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Messages - Pillz

Minecraft / Re: SUPER-MEGA-AWESOME Update Time!
« on: 06 Oct, 2011 16:00 »
Does anyone else constantly get booted off the server, after a few seconds of massive lag where blocks you've placed disappear, re-appear and whatnot? It seems to happen every day, after hours of completely fine gameplay, and why does the server sometimes (when I'm playing alone usually too), delete all progress for the past 20 minutes or so. I made an entire railroad with powered rails to the surface, mined a few diamonds and found a whole new section of unexplored caverns.

Then I was booted, and in my room again, with no progress made at all. D: I remember one time a super admin there said don't play because everything will be deleted, but I was playing for a good hour before it happened today.. Idunno.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: 03 Oct, 2011 19:46 »
Yeah, we should have a ZPS meeting with all the ZPS people and whatnot. Can we have it tonight- next few days?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: 02 Oct, 2011 19:37 »
By health plugin do you mean the Melee mod plugin?

I can't find it no matter how hard I look, I swore it use to be on allied modders but I can't find it.

This is the only one they had I would like to use, if it works.

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Server Problems
« on: 01 Oct, 2011 19:55 »
Infection Rate: Drop it, for FUCKING GODS SAKE, drop the infection rate. I don't care what anyone's explanation for having it at 30% is, but it's retardulous. Why?

Whitey's attack does 35 dmg, 3 hits without armor kills you. Usually whitey only gets one or two hits in before dying on any given human. It's almost a 1/3 chance to get infected (33%), so you're almost guaranteed to get infected, if you have armor, you're most definitely going to get infected, if you don't die. Usually whitey can kill you in three hits EASILY, to begin with. To be rewarded with infection for surviving is just, annoying to say the least.

NOT TO MENTION- The last update buffed infecteds, when humans turn they get temporary invulnrablity, and they do more damage I believe, so having more of that on a map like armory, or biotec, can end games entirely, with one infected alone. If there's a one in three chance for infection, on a 20 person game of biotec.. four(and I've seen five and six) infecteds makes it really hard.

People get infected WAY too much. The dev's set it at 15% because it makes sense, that's basically a 1/6 chance to get infected. That way infection is a rare thing, that can turn around gameplay, and perhaps we could get a plugin for infection to whitey chat, in the period of no talking before a person turns.

Anyway, 30% infection chance is just retardulous and I'm very sick of it. It makes it harder to get through some maps and there don't need to be 3-5 infected every round. It's dumb and I'm tired of hearing people complain. It makes it much more rewarding and acceptable..

Lower it to at least 25%, or if you're feeling cooler, 20%. 15% if you wanna be best friends.


RedQueen- Why the hell was CG_RQ replaced with version B6? The only benefit to B6 is the majority of RQ fans have played it, and know it. There are so many bugs in it though, and it really is just a terrible map altogether... the gameplay is almost alright, but idunno. I would like to return the RQ_complex versions of red queen if we could. Klusarks versions cleaned up the bugs, put an actual ceiling on the level and made it more of a ZPS game, putting armor in the armory instead of a shit load of guns, and placing guns around the level like a ZPS map, so everyone isn't wielding two rifles and a magnum.

If you don't want to do that at least return the CG version.. or explain why B6 is there.

Cabin- I seriously dislike the current version of Cabin we have. First, it's ZPS. Second, nothings barricaded and as whitey I could clear white house of 6 humans in under 20 seconds, since I could get in there before anyone had a gun. The map lacks guns, but leaves the humans almost completely vulnerable. It's TERRIBLY optimized and has WAYY to many hiding spots, me and this other guy played hide and seek with 8 zombies for the whole 15 minutes before winning. They found him after 14 minutes but I was never found.

