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Messages - Old Crow

Pages: 1 ... 146 147 [148] 149 150 ... 184
General Gaming Talk / Re: GOW: Ascension
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:45:51 PM »
I have no idea what this is to be honest XD
I'm in the same boat.

God of War. Don't have a PS3 but I heard good things about the 3rd one. I have barely heard anything about this one however, enlighten us

Zombie Master / Re: Zombie Master 2
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:06:16 PM »
What are they actually fixing with this? And nothing is as bad as Black Mesa....

Wait the Black mesa that was a hack job or the new one that is suppose to kick ass?

The Art Forum / Re: The YouTube channel?
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:03:58 PM »
channel will be announced shortly
YAY! Now i can start posting my videos on it and show all the RDM on the server  Meme10

Shouldnt we use the youtube server to promote CG? Its just as easy to just make a youtube account on your own for that, its not like we wouldnt be able to visit the page or something.

Minecraft / Re: Nation Minecraft
« on: April 30, 2012, 07:55:01 PM »
Perhaps we should start building two nations; and build them a certain distance apart, but start off peaceful and continue building nations until we have 4-5 spread across the server. Then after we have everything kind of built up we can start going to war with one another, and we can either trade supplies and shit; or steal it from chests during raids.

Ideally the castle/fortress that's protected by mods would have a vault with the important items, etc. It'd be nice to have the cities built before anyone tried to destroy anything. We can just set up diplomacy of some kind, and if you're neutral the other players must respect that till they declare otherwise.

We'd have to have rules and laws we follow on a general basis. Server rules, and then Nation laws. Breaking the server rules results in bans or whatever; while breaking nation law may result in exile or jailtime.

Honestly after it got that awesome, we'd need like at least a 30-50 slot server..

Hence why if people keep voting yes ill more then consider setting it up!

Debate Forum / Re: CISPA
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:32:11 PM »
c-c-c-ombo breaker

Do you know what I mean though when I say its harder to pass after a veto. Right now it only needs a majority even if that's by one vote. Do you happen to have the amounts of votes for yes and no?

Minecraft / Re: Nation Minecraft
« on: April 30, 2012, 04:22:51 PM »
I say that if there is a nation mod for the server that you can't expand protected (officially owned) landed of a nation, and every nation has a set amount for the amount of people that start it.

5 people starting it = a fair amount for a few buildings, not a lot though
10 people starting it = more than 5
15 people starting = OH SHIT DO YOU REALLY NEED THIS MUCH?

and any buildings a part of the nation but not in the protected land are fair game from other nations' attacks. Think of it like this;

a large castle built in the protected land, farms and small buildings surrounding it making up the land.

That sounds like a good idea. We would have to figure out how much land would be alotted to whom but thats something we could figure out in game, with whoever is elected/given leader of their respective nations.

Minecraft / Re: Nation Minecraft
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:26:51 PM »
I second this! We need a labor force! We could have the first nation built in days, but I would love to play a minecraft server that actually attempts this. We could have it private for a week or so and all have schedules for what to do/build. We could have some people work on building houses, others could work on like libraries, skyscrapers, farms, rivers, etc. Then we could have a mining team that gathers ores and cobblestone and other materials. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME. GOD DAMN SOMEONE FIX THE SERVER!

Good to hear! well I might actually consider this. I just need to hear back from somebody and if I see some more posts in here count on having a server like this, I'll get one started and then we could play!

Old Time Aways / Re: Arth's time away
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:25:20 PM »
Also my computer is damaged and it will be a little while before I get the money for the parts so I can't get on ttt and perform my duties for a little while.

Your mom makes 125k/yr. How is this possible?

Not every parent is gonna give their kids money if they make good money  Meme9

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft News :D and :C
« on: April 30, 2012, 11:52:39 AM »
Im curious, is the server whitelisted because you guys are re-setting it up or something because the gametracker is showing activity and I cannot join

Debate Forum / Re: CISPA
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:03:09 AM »
The Obama Administration said they would veto it if it came to vote, so quit worrying.
BUT! if he does veto the bill it goes back to congress and they vote once more and can over power the veto.

You realize that after a veto you need a 2/3 majority in the house and senate, which mean some people on the other side need to vote for the side trying to pass it. With the way both parties are split, if it get vetoed then its gonna be hard to pass.

Both sides agree on censoring the Internet.

Yeah but they still hate each other and try to cut off each other at every chance they get.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: perm mute and gag
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:59:10 PM »
oh yeah and I said it with an A not an ER thats not racist at all nor did I call someone it so i dont see what the big issue is here

Haha times like these make me glad I am getting a college education

needed that laugh anyways back to finals

You have to go to college to be able to tell when someone is being racist? hahahahah

All I am trying to say is that I never called anyone that word nor was it used in a way to offend anyone, and I also read the rules upon entering the sever and it really does not say no racism.

Its a rule stated quite clearly in the MOTD.

@Commodore: RDM and leave does not equal permaban unless it was mass, also Cadaver said in his opinion it should be a perma ban when people deliberately try to be racist.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: No recoil permaban
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:17:07 PM »
Andre:. No this was the other day, you were not on.

Ed: its called prefire, sethhacks allows for it.

Is this supposed to be a quote from me in the demo or what? because I know i've never said the word sethhacks before  Meme7

No in one of the demos it looks like you pre fire at a guy just coming around a corner.

Can some more admins please check the demos out!!

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: perm mute and gag
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:16:04 PM »
Trolling on your pmute appear will not get you anywhere, ban sounds more then justified

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: perm mute and gag
« on: April 29, 2012, 10:43:07 PM »
I believe he meant minutes unless he is being a wise guy, also your STEAM ID is wrong

Minecraft / Can write in books finally!
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:39:22 PM »

I dunno about you but I've been looking forward to that since books were introduced!

Pages: 1 ... 146 147 [148] 149 150 ... 184

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