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Messages - Old Crow

Minecraft / What should the Factions names be?
« on: 30 Jul, 2012 22:47 »
Just like the title says, what should the 2 Factions be named. Try to pick something that sounds good, try not to pick something crazy like the Bitche$ 4 life or something of that sort.

Also we need a leader for either each faction, there will be 3 factions to begin with, so if you want to become one, state so here and I'll set up a thread about it ASAP, probably no later then Wednesday .

The third faction is to be named at a later time.

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: 30 Jul, 2012 16:14 »
I think the Death Penalty should be used in cases of multiple murders or murders of people under the age of 15, otherwise life imprisonment. For other crimes such as rape, I believe the perpetrator, if proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt should be physically altered so they cannot achieve an erection, and also should have a forced vasectomy.

Edit: Of course rape isn't just a guy thing.. Don't know what the punishment should be for women.

Should we cut off the hands of people that steal as well, you all seem to keep forgetting these are still human beings. Beyond that our justice system is still very much imperfect and we should stay away from any irreversible punishments such as the death penalty or castration for more than just moral reasons ,but because you never know 100% that someone is guilty. We should always allow people no matter the crime to redeem themselves or prove themselves innocent.

Stealing is a little bit different than Rape... And as far as I'm concerned, someone who rapes someone else is far below a human being in my eyes. And like I said, only should be done if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Meaning where it is absolutely incontrovertible that this happened (witnesses, DNA, a confession even). If it cannot be proven with no reasonable suspicion on the contrary, these punishments should be put into motion.

Liam's right, you know how hard it is to prove something 100%, it just doesn't happen, and even then, would we be any better mutilating a criminal for a crime, then the actual crime itself. I would hope we would take the higher road in that situation.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: 30 Jul, 2012 13:44 »

Just did this now, its my attempt at flying a Bradley in ARMA 2

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: 30 Jul, 2012 12:43 »

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: 29 Jul, 2012 17:03 »
"God particle"


That's what makes you mad about it? That's what it is called in the media..

That's not its real name correct, that's just what the media called it yes?

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: 29 Jul, 2012 15:05 »
"God particle"


Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 14:43 »
The basic idea of a death penalty, was to use the severe act of death by a nasty way, hanging or guillotine, for example, to prevent the next fellow from doing the same act.

The theory was, if we take this guy's life, the next guy will think twice. 

Did it work?   Well? Did it?


Minecraft / Re: Why me?
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 03:33 »

Yes Notch has lost his mind. lets make the most difficult mob even more difficult to deal with.

Better get that diamond armor yo

Notch hasn't been working on minecraft since the release of 1.2 I believe, it is being lead solely by Jeb.

Lol guess I'm a little like Inject, blame everything on Notch, regardless of his involvement  Meme9

Minecraft / Re: Why me?
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 02:38 »
I am not sure if you are trying to do this, but try not to create multiple threads in one day. To some that can be seem as spamming, and we have been getting ALOT of spammers as of recently.

As for on topic, Creepers are getting harder in 1.3., up to 50% more damage on hard.

Yes Notch has lost his mind. lets make the most difficult mob even more difficult to deal with.

Better get that diamond armor yo

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 00:58 »
The fix to costly death sentences: Public Hangings

I have a cheaper solution: Firing squad

More humane as well

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 22:34 »

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 22:34 »
On average its something over 30,000 dollars to keep people in prison. Also Inject life in prison is defined by the judge, usually the minimum is 15 I believe, and its up to the judge after that minimum for what parole rights you have, so you could be paroled after 15 years, or 20 years, or never, depending on what you did
or 90

That's the point is it not? Life can be 15 years, or it can be Jerry Sandusky aka 250 years

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 20:06 »
On average its something over 30,000 dollars to keep people in prison. Also Inject life in prison is defined by the judge, usually the minimum is 15 I believe, and its up to the judge after that minimum for what parole rights you have, so you could be paroled after 15 years, or 20 years, or never, depending on what you did

Minecraft / Re: Tekkit on CG's sever
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 19:32 »
I temporarily turned to the dark side of Terarria ever since I bought it for me and my sister for 2.50 @_@

Sadly vanilla bores me, and apparently I can't use my chests or doors anymore because it's under the territory of pwnzors... so I haven't really wanted to play lately, but if we wipe/do something new that'd be awesome. I want to build a city or a world first and then open it to the public for play, and attempt nations or something similar.

Minecraft's just kinda boring after a few days, and there's nothing left to do; except what you've already done. Dig, build an awkward looking house, try to make something cool, repeat. Unless you're constantly working on something, there's really nothing to do.

That's why my ideal minecraft is role playing. We could tell groups of people to mine together, get stone, start a mine, build a city, make everyone a house, elect a king/mayor, etc. Then as the server gains more players, split into different cities, have wars, become a nomad, do whatchu wanna do. Hopefully another update will be released soon, and that'll increase population drastically for a few days. Then would be a good time to open a new server like what I suggest..

Terarria?! you back stabber!

Yes and that is why on the factions thread I mentioned having basically 3 factions to begin with, but tell me what do you think about having Tekkit?

Minecraft / Re: Tekkit on CG's sever
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 16:23 »
what will you do about the catalysts and rings? or all the advanced tools? they are a big part of tekkit but can do so much damage.

Ill come to that conclusion at some point, either by removing them or banning for the use of them. Again there is always the chance of putting some of Tekkit on, because alchemy does feel like it has some op parts to it

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