Anyway, either we should have snowy cabin, a classic everyone knows and "loves", or no cabin at all. The current one doesn't even have a distinctive name, so people think it's your basic cabin, but it isn't. It's got all sorts of extra stuff that make it almost a whole different kind of game~

No Exit- Seriously? This map? What the fuck? Where did this even come from? This map is very poorly made, and I've never seen it populate, only kill the server. It won a vote yesterday and we all got there, everyone who voted for it left, one of them claimed they thought it was something else. Everyone else left after that, I'm not saying that map causes that every time, but it's always been deemed a "shitty" map by people who I've played with there.

Anyway, I was thinking maybe we could start throwing up maps every week or so, and get rid of them one by one as we go, so I can figure out which ones are populating and entertaining the server properly. Perhaps have votes on which maps to add, if we get people in CG who play ZPS again to do so.


There has been SERIIIIIIIIIIIIOUS lag on the ZPS server for the past few months. I mean crazy shit lag, like everyone freezing in place except me and one other person, everyone times out and comes back asking what the fuck happened. Usually if the server got more than twenty people it would start stuttering, everyone's pings would rocket and we'd all get disconnected, and the server would restart itself somehow. Just last night everyone froze except me and some little kid, killed the entire server, only 7 people came back out of the 18 or so.

Perhaps the server just needs some maintenance, don't logs pile up over time, and doesn't other things happen that need to get deleted? Maybe that's why ZPS is the only server with such terrible lag.

Honestly, someone should just reinstall the server, let's start from scratch and see if it fixes anything. Then we just need to add maps and redo advertisements and the plugins.


Damage Plugin- This plugin makes the game so much easier, I wouldn't have it on my server, since it tells you whether you need to go chase that zombie down for the kill or not. There's no longer any mystery, you KNOW exactly how much health the zombies/humans have, and you can set out to finish them off, it's just ridiculous. Though I really appreciate it because it makes owning noobs SOOO much easier.

RANK- Fuck rank. If you get a kill, it's +3 points. If you die, it's -15 points. This deters better players like Doc and I from wanting to play zombie, because you're deaths are bound to be higher than your kills as a zombie, unless you manage to die less than 4 times as a zombie, and most of my technique as zombie revolves around throwing lives at the humans.

There's basically a whole lot wrong with the server, or at least it feels that way. Infection needs to go down, Lag needs to be cleared up, we need different maps, and rank and the damage plugin aren't doing anything positive except making the better players feel better about themselves.

This is just a brief overview of my thoughts on the server. There's a lot more but I don't think EVERYONE needs to see all of it. Feel free to skim this post and post any opinions that are any kind of relevant.

Minecraft / Re: So, what is this? How is this working?
« on: 01 Oct, 2011 19:06 »
Timmy and I's castle was griefed also. Timmy didn't want me to private his chests or the rest of the house, so everything outside of the third floor was griefed. All of Timmy's items were taken, all iron items were taken, all 30+ glass blocks were broken, and all the moss stone I used on the castle was taken. I think they took the ladder to the underground also, it was great.

My stuff was private though so it didn't get touched, so perhaps it's unrelated. It still pissed me off that someone's allowed to play on that server with that kind of behavior, if shit like that's going to keep happening I don't want to play.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: 18+ content
« on: 30 Sep, 2011 19:12 »
Technically anyone can host their own webserver from their house.  (Turn an old box into an FTP, forward the DNS/IP to a domain, etc).  But that would mean if the site went down we'd only have one guy working on it (whoever owns the house the box is in, lol) rather than an entire team of network experts (commercial hosting companies).

Let's just face it, CG is for CG stuff.  If you want to go watch porn (if you're of age of course, Cadaver ;)), go to a porn site.  If you want to partake in other illegal activities online, do your own thing.  But keep CG out of it so that people like Cadaver can keep the site appropriate and friendly for everyone.

You don't even need to do it in a house, you can do it online.

Nobody wants porn, that's been said multiple times, everyone's just mad we have rules as if this were a school or workplace forum. NSFW, NSFCG.

