section that her boobs are too large and are an inconvenience. Kon, a talking stuff animal always waiting to see "the holy mountains." The amount of boobs ruined the show, from the cool action type hero story it was originally.

Sub or Dub: Although I praised his work in Code Geass, Johnny fucked up Ichigo's voice and made my ears hurt everytime he talked. Along with later characters introduced with even worse voice actors, the dub was horrid. Go watch the Sub if you have to.

Verdict: This show had so much promise behind it, and in a way it still introduced a lot of this generation to the anime/manga. I stuck up with it and still watched Bleach, the action fighting scenes were still epic and fun to watch but it's unforgivable to how much of a nose dive the later seasons did. Introducing convulated plot twists that made no sense and ruined the basis of the show. With annoying filler characters, cool characters that do absolutely jackshit, it makes sense why Bleach is still popular amongst conventions. But yeah fuck you Tite Kubo.

Score: 4/10

Debate Forum / Re: Unknown Reviews Anime
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 20:40 »
Can we possible put a ban on anime in this community? I hate anime

I never got this. Why is anime hated ? You have such a variety of genres ranging from romance to huge ass mecha fights. Much better than watching sweaty Italians living together and causing "reality drama"

Debate Forum / Re: Unknown Reviews Anime
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 19:31 »
The big problem with Lelouch and Rolo's relationship was what happened 10 minutes prior when they both were in his quarters. What had happened to all that hatred Lelouch had ?

After Nina went all crazy near the end of season 1 and was sorta a racist toward the Japanese. I had no respect for her. :/

Debate Forum / Code Geass
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 19:11 »
Anime Name: Code Geass

Basic Plot:

In the year 2010, Japan is conquered by the Holy Britannian Empire, ruled by Charles zi Britannia. Japan is renamed Area 11, and its citizens are segregated and discriminated. Lelouch vi Britannia, an exiled prince of the Empire, had developed an intense hatred against his father and the royal family. Mostly stemming from his mother's unexplained murder, and his little sister Nunnally becoming blind and paralyzed in the legs from the incident. He will be granted the power of Geass, by a mysterious woman, named C2. With his Geass, he has the "power of the king" where he can command anyone to do his bidding. Lelouch sets out to exact his revenge on the Empire.

Character Development:

Lelouch: Overall I did enjoy how much a badass they made him. Instead of your typical feel good hero, he is cool and calculating. He wins by strategy, rather than beating the crap out of you. He is an anti-hero, meaning he has no true morals and will do anything to further his plans. The Geass power he has, is a little OP, but it was entertaining to keep watching Lelouch and what he has planned next. By the end of the series, you can't tell if he had changed or he always was thinking like that.

Suzaku: Now flip Lelouch's personality backwards. Suzaku is respectful and friendly. He is Japanese, but does become an Honorary Britannian, in order for his goal to nobly change Britannian society from the inside out. There are moments when you will want him to die in a hole, but later you can relate to his circumstances. By the end of the series, you probably would still like him but he pales in comparison to Lelouch.

Fan Service: Pretty much could be summed up with this, Naked Shower Scenes with Kallen..... but since this was my first review I will go more in depth. Along with a ton of naked shower scenes, there was a lot of shady angles. However the fan service didn't detract that much from the anime, but it was just so blatantly obvious it dissapointed me.

Sub or Dub: The Dub is alright, the voice actor who plays Lelouch, is the same guy who did Ichigo from Bleach and you might also remember him as.... <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Adam Park the Black Ranger!!! The rest of the cast did ok, so I would recommend the dub to anyone who enjoys English over Japanese.

Verdict: I highly enjoyed the series, and from other CG members apparently they did too. However, there are faults that need to be addressed.

1. Why is she still alive?!?!??! Nina Einstein  is by far one of the most hated anime characters in existance. Even more annoying than Sakura from Naruto.

2. The whole confrontation with his father was poorly written, and looked like the writers pulled it right out of their ass.

3. Lelouch's personality at the end, specifically about Rolo. He did a 180 and completely contradicted himself and his previous beliefs.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Rolo had killed his love interest, Shirley. Lelouch vowed to avenge her, and went 5 minutes on about how much he hated him, and he would use him as a tool. Later when Rolo dies protecting Lelouch, he says he's his little brother. If you wanted to rewatch it. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Now I still very much enjoyed the series, and I would recommend it to anyone. Notice I did leave much out about the mechas because I wouldn't call Code Geass a mecha anime. There is so much more than just robots beating the crap out of each other.

Final Score- 9/10

If you're interested check the first episode. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Debate Forum / Unknown Reviews Anime
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 18:24 »
I guess as I did go only a huge anime watching spree in the past few weeks, I want to voice my opinion on certain animes. I'll try to stick with animes already finished.

This is the format I'll use. I'll add more to it if I think it needs it. Go ahead and question some of my viewpoints, that's why I put it in the debate section. Also I would enjoy if I got some more suggestions on what anime to watch.

Anime Name:

Basic Plot:

Character Development:

Fan Service:

Sub or Dub:



If I rate the show 8/10 or more I will try to link to the first episode of the series.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Really Bad Jokes
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 18:18 »
Why didn't the grizzly wear any shoes?
Spoiler for Hidden:
He wanted to go bear foot.

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