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Messages - Fullmetal Megadave

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General Gaming Talk / Re: [Suggestions] Dark RP
« on: 02 Feb, 2011 19:04 »

yeah, but if its really bad Id just use chat

as long as you can hear commands or can understand what the person is saying witohut it being earrape i think it qualifies as good

Megadave has played on the server a while. He has a bad microphone (or just messed up audio settings.) I never seen him with a complaint but I never really noticed him. He's just kinda there. Good player and I think mature but I'm not sure what's the deal on admins right now.

Side note.. You're avatar with Duke Nukem, I keep seeing a dick where he is holding the deagle.
yeah, the microphone is a cheap ass one, cant find anymore money to buy a new one, and im usually too close to it cause of that.

And im sure that woman under him noticed that too  smug

Debate Forum / Re: The Existence of God/Gods
« on: 25 Jan, 2011 20:17 »
Im agnostic, thats the way the internet should be. just dont bother with religion, cause not everybodys gonna agree on one thing

reminds me of inception a little bit. its just so fucking deep and stuff

towersheep, sry. lol


Debate Forum / Re: The Existence of God/Gods
« on: 24 Jan, 2011 11:44 »
Im agnostic, but do believe in god, i just hate it where people say religion can cure all. Hell, there as dumbshit as the capitalist. Religion causes more problems than alcohol, drugs, sex, and political arguments combines.

General Gaming Talk / Re: [Suggestions] Dark RP
« on: 23 Jan, 2011 18:02 »
What type of suggestion?: Map
What does it do?: It allows more space
Why should it be added?: Bigger map, more space, optimized for less lag, perfect for some jobs like drug dealer.
Link to download/addon:

What server are you applying for: Trouble in Terrorist Town

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Towersheep

In game name: (=CG=) Fullmetal Megadave

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: 0:1:22053670

Do you have past admin experience: Yes, on a couple build servers

What are some good qualities you possess: Rule follower, nonrdmer, anti discrimination, good aiming, fast.

What country are you from: USA

Age: 16

Additional notes: Play lots of gmod and l4d2. Also play guitar.

General Gaming Talk / Re: [Suggestions] Dark RP
« on: 21 Jan, 2011 22:16 »
What type of suggestion?: Job
What does it do?: Mercenary - Can be hired by any business to protect or do dirty work for them. Must be voted.
Why should it be added?: So people dont have to worry about "taking care" of a buisness rival. For example, a drug dealer deals drugs right? well another drug dealer is on your turf selling drugs for much cheaper. You can just kill him yourself, but you dont want to be caught, so you hire a mercenarie to take care of the dealer any way possible. But if the mercenarie is killed he will drop a list which shows who hired him to kill who, and cops will be able to use this if the person has not died within that time.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Maps/Files for DarkRP
« on: 15 Jan, 2011 23:56 »

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