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Messages - Bjork

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Meh the LK fight was pretty easy I suppose but it was fun and iconic.

Killing a peasant doesn't give the same fun as of killing a King heh?

Admin Department / Re: NEW ADMIN PROTOCAL
« on: 26 Jan, 2011 18:25 »
Less people on chat being racist and it would be quite funny - I HATE YOUR GUTS YOU VERY NICE GENTLEMAN RAINBOW FISH LOVING AWESOME GUY.

Also what happens if people start spamming admin chat with racism/slurs I don't think you can gag people from using admin chat? or is that just evolve.

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: 26 Jan, 2011 14:20 »
I see him a lot when I'm on late at night ( His morning I guess )

And he is helpful and doesn't break rules so +1

CG Community Suggestions / Re: C.L.I.T
« on: 23 Jan, 2011 15:52 »
Uhm Vincent has 12 posts been admin for about a week and now a CL in training  ???

Not to be negative or anything just wondering if he has been with CG before or something.

And Cadaver ftw!  :D

General Gaming Talk / Re: Gangsters
« on: 22 Jan, 2011 19:59 »
To cause giant wars over stupid reasons.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Clans
« on: 22 Jan, 2011 01:15 »
I dont like the idea of clans or guilds in the short time i played WoW ill just hang with my bros friends in his party and whatnot and if i ever joined a guild i would just rob the bank and leave :\

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Luingar abuse (2 .dems)
« on: 21 Jan, 2011 20:03 »
I am personally sick of Luingar and his abusing.

If we raised the requirement of hours for admins to have played before applying we would have probably seen this.

( May sound kinda douchey, but my admin app was actually a rage app )

Why in the name of every religions' god is code not an admin yet?

Calm, cool, and he's got a sense of what it's like to be a player and an admin to me.


CG Community Suggestions / Re: Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 21:54 »
i have yet to download battlegrounds 2

but it seems only 1 server is up and it is empty (from what i see from game monitor)

if i waste my time dling this just to find its a dead mod im going to slap you

I was in a clan for it, its a very tight knit and smart community.

Their was always a big looked up to clan then their was clans working together to challenge them etc.

Not sure if its exactly big if we don't play competitive not sure if It'll bring in new members

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 19:02 »
I'm gonna be honest, the servers for this game suck right now.  I tried it a year ago for a month, and no one was ever on. 

There were almost more people playing The Battlegrounds 2.

Now THERE is a game I would love to have a server for.

This man speaks with knowledge.

Hitman is one of my favorite games and was made into a great movie... but i have to say the only good game based off of a movie is resident evil.

Hitman movie good? I ... dont...even

There was 4 hitmen fighting with katanas  frogsiren

Yes, He plays a lot doesn't break rules and is mature.

Even though he is a puny attempt at a viking.

No no just women seem to be pushed away by the men flooding to touch your goatee

Introductions Forum / Re: hello from ireland
« on: 18 Jan, 2011 13:55 »

I proved you wrong Kleenex  trollface

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