Old Time Aways / Re: Pwn3dL1fes few days away
« on: 30 Sep, 2011 12:36 »
I love playing on the Head Admin server! <3

CG Community Suggestions / Re: 18+ content
« on: 30 Sep, 2011 12:34 »
Isn't it possible to be your own forum host? I think some guy in BOSS was doing that. He had an online server, I bought a domain name, and then they threw the forum together, and "coded" it as they pleased.

If there are pornography forums out there, and millions of other sick things on a forum out there, I'm sure we could do whatever we wanted, if we wanted, somehow.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: 18+ content
« on: 30 Sep, 2011 01:15 »
It's not happening folks, we'll just continue to post "appropriate" mature content on the forums and some will post edgy things here and there that'll get removed and the such.

We wouldn't get sued or anything, probably ever. We're just not taking the risk because it's a possibility. I wonder what the chances on getting sued over "graphic" content on a forum would be? I think a great defense would be to point the parents to the fact the kid probably actively uses 4chan, and have them redirect their rage their~ but yeah no, again, probably would never even happen.

We're just playing it safe, so our little gaming community doesn't get shut down or taken to court, honestly that'd be interesting to see.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Masked Mania
« on: 28 Sep, 2011 16:18 »
I was on the minecraft server at the time, miraculously. Razer was literally asking to get banned. It seemed like he was mad they wouldn't reset it, telling Inject he has no reason to reset it, Inject replied like "What do you have Down syndrome? I have like 9 hours on the server, maybe I have shit I worked for I don't want to lose retard-" or something similar, and I think I heard Down Syndrome a few more times, and Razer said something on the MC server like "Well I don't give a fuck, ban me prick" or whatever, and then he disappeared.

So basically, Razer got mad, deserved to get banned, but instead of Inject just banning him or kicking him or whatever, he raged back a whole lot first. I heard "I'm not mad" but you don't join a vent server with "FIRST OF ALL DO YOU HAVE DOWN SYNDROME OR SOMETHING?" Not exactly professional, but neither is CG, Razer did seem to deserve some kind of punishment though, anyone who acts like that towards someone with admin is asking for it. Perhaps he didn't deserve it, but you guys were both getting pretty butthurt over restarting the server or not.

He wasn't the greatest player and most people seem to be happy he's gone. Allow him to return (if he wants) in a few weeks or so, to see if he's done. He probably won't want to come back and well, mission accomplished?

CG Community Suggestions / Vent on homepage portal?
« on: 27 Sep, 2011 19:09 »
I think it would be more practical to have the vent information, which is at the bottom of the forums page, on the homepage portal, on the side at the bottom or something. I'm not sure if everyone actually uses that to check who's on vent, but having it on the homepage would make it easier, and people could see who's on vent when they want to a lot quicker.

It would make more sense, as some people may not want to get on vent unless someone they want to talk to is there, or perhaps they don't want to join if someone is there, so if it was on the homepage people could see it, perhaps even if they weren't even considering getting on vent. It would remind them and perhaps influence them to join.

We could just stick it under theme select on the left and it would make the two widget sides almost symmetrical, or do whatever..

Or we could keep it at the bottom of the forums tab so we have to scroll past 30 forums to check it, which isn't really a problem, but it seems so out of place being in a category with the Rubbish bin.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Video Responses?
« on: 21 Sep, 2011 23:04 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Introductions Forum / Re: Hiiii ^_^ I'm Eco :)
« on: 21 Sep, 2011 22:35 »

Hello new person. I love you.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: 18+ content
« on: 21 Sep, 2011 22:33 »
I mean, just a year ago I wouldn't be allowed to click the 18+ button, so like- I was looking up terrible shit on the computer when I was 14, so I guess if the 10 year olds were actively using our forum it'd be a problem, but I doubt parents would ever become an issue like that. Would they call the cops on a website their kid was on? Probably not, unless they're like weird as fuck. They'd just get mad at the kid.

And proceed to choke them with their headset. Right?

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Video Responses?
« on: 21 Sep, 2011 22:25 »

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