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Messages - Pillz

The Art Forum / Re: Techno
« on: 22 Jul, 2011 02:36 »
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Whatever, there. Music and shit.

The Art Forum / Re: RAVES
« on: 22 Jul, 2011 00:16 »
This is more my style! I go to raves every chance i get. So usually two or three times a week. The only problem i have with them is how late im up. Especially since i always go to the after party when the raves are over so i never get home till ten in the morning. I have been waiting for this rave coming up on Aug. 13. IT'S GOING TO BE SICK!!! Skrillex, Kaskade, Rusko, Nero, Datsik, and Le Castle Vania are going to be there some of my favorite artists ever. They're almost all dubstep too. Here's the website if you wanna try and go to a show near you.

Ill try to get a lot of pics if i get any when i go.
Btw im guessing that's not your first rave pillz?

Nope it was the first haha, i've heard of this rave for a good year or too and I finally got to go. One of the girls I was with got up in the cage on stage in the video too lol.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ventrilo Unban
« on: 21 Jul, 2011 21:13 »
nice disrespect learn to spell dumbass.......cant even speak proper english go back to your hole where you came from.

I'm under the impression he's not from an english speaking country, but if he is, /agree. Anyway, I have no problem with the n word, unless you're being a cunt. You were being a cunt. I don't care if someone spams it to try to get banned, I'll ban them, but you would get banned for saying what you said, just as easily if you said the same thing using "Black people" instead, even though in your context you really can't. The idea is you're being a racist prick, you got banned for it. If you wouldn't of said they deserve to be called that, your apology would of been accepted, probably not but yeah.

I'm sorry =/= I was joking.

Calling someone a bitch is fine, but calling a woman a bitch because she deserves to be called that like the dog she is, is completely uncalled for, and I would probably ban/kick someone for saying that, and not apologizing or saying just kidding as fast as their hands allow them. You said sorry. For what, being racist? Yeah, we're sorry too.

Also, it sounds like your "accident" wasn't an accident at all, way to lie in attempt to make it sound less serious.

The Art Forum / Re: RAVES
« on: 21 Jul, 2011 20:47 »
why did you center your text?

Because it looked gay and unorganized at first, with the videos all on the left, so I centered it?

Debate Forum / Re: kratos vs dante
« on: 21 Jul, 2011 19:40 »
but dante defeated lucifer, that should give him some point right?
btw i think dantee is an angel
and kratos is just 50% god

true that kratos fucked up all gods, and btw dante didn't die becouse he wasn't even alive thats why i think he was an angel kinda :P

Angel =/= God

Angel < God

Also I've beaten Lucifer in quite a few games, clearly he's not that amazing.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 21 Jul, 2011 01:15 »
^ Wants his gums massaged with his fathers tongue.

< Likes cutiepie girls

v wants a pie of peaches.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 20 Jul, 2011 20:35 »
^ Mobile, online gaming advertisement that makes me crave tacos
< Maybe should have waited and not answered "takes it hard" XD
V Cannot administrate me

^ Needs to take it hard.

< Can administrate a hard giving.

v Wants a balloon

7-8 pages, AGO, not a whole 8 pages of it, lol
now I am scared D= and yes I did miss them because I am on a fucking vacation  XD
Here's where it starts, and it goes onto the next page too. there is also a picture of waffuls naked

So are you actually gay? Or am I missing something, cause I'd hit that.

The Art Forum / Re: Post your desktop thread
« on: 20 Jul, 2011 02:02 »

We know you are but what are we?

im naked.
your avatar, are you a crossdresser?

Did you miss the last 8 or so pages of this thread?
lol it wasn't 8 pages, but me and travis managed to fill a few pages up with our sexiness

7-8 pages, AGO, not a whole 8 pages of it, lol

im naked.
your avatar, are you a crossdresser?

Did you miss the last 8 or so pages of this thread?

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: (=CG=) Finniespin Complaint
« on: 19 Jul, 2011 23:47 »
I don't find the first thing RDM. (Killing someone who shot at you.) I would NOT have slayed for that. Also, the people who kept crying over the GG: I would point out to them that you did/did not shoot them with the GG, and tell them who did instead if you didn't (and possibly slay them) and mute/gag them if necessary. You getting a slay for this.. I find that abuse/admin mistake.

Now, for the perma-mute: I wasn't there, so I can't say if what Towersheep said was correct or not. But, it sounded like you were getting on their nerves by how you typed it. "I wasn't mic-spamming nor was I disrespecting the admin, I was merely telling him, in essence, not to slay people because some brat got killed and wants the admin to do his dirty work for him." < You're telling us how to do our job, even if we did mess up on a slay or two, it doesn't ever give you the right to tell us what to do. I don't, however, believe that this was worth a pmute, even if you were spamming then constantly. I would have simply kicked you if you continued to spam admin chat after being gagged (re-gag on rejoin), or left you muted for a map or two.

For Religion's RDM: Finnie should have taken care of that. Even if he did not kill you, that is revenge RDM if he damages you after he is slayed for RDM'ing you, or you aren't slayed for non-RDM.

I don't think Finnie handled the situation well. I want to wait for his side of the story though before doing anything.

P.S. It really helps your story if you have evidence. The second you see abuse or neglect, you start recording/taking snapshots and copy/pasting the logs. Even though you crashed, it seems that you had plenty of time to do that instead of telling the admins how to do their job.

They all say that. "Do not tell us how to do our job".
Deal with it, you're doing things wrong (not you in particular). If you can't stand criticism, die. Just because some guys have daddy's server doesnt give them the right to ban anyone on sight and spare your friends.
Period, I'm done here.

I agree completely. If you have to mute them to get them to stop talking instead of calmly explaining yourself, there's something wrong. Admins aren't always going to do their jobs right, if they don't know they're making a mistake, they should be let known, if they continue to make mistakes, they or a higher power needs to be let known.

Muting, and ESPECIALLY Pmuting, should be a rare thing, muting for people that are clearly annoying the whole server, I know TTT has that stupid no squeakers rule, but I believe unless more than like 4 or 5 people are complaining about someone, they shouldn't be muted or gagged. It's about the server, not an admins personal preference. If someone's mic is pure static, then duh, mute them, but PMUTE/GAG for something as petty as this? Wat.

The Art Forum / Re: Techno
« on: 18 Jul, 2011 22:50 »
I wouldn't exactly call that GOOD techno, but yes, I listen to techno. Have been for six years.

I heard people here were being gay and talking about hair too, so here I am.

Being gay. Kind of.

The Art Forum / Re: I draw?
« on: 16 Jul, 2011 08:26 »

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