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Messages - Old Crow

In The News / Re: French Canadia may be at it again
« on: 07 Sep, 2012 19:44 »
Wat did i just read 0_0

+1. He has been around here long enough and I think he would make an excellent admin

Their policy of "its done when its done" may not be the best, but its much better then if they just pushed it out with bugs and unpolished. I would rather play some more TF2 waiting for Valves next masterpiece then having it in two years with subpar graphics and not significantly shaking things up.

In The News / Re: French Canadia may be at it again
« on: 06 Sep, 2012 23:25 »
@Spadie: That's much less worse then what is constantly said about Americans around here, so if you think its Canadian bashing I'm just gonna lock this.

Silly Old Crow, America is the class clown that invented most of the jokes about them. Canada is the emo kid in the corner that hates everyone in the class.

On topic though apparently the party leader doesn't want to separate. The only reason people are so concerned is because this was the party that wanted to separate.

And that's the point!

I just find it hard to believe that they almost did it the first two times. I have a feeling that one day there will be enough nationalism for them to break off.

In The News / Re: French Canadia may be at it again
« on: 06 Sep, 2012 10:16 »
@Spadie: That's much less worse then what is constantly said about Americans around here, so if you think its Canadian bashing I'm just gonna lock this.

In The News / Re: French Canadia may be at it again
« on: 06 Sep, 2012 01:56 »
Oh great another thread for people to be dicks to Canadians. If you don't care don't post. Honestly it's pretty much impossible to seperate Quebec from Canada because they don't really have any natural resources.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Who is being a dick here to Canadians??? Its interesting to see if they will attempt it again, so whats the harm in discussing it?

They only listen to customer's wallets.

Vaild point yes, but that is how we have the power to change them

In The News / French Canadia may be at it again
« on: 05 Sep, 2012 10:04 »

So if you read these articles you will see that a French Canadian party has won some seats. They say that they will see if they can win a vote for the separation of Quebec from Canada but if there is little support for it (which there is only a little now) they will not try it.

What do our fellow CG Canadians think of this?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: weekban of the day
« on: 05 Sep, 2012 09:55 »
i did but i lost them when the map change before i could take the screenshot

Yeah makes sense, just be faster HO! Alright this is solved.


I will give you admin when I get home tonight. Sorry for the wait but I was just seeing if anybody else would respond.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Tf2 Item Giveaways
« on: 05 Sep, 2012 09:53 »
My bags are full damn it!

Buy more?

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 04 Sep, 2012 23:15 »

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 04 Sep, 2012 22:33 »

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Video Wars
« on: 04 Sep, 2012 22:32 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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