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Messages - Kwaurtz

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Introductions Forum / Re: Insert non-creative introduction here
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:52:16 PM »
There was a post with that content here in this thread. Greetings new-lady person.

Everyone can be happy! The great hat-ening is upon us soon, and all the little children will get their diretide hats!

In all honesty, the part of the DOTA community that bitched about it went way too far. I'm sorry, but when you guys start calling Volvo as some kind of weird joke, and start threatening DOTA commentators and spamming his RL phone number, I have a big issue with that.

Kwuartz, I know you want me to play that game, but out of principle, I will never touch DOTA now. This action by the community was the final nail in the coffin for me. They make the rest of us gamers look even worse now in the eyes of an average non gamer.

Its the smallest portion of the population that are the loudest. Only about 3k players in the active 600k dota player base did anything. Volvo used it as a PR stunt and came out looking good on the dota communities side. You can't judge the actions of a few for the actions of the whole. Thats like saying CG is automatically nothing but gopib's.

That's funny, if I recall correctly you judged an entire internet community based off the actions of the smallest portion.
But as you said, you can't go running around judging the whole based on the actions of a small part, now can you?

That's funny, please stay on topic in my threads, I'd really not like another fight to blow up.

Admin Applications / Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:31:41 PM »
Even if she WAS active on ALL servers for the past two weeks, that doesn't mean she wouldn't stop playing as much as soon as he got this promotion. We all know Leet's played most every game we have, and I agree she should be more familiar with the server's admins but whether she gets admin on the specific server is 100% up to that HA. Since she doesn't play much ZPS, I would ask her to get her total playtime up to X before I add him. I'm sure her would gladly oblige to do so, anything to help.

All I'm saying is how active the person is currently is a silly thing to judge on. Perhaps a window just opened and Leet will have the next month or two to dedicate to playing across all servers.

If she's denied, it'll have to be another few months before she attempts something like this and that window and drive to help might vanish. That's how my situation went. I was ready to play on all servers and do anything I can to help, but after a month of it not happening I just gave up. I haven't really felt the drive to do anything for CG since, and I kind of don't even know why I'm still here.

CG has been offered A LOT of help and has turned a blind eye to most people trying to help; so I don't really expect much to happen here but I give Leet a +1000 on this.

Like any promotion in the world, its not what you say you can do, but what you've done and what you can demonstrate you can do over and over again. Helping the community does not warrant an immediate promotion to all ranks. If it requires admin on all servers or a certain rank of admin to help the community, then we are screwed. And looking at what Leet has said versus her play record of times, too me, it just looks like an easy way to jump through the loops so that she doesn't get punished for not being as active. I know in the end she means well, but I just have to say no to this. This is something that should have been addressed via pm's, that and promotions shouldn't really be asked for unwarranted. Like I said, time in itself is not a good enough reason for promotion.

In all honesty, the part of the DOTA community that bitched about it went way too far. I'm sorry, but when you guys start calling Volvo as some kind of weird joke, and start threatening DOTA commentators and spamming his RL phone number, I have a big issue with that.

Kwuartz, I know you want me to play that game, but out of principle, I will never touch DOTA now. This action by the community was the final nail in the coffin for me. They make the rest of us gamers look even worse now in the eyes of an average non gamer.

Its the smallest portion of the population that are the loudest. Only about 3k players in the active 600k dota player base did anything. Volvo used it as a PR stunt and came out looking good on the dota communities side. You can't judge the actions of a few for the actions of the whole. Thats like saying CG is automatically nothing but gopib's.

Introductions Forum / Re: Insert non-creative introduction here
« on: November 09, 2013, 09:33:24 AM »
Since i am a newbie and this is a intro thread, I am going a bit off topic here with online games. I do play simple games on my PC and even online bingo ones like these http://onlinebingo3.co.uk and are great stress relieving busters especially from a hard days work.

Even FB games linked thru' my profile are equally good but they take a lot of time getting loaded. Members, what are you inputs on online games? Especially ones which are linked thru' social media platforms.

I feel like bot.

The swing has straight bars, not chains so it is WAY easier that way.

With chains it is almost a physical impossibility based on the capabilities of a kid, I guess if we had swingsets that looked that haggard it might have happened here.

Also as Finnie said, its old you probably saw it on stupid Reddit or something :P

I'm decently sure that physics stops chains from ever going 360 around the bar without something other than human power.

Yeah, with sheer human force alone the chains would never be able to go 360, due to the fact when you reach a point high enough on either your swing or backswing, the chains go slack, which kills a lot of the power of your swing.

Admin Applications / Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« on: November 08, 2013, 06:34:53 PM »
I'm going to have to say no. Because not only are you hardly active on the server you currently administrate for. Being here for a set amount of time shouldn't mean squat when it comes to a promotion for your administration rank, it should be what you actually do as far as being an admin. Now, if you showed more activity on ANY of the community servers, sure, I'd say rank up. But for the same reason that I resigned my own admin, you are hardly active on CG servers. For all intents and purposes as a trial admin you should have been warned about this inactivity on the server anyway, however, I know Cortez has been busy with his own time away.

I actually got this from geekologie.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKc3i0nN-9Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKc3i0nN-9Q</a>

Way Off Topic Box / Re: The Pet Thread!
« on: November 08, 2013, 07:16:41 AM »

this is my doge

The Art Forum / Re: Milk's gfx and.. junk
« on: November 08, 2013, 06:01:08 AM »
Finally, another whom joins our ranks as ps users.

Voice Server / Re: Ventilo ip still up on the frontpage
« on: November 06, 2013, 06:49:32 PM »
Either way, you were talking about Finnie's theme being bad, well Vertex theme is broken so don't act like it is perfect, Vertex is crappy and broken too and needs to be fixed :P

 I view the forums other places than my home computer (which has a 32" HD monitor), my laptop is only 14" so its resolution is less than 1080p, and my computer at work doesn't have HD monitor, thats at 1400x900 and still displays wrong :P

You're using the wrong version of Vertex then. There is Vertex-lowres which fixes this problem.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: November 06, 2013, 06:44:39 PM »
Post pics or GTFO. please Spam elsewhere.


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