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Messages - Doc. Mentalist S.

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Introductions Forum / Re: no name likes milk 2
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:17:36 PM »
Post on recent/up to date threads.
Do not Necro old threads (a huge no).

Your posts should be long enough for us to understand what type of person you are.
Don't do short 5 or less word posts, because that would be seen as spam. (Spam's also a no)

Be on the community for almost a month

So far, you've covered the server side requirements.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Map Suggestions 2.0
« on: August 03, 2012, 06:36:41 AM »
Remove zpo_sasuke; the map allows players to exploit the fans room. Players are seen with "low gravity". Not to mention the annoying cart button/computer button that doesn't always requires admin powers but it still takes a long time/stalls it.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft 3.1.1
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:12:49 PM »
So Minecraft 1.3.1 and Tekkit 3.1.1

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 27, 2012, 11:35:14 PM »
Because we're going to have sprays available, might as well implement another rule:

No racial, Pornographic, gorey, or offensive sprays, you will be warned if caught and will be forced to not spray it again or be required to change your spray. Second time caught in the same session/map will result in a kick. If they rejoin and still persist on spraying then day ban.

Whatever's good, I'm sure you can word this better than i can and expand on it.

Actually I wouldn't mind offensive sprays as long as everyone on the server finds it comical.


Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 26, 2012, 11:36:02 PM »
+ Added client and server convars to enable sprays.

This must be enabled!!!

Oh yea how could i have missed that, that definitely needs to be implemented D:
Also web get back on ZPS!

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 26, 2012, 11:04:07 PM »
And one more thing, you can totally skip whitey. As soon as a new round starts and whitey is chosen, press f1 and you're off to being a human. Sure you get bad weapons like a keyboard, ppk or less pistol ammo. But one can easily avoid starting a round as zombie.
+ Added late join with zombie and weaponry scaling.

This kinda helps support the system, where if a human dies in the first 10seconds like in a deathrun map, the system remembers them and sets them as zombie. But only applies upon death or zombie ragequitters.
+ Added system to remember players who left after joining.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:46:57 PM »
Melee does 3 times damage if striking the head, my wrench did 150 damage when i whacked a zombie

Fire is apparently contagious. If a barrel is lit on fire and a human is near it(1 meter distance) then they are set on fire. If that human is 1 meter near another human, then that other human is set on fire. It only takes like 1 second of exposure.
TL;DR The fire radius is pretty high.

Barrel blast radius is also pretty high or that could just be me.

Zombies need a bit of a buff becaues this update basically helped humans a lot.

EDIT Spelling & Grammar

The HUD is pretty bulky, your inventory slots were a lot smaller before v2.3. In this update, they removed how much ammo you actually have loaded to precisely know rather than having to rely on a visual interpretation of the ammo clip/round.

Why i say that zombies need a buff? Zombies use to be able to maneuver so much better

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:12:18 PM »
Got the new Update :D

Revised for an updated changelog
Originally planned
=====2.3 (06-24-2012) =====


=====2.3 (07-26-2012) =====

+ Included map zpo_corpsington.
+ Added ammo specification for NeedAmmo message.
+ Fixed delay when displaying new map at loading screen.
+ Fixed Panic reequipping active weapon.
+ Fixed starting round walking.
+ Fixed spawns disabling.
+ Fixed grenade timer bug.
+ Added entity to disable automatic weaponry balance.
+ Added option to not spawn a weapon/ammo under a certain amount of players.
+ Added server convar to disable bunnyhop block, sv_bunnyhopblock.
+ Added ladder prediction.
+ Added Community Map Rating system.
+ Changed crosshair.
+ Fixed most stuck cases.
+ Added max ammo weight support for third party modding.
+ Added convars to limit ragdolls, cl_maxragdolls and sv_maxragdolls.
+ Added ragdoll persistence.
+ Readded infected collision.
+ Joined walk and lunge keys.
+ Fixed ZPA bugs.
+ Added game_image entity.
+ Added font support to game_text.
+ Added Display Weight and Hide Empty Ammo options.
+ Added fire spreading.
+ Changed Ammo, Stamina, Health, Armor and Weapon HUD.
+ Added Melee headshot.
+ Added trigger for phone primary attack, trigger_phone.
+ Added ConVar for head shots only mode, mp_headshotsonly.
+ Fixed PushAway force.
+ Tweaked Barricades physics impact resistance.
+ Fixed survivor detecting zombies in chat and mic.
+ Fixed winchester reloading animation.
+ Added math entity to remember between rounds, math_static.
+ Fixed server overwriting player default model.
+ Improved sv_gravity changes.
+ Added survivors seeing what the teammate is carrying.
+ Added late join with zombie and weaponry scaling.
+ Added infection to random player when there's not enough zombies.
+ Fixed being carrier in a row.
+ Added key to drop all unused ammo (ALT).
+ Increased player ability while crouching.
+ Tweaked shotguns.
+ Added system to remember players who left after joining.
+ Added crouch walking.
+ Enabled picking damaged boards.
+ Readded option to drop smaller amount of ammos.
+ Added dropped items grouping.
+ Fixed triggers not interacting with weapons and items.
+ Added new character Vanessa.
+ Fixed remaining health for medkits, pills and armor.
+ Added zombie group health indicator.
+ Added option to drop armor on ammo menu.
+ Fixed Push recharge time when missing objects.
+ Fixed setting cl_playermodel to carrier model.
+ Fixed USE sound blocking other sounds.
+ Fixed wasting lunge without lunge speed.
+ Removed Commons collision.
+ Fixed zombie respawn with a life available before death.
+ Added distance for info_beacon.
+ Fixed Can't init entities bug.
+ Removed beacons limit.
+ Fixed plugin's ChangeTeam compatibility.
+ Fixed IEDs stuck with players while there's an active IED.
+ Added new Zombie Vision. (Press L to toggle between new and old)
+ Added item_delivery and trigger_itemreceiver.
+ Added client and server convars to enable sprays.
+ Added option for info_beacon to display only for a selected team.


