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Messages - Old Crow

Pages: 1 ... 126 127 [128] 129 130 ... 184
Old Time Aways / Re: ??Mystery??'s time away.
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:54:12 PM »
Wasn't paying attention and ran into my friends tire, fell on concrete.

Ouch that must have hurt

Okay, there is no evidence whatsoever dragonborn was ghosting, nor trolling, can't just pick one and go with it.  No evidence on them, only suspicion, they definetely should not be banned.

As for Toxikx, he should be banned.

Toxikx is banned, already ahead of ya. As for the other two yes you are correct, not enough evidence.

i dint think trolling was ghosting, i have played with him before and i cant think of an instance of him rdming, however dragonborn i had to deal with last night when there was no admins. he was rdming like a madman. just because he is friends with him doesn't mean he was ghosting with him.

Need pictures or demos if you want anything to happen, I cannot go off of word of mouth. Also somebody told him, and then said it in chat, so that would be Ghosting.

Looks good to me, good job figuring that out Andre, ill put them away forever.

Thanks for the request as well, ghosters are just as bad as hackers.

Edit: I want to make sure this is correct. Toxic is gone, but is dragon getting banned as well, and trolling for dayz? I need trolls id.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:34:26 PM »
Yes Symbols you are certainly the exception to the rule, most times however its a single scout that has done 100 damage the entire round, and does maybe 300 before he dies, but the person playing always ends up taking 5 minutes to do that 300 damage. This is why I have a book to read when I play the game.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:09:23 PM »
2k damage is easy as hell to do with last stand crits, especially if you can just run backwards and keep unloading on the Hale.
Can't we just use common sense to determine if the scout is wasting time or is trying to kill the Hale/HHHJR/Vangineer/CBS, if he is trying to kill the Hale then he is going to get raged, if he is just running around not doing any damage then we get to slay him. On top of that we have a 3 scout limit in place.

I can't comment on if its even possible to add a bleed effect to the last one standing, and if we did there is still the matter of bonk/mad milk/plain old medkits to heal the scout and it encourages camping as the hale, which is the last thing the we need.

Damn it people posting while I'm writing this shit. Crow if you have last stand crits a pistol shot does 45 damage, a clip has 12 bullets that means with one full clip a scout can do over 500 damage, that's more than most crappy soldiers and pyros manage with their whole lives.

I'm talking about 4 or 5K not 2K. Sometimes I see scouts try to kill a hale with 10K and usually that scout is somebody that is not good, not somebody that is good at playing scout or epic, just a nobody that runs after he shoots one clip in the general direction of Hale.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:56:16 PM »
I agree, so many times there are 2 or 1 scouts left, just shooting hale with his pistol when he has 4 or 5K of hp left, and if its not that they just run forever until they get caught.

Maybe a vote slay command?

Old Time Aways / Re: Sprite's Time Away
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:31:20 PM »
You followin' me?

Following you? He is holding your hand, just look to your left  Meme9

Minecraft / Re: Ender Dragons
« on: July 06, 2012, 01:18:47 PM »
Haha me and Old Crow will join the fight from out portal. We can meet in the end. I bet we can kill more :-P

We will kill twice as much as the next person!

General Gaming Talk / Re: Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion released
« on: July 06, 2012, 06:39:40 AM »
Got Arth into this game, ill post some screenshots of it eventually, unfortunately i do not have any of our epic battle, but we still need to raid the pirate base.

Minecraft / Re: Ender Dragons
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:56:37 PM »
So after finally getting a portal up, there seems to be 20 ender dragons at the end, considering how it's a 20 slot server. So WHO IS UP FOR A MASSACRE- i mean a raiding party?

I would be! I think we would need everybody on the server to attack at once lol.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Suggestions, Now With Links!
« on: July 03, 2012, 06:24:07 PM »
I am basing this off of previous servers where it was an issue. The last server where we built that wood town is a prime exanple.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:01:47 AM »

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ban request mass rdming
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:16:58 PM »
Wait, how do you know P. Derps guy is the weekban guy?

Actually that's beside the point, the steam ID of P. Derps needs to be weekbanned
i know it's him because i take the steamid of him when he connect to the server from chat/console, and before he leave i said to him he gonna be weekban/perma for his mass rdm and decide to switch his name to i'm weekbanned

I see. Problem is we do need evidence, can't go off of word of mouth, even tho your a regular and a good player caboose. I believe you but gotta go by the book this time. He will be banned for a week.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ban request mass rdming
« on: July 02, 2012, 07:24:32 PM »
what about this guy ? (derp)  I'm banned for a week :D(STEAM_0:1:37828273)    /  <--- he asked to be weekban

Link the pictures, I don't see him in logs at all

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