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Messages - Waffuls the Huntress

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Solved Applications / Re: jessica nigri's admin app
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 05:02 »
If we don't act professional, this thread is going to same way as Allie's

Allie's were relevant posts. Hers were not.

That's all I'm putting.

Way Off Topic Box / Video Wars
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 04:42 »
We have a thread for pictures, so why not random videos we find, as well?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Solved Applications / Re: jessica nigri's admin app
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 04:37 »
-1 Spammed the crap out of Picture Wars. Most of the posts are just pictures, nothing really relevant.

Sorry, but it just annoyed the beach balls out of me.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Arma 2 DayZ
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 03:04 »
Lmao. I feel so bad. XD

General Gaming Talk / Re: Arma 2 DayZ
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 02:15 »
WE DIDN'T KNOW THAT WOULD HAPPEN. We had just ganged up and were scouting areas, and then this guy comes in and sees us on an ammo pile all with hatchets and hes like "OH GOD NO, YOU'VE KILLED ME, SENDING ME TO MY DEATH WITH THE ZOMBIES OUTSIDE," when really we never said a word but we did run at him menacingly. Then, that other guy comes and shoots us all down.


General Gaming Talk / Re: Arma 2 DayZ
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 01:09 »
Me, Bokino, And another Friend were playing for a few hours trying to get to the airfield, and once we finally did I accidentally killed my Buddy and then the server crashed :(.

Really fun though, I wanna play with more of you guys.

Me, Linkster, and Tendovvi were all unarmed in the airfield, when Linkster dies, and there's this crazy guy shooting at us screaming "y'all gonna die N***."

Good times.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 19 Jul, 2012 01:08 »

Debate Forum / Re: How do you feel about marriage?
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 18:26 »
I think marriage is such a silly idea; seeing how bastardized it's become. To me, it's just a title, and doesn't mean anything else. I would be happy if I had someone, but never married them, because I don't need a license or a piece of paper to tell me that I'm with the person I love.

When people marry and end up divorcing, it's just an issue. Legally, and with possession halving as well. That phrase "it's cheaper to keep her," I've been told several times by my parents, and because of it I think it is silly to marry at all. I don't want to have to deal with the stress of losing a partner on top of all of the lawyers, fees, negative opinions.. I rather it just be "here, you take this, I'll take that. Get the fuck out." Not months of struggle with legal crap for something I think should be absolutely private.

That's just how I feel on marriage. Just like, if you're going to date someone, do it for the long-run. If you're going to be with someone, why do you need something to say that you're together? It's just a title, a way to show off your ends (fancy weddings/expensive dress), and, to me, a cry for attention (oh, you're getting married?) and means nothing else.

Head Admin nomination / Re: Old crow for HA
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 16:17 »
The shit's all he talks about.


General Gaming Talk / Re: can you dig it?
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 08:50 »
L4D2 is harder, I like the versus more than I do L4D.

But them bots. Fucking. Tarded. It's like, it gets worse each game they make.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Iflounder ban
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 07:15 »
You obviously didn't watch the whole demo, he kills 2 more people after the round ends.

I watched the whole thing and really only saw one kill. :I

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Iflounder ban
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 03:07 »
All it was was the first kill on Snak about 30 seconds into the game.

Not really much for evidence, and honestly, I feel like this isn't no-recoil.

But, again, there was just one kill, and Flounder was using an accurate gun which rarely has any recoil anyway.

That's my input.

Old Time Aways / Re: Multigrains away time
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 00:06 »


Debate Forum / Re: How do you feel about marriage?
« on: 18 Jul, 2012 00:05 »
If I was to marry Tendovvi, people would claim that it was a false marriage and put me in jail.

Fuck the system.

Admin Department / Re: I am giving up admin
« on: 17 Jul, 2012 06:08 »

I have to admit being admin is tough, and a lot of people are going to dislike you, but so soon? You're still so new.. :(

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