New ZPS HUD and map zpo_corpsington.

Minecraft / Re: Server reset
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:58:52 AM »
I voted no, but when i came back onto the server, all my shit got hacked? Like my chest's been opened and having a lot of my diamonds missing, stuff being made and destroyed  Like everything different. What happened?

Swastikas at spawn? Did the Server get bombarded with hackers and greifers?
Hackers because they managed to get past lockette.

So if possible revert my vote into a yes...

EDIT:There was even a sign left at spawn by someone and their friend sky.
And it looks as if the only places that were hit was my place/sqrtdog's, lyssa's/bganske and spawn

General Gaming Talk / Re: Hacking Danger
« on: July 24, 2012, 07:51:34 PM »
Can't believe people are posting on here.
Could a CL kindly please delete this entire thread?

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Arena Server
« on: July 20, 2012, 06:34:47 PM »
Oh, I am sorry. I will then.

What about the HLxstats?

He did say that he was still on vacation

On topic: I doubt an arena server would help attract a lot of attention unless you have a few devoted admins.
KOTH is a lot better and easy to populate once you have an x amount of players already in the server.

If you're still for Arena, then lumberyard, sawmill and well.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Pills - To Cure or not to cure?
« on: July 20, 2012, 06:23:24 PM »
Infection rate is 10% already. As i seen it in the past week, and aside from the excessive deathruns, it's already balanced.

Now instead of just one zombie(Carrier) having a chance of infecting, you now have a server full of zombies that also have a chance of infecting you. It just adds up to an increase in small variables. You may not see a lot of difference but, honestly it does in perspective of how survivors would have to do to avoid getting close to zombies.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Video Wars
« on: July 19, 2012, 06:27:50 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUF-B2ec0tI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUF-B2ec0tI</a>

Solved Applications / Re: joeys admin application
« on: July 19, 2012, 06:19:30 AM »
Joey, we've never EVER gotten a long, so I don't understand why you would even think I would recommend you. First off, sure you get a long with people and you know all the other admins, but you constantly whine for us to abuse you.

I'm tired of you asking to be triggered happy. At this point, or sooner i should have perma-gagged you.

I'm going to have to say that, you don't have my vote.

I could go on, but this should state my opinion.
Understand that being admin is not something for fun, but something that is entrusted to make sure that things are running smoothly and well. NOT to appease ever single player's petty needs wants, but to serve the vast majority in a sense that would maintain order.

EDIT: I hope that what i said changes the way you act on our server and hope that you still play on our zps server.

Solved Applications / Re: jessica nigri's admin app
« on: July 19, 2012, 06:11:49 AM »
I have seen you on zps a lot, and you do seem very calm about situations. Helped us fill up our servers and get along with us admins and everyone else pretty well. But, sadly don't meet the forum requirement.

As stated, you do meet the minimum posts count. But your posts, most aren't really contributory to CG.

I'm sorry to say this but I cannot recommend you.  (Actually I never did)
You never confronted me about you becoming an admin nor about posting
an application before, so my name shouldn't really be up there.

Maybe you could make more posts that would make up for the "spam" posts that you have made.

I'm sorry but you do not have my vote.

EDIT: I hope that what i said would still give you hope for admin. You just need to work on the forum side and give it some time. Hope that you'll still be on the forums.

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