Show Posts - Coreybush11


Messages - Coreybush11


Eyebrows might be similar but nothing else really I don't even think the eyes are besides.  I'm sure everyone can find something that's similar to them on Miley. That doesn't mean anything.
.. Aww, so I look kinda like Miley too? Sweet.
Do I still look like Miley if I am naked? Will that get you off?
No one looks like Miley. Its just where all human so we all share trates and visual appearances. For example Miley has Arms, so I do.

I have arms too. I'm masturbating you.


Eyebrows might be similar but nothing else really I don't even think the eyes are besides.  I'm sure everyone can find something that's similar to them on Miley. That doesn't mean anything.
.. Aww, so I look kinda like Miley too? Sweet.
Do I still look like Miley if I am naked? Will that get you off?

Programming / Re: Project Euler
« on: 17 Oct, 2012 21:26 »
says it isn't math
is math

fuck this I'm out

I love your tat
And I love your.. uhh.. face? I don't- Wat?

she wants the d

Blah, it was like.. 4am and dat artificial light. I LOOK LIKE SHIT, DEAL WITH IT

Do you have Zelda hearts tattooed on your forearm?
They're houses. Two and a half are on fire.

Everyone Knows it is Minecraft Heartz. He is almost DEAD!!!
It's k, I still have 2 and a half hearts left. Btw, I had a little kid ask me if they were minecraft hearts when I was at work one time.. I was thoroughly annoyed by that question but I appeased by politely saying "No, it's from a game much older than minecraft", in which replied "Wow, okay.." in a sarcastic tone and he walked away. Got to fucking love kids..

Hopefully you punched the little bastard before he walked out?

Debate Forum / Re: Morality n'stuff
« on: 14 Oct, 2012 12:40 »
To bump this, and to use things as examples, this is my opinion on incest and polygamy.

The exact same argument for gay marriage being legalized.

If it's two individuals, or in this case more than two, consenting to it, why not allow it?
There isn't anything inherently wrong with either polygamy or incest, and the only thing that hinders them are morals.

A case can be made against incest that it allows for the recurrence of recessive traits even more than just from two unrelated people possibly, but recessive traits aren't always bad. Right now I'm talking off the top of my head so if someone who knows what they are talking about with biology can argue for or against that go for it.

What is wrong with two or more consenting individuals doing what they want, as long as they harm no one else in it?

Debate Forum / Re: Morality n'stuff
« on: 13 Oct, 2012 16:19 »
Society determines the morality, and the morality changes over time as the world progresses.

Sometimes, morale values make absolutely no sense and are subject to be torn down and rebuilt with logical ones.

Until logic is actually determined by the society as well, as what makes sense.

Then everything is actually just interpretations of how humans see the world, and I lose what track I was on and divulge into a series of things that make sense while I masturbate.

Completely agree with everything in the first post.


Don't know what else to add really..

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: 12 Oct, 2012 23:17 »

So wait is the money supposed to go to Komen, or any of a list of breast cancer research organizations?


In The News / Re: Prop's in your state
« on: 11 Oct, 2012 17:56 »


Introductions Forum / Re: hello all you beautiful faces
« on: 11 Oct, 2012 08:01 »
My face is beautiful ???  Meme4

In The News / Re: Prop's in your state
« on: 10 Oct, 2012 19:12 »
Yes stay on topic, this is about the proportions in your state, not a debate about death plenty.


<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Aside from Crow's math problem, no one was debating, all someone said was how it wasn't actually stupid of those props. That isn't a debate.

Debate Forum / Re: limitations on free speech
« on: 07 Oct, 2012 17:13 »
I think we should try to focus more on educating those who believe in what they are saying in these examples, and teach them that insulting others for no logical reason is wrong. A large problem are the parents teaching their children hateful things.

If a parent is teaching their child to spout out racism and hate, take the child away. It is not being raised in a good home. Now this is more extreme, because probably most prejudices come from subtle hints in the raising of the child. Once the parent has crossed the line in the direction of hate groups like the WBC (which is only being used to get people to attack them so they can be sued for money), the child is only being hurt. I don't care if their religion is what they are using as an excuse to put these hateful things in the child's mind, it's still being harmful and will eventually cause the child harm to themselves later in life, either being arrested for physically showing their parents' teachings, or for just making themselves look like fools.

This might not make a lot of sense because I am not very good at putting together my thoughts to make an argument unless I am actually responding to a VERY specific question. Just putting that out there lol

coreybush12 what are you smoking dicksweet

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