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Our* war was won because of me so you're all welcome

Debate Forum / Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« on: 14 Jun, 2012 02:27 »
Ya i dont think completely making guns illegal will ever be the right answer(at least in the US) it would just end the same way as prohibition hopefully we have already learned our lesson

Yeah count me in

Unless you want to have two jailbreak servers... Not gonna happen.  The jailbreak server is a gmod server because we have a gmod server.

We would have to find a new gamemode for the gmod server and put up a cs:s jailbreak server.  Last time we tried a cs:s jailbreak it failed.

Also there's less competition on gmod.

EDIT: Also, what makes it more entertaining?

Two jailbreaks what!?!?! We have a Gmod server for jailbreak not jailbreak for a gmod server we could easily stop paying for it and run it off the box and CS:S's gunplay is much better than gmod's in my opinion

... we have a gmod server for jailbreak, not jailbreak for a gmod server? Do you understand how English works or did I miss something?

We buy gmod servers separate because of the risk of DDOS, and 10$ is a great price. While running it on our server box would be free it'd be pointless, nobody would play it and then it would get switched to something else. It's better to stick to what the community already knows than expect to everyone start playing CSS again just to help out; and people would probably prefer Gmods customization over CSS's "gunplay".

Yeah it should probably stick to gmod, since that's what we're more familiar with, as well as less competition, amazing server box price, and it can be populated better. Also i'm pretty sure gunplay in CSS and gmod are the same, right?

We aren't really anymore familiar with Gmod just that more people in CG actually play it as opposed to CS:S

Exactly... so we're more familiar with it.. probably 70%+ of CG plays Gmod regularly. It's all we really have to play right now with the serverbox down..
Sir you just derped all over your self like massively. Reread everything and say sorry for your apparent fail.

Dear lord.

 not sure about the english part but he was right about ddos and the base of our players XD

Well I already know about why we dont run gmod servers off the box so ya......

and the player base is going to have to play on a separate server either way so what does it matter which game they start up in their steam library?

I'm fine with it being on a counter-strike game but I would wait until CS:GO comes out personally.

This, being one of the few (or many) communities to have a custom gamemode up when its released so soon will be a huge advantage compared to starting a (failed) server on cs:s or an average one on gmod.

My thoughts exactly.

Jailbreak probably won't be updated for CS-GO or even compatible for that matter

Debate Forum / Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« on: 11 Jun, 2012 16:23 »
As I live in Canada most firearms are illegal so I'm perfectly fine with gun control. I understand the American right to bear arms and I respect that but I'm kind of glad that it's not like that in Canada. It's funny though because like Old Crow said most gun related crimes are related to handguns which is true in Canada as well even though you can't purchase them legally without a possession and acquisition licence.

That's because most crimes are committed with illegal firearms which is why gun control for the most part doesn't work

Debate Forum / Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« on: 11 Jun, 2012 16:05 »
Perfectly fine with some of the laws the way they are, which is you can buy rifles/shotguns at 18. I see no problem with that because it tends to be pistols that are used in almost all the crimes committed. For pistols I think there needs to be some much better control there, more back round checks, more classes, more consequences too for the people that get illegal pistols and use them. Most people that get handguns legally don't intend on harming others, unless they carry, and in that case you have to prove without a doubt if you use it in a survival situation.

Most of the laws need to be tighter however. Seems like most crimes are committed with illegal pistols, and if that's the case we need to tighten and stop the flow of illegal weapons. Another problem that the damn NRA is doing is allowing convicted felons to carry again, something that has been illegal forever but they are getting away with it with the help of NRA lawyers. Also allowing people that can carry in Michigan to carry in New York where the law is stricter is stupid, that's the reason why states have different laws. Lastly remember what I said about background checks, they need to be much more robust, there needs to be some kind of physiologically report when people buy pistols, cause it seems much too easy for people with mental problems are getting their hands on guns.

What is tough is to get actual facts on whether gun control or lack of it helps reduce crime. Both sides are too bias for there to be any real progress, because it seems any third party data gets drown out by both sides. Having a gun is a big responsibility, so we shouldn't take it as lightly as we have been lately (again, pistols, not rifles or shotguns)

I agree this debate in the government is one of many that suffers from the "I like donkeys, well i like Elephants" issue where there is a complete lack of free thought and only one extreme is the right one.

Although in the end i think gun control should be a law that should fall to the individual states for their specific situations instead of the federal government, although I don't think completely illegalizing firearms is ever the right choice

Yeah it should probably stick to gmod, since that's what we're more familiar with, as well as less competition, amazing server box price, and it can be populated better. Also i'm pretty sure gunplay in CSS and gmod are the same, right?

We aren't really anymore familiar with Gmod just that more people in CG actually play it as opposed to CS:S

also $10 compared to FREE isn't really a good price and the gunplay isn't the same at all

Debate Forum / What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« on: 11 Jun, 2012 14:28 »
I'm personally somewhere in the middle on the issue I see the idea behind gun control and agree with it ,but also realize it doesn't work.

So what are your guy's thoughts on the issue?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Black Ops 2
« on: 11 Jun, 2012 11:36 »
Sorry but the whole b ops 2 ordeal is pathetic... this entire idea is awful and the game will inevitably be awful. Call of duty stopped being fun after mw2, black ops and mw3 were awful and its already run its course.

I actually preferred black ops to MW2 as a game ,but Black ops was to little to late for me although I do agree MW3 from the bit I played was horrible

we have stronger ties to gmod

we tried css jailbreak before I was there assisting Zukuto and it did ok but after a week it couldn't stand on its own leg

gmod jailbreak populated the server even when it was half broken

also the server is $10 a month for the 25 slots because im a fucking boss and know people (typical price is $25 and can be up to $50 for a gmod server with that many slots)

well i personally dont think we should have a jailbreak server at all ,but I started this thread wondering why we just don't run a CS:S one off our box

i mean its great you got a server that cheap ,but you usually get what you pay for

also a week isn't that long

Unless you want to have two jailbreak servers... Not gonna happen.  The jailbreak server is a gmod server because we have a gmod server.

We would have to find a new gamemode for the gmod server and put up a cs:s jailbreak server.  Last time we tried a cs:s jailbreak it failed.

Also there's less competition on gmod.

EDIT: Also, what makes it more entertaining?

Two jailbreaks what!?!?! We have a Gmod server for jailbreak not jailbreak for a gmod server we could easily stop paying for it and run it off the box and CS:S's gunplay is much better than gmod's in my opinion

I've always been curious why we have a Gmod jail break server instead of a counter strike one i personally find Counter Strike's jailbreak far more entertaining and also once the server box is up we could run it off our box instead of renting one, so really i don't see any reason not to have a CSS one instead

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