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Messages - Sejo Mino

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Debate Forum / Re: Best way to get rid of a body?
« on: February 12, 2012, 07:57:14 PM »
barrel + acid :P

i agree, barrel and highly concentrated acid plus a dumping ground would work great,then theres the matter of cleanup of the murder site, then disposal of tools, replacement of said tools and some wear, a clear conscience, dont act too normal or out of the ordinary-IE dont act like nothing is wrong, react like you would when you hear of a death, if somehow made to assist in the investigation dont lead them way off, just enough like the body is in the city but dont know what dump/lot/river and DONT TELL ANYONE OR SPEAK OF IT! all i can think of
I have 2 say that most metal barrels acid goes right through. You will need some plastic bins of some sort. Metal barrels are used for mostly Flamable and Radiation stuff. XP

Team Fortress 2 / Re: New TF2 Server?
« on: February 11, 2012, 04:11:30 PM »
Where has that Drunk Guy went. XP Well it will be nice 2 have a second one. Is yhatzee the HA. all i know is i met some new people on TF2. Finny is 1. Inject is 2.

Team Fortress 2 / New TF2 Server?
« on: February 11, 2012, 03:49:02 PM »
I think we need a TF2 Attack and Defense Server. I seen many people join these kind of servers and most of them are full all the time.

I like the saxton hale server alot but I get bored of waiting when you die early in the round.

Other then that I this is the only thing i have 2 put up here for now. XP

Admin Department / Re: help for teh forum??
« on: February 10, 2012, 02:37:04 AM »
Well we tried alot of stuff with the ZM server. Like the Ghosting Through Playerz. It was a disaster. Gunz and Objective itemz fell through the map and random stuff will start flying.

I seen some forumz use the same method. 1 I seen was when the forum had a scavenger hunt that required people 2 go out and look for the stuff and hold a sign next 2 it that said CG. But we need people that are dedicated 2 doing such a task that involves making up stuff for each held event.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi
« on: February 10, 2012, 02:16:48 AM »
From what i see. I am the best Here. I am like a God (sometimes when i am not bored.). I can make fire with a match that will never go out ( Until it gets 2 the bottom.).

Old Time Aways / Re: Multigrains Temp Absence
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:42:51 AM »
Oh wow I do.Its because. I really active on the forum.

:l yeah, let's just go with that..
LOL More active.!

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi to all
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:35:01 AM »
Why is it when people join they don't come back.

And also Hello Welcome

General Gaming Talk / Re: Bunnyhopping
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:33:46 AM »
Pillz that isn't even how it works. It's the forward momentum that builds up. Thats why there is tons of Bhop maps. It's considered an art. Professionals know how to do it very well.

I wasn't even really explaining how it works, but how it gets around ZPS's jumpslowingdowninginging But whaaatthefuckever I know it's forward momentum that builds up, that's why they don't slow down when they're doing it and it breaks ZPS gameplay, hence most people often being annoyed by it.. I'm sure it's an art but since everyone's making crude comparisons, painting pictures with your dick is an art also.  Meme9

And I don't really know of Bhop maps, but like I said I hear CSS has a lot of that.. never really got into CSS, so I didn't have the chance to get used to it as you did, I just get occasional players who are really good and get the whole server pissed off.

Either way, someone get Arby's to make a statement.. this is his Jurisdiction riiiiite? He might like bunnyhopping and this whole discussion is moot.
Honestly other then your and ZPS type communitys most people really don't mind Bhoping.

But yeah sure we'll see if we can get arbys to talk,
Really shouldnt word it that way. on ZPS type communitys. We are all the same type community. ZPS has a stamina system that slows a survivor down when they hit the ground when jumping. CSS has a different type of system. ZM is pretty much based on the HA's Choice. It is kinda of a stressing issue on Where bhopping is allowed.
ZPS - Not allowed
CSS - Allowed
ZM - HA's Decision
Other then that we have our different points of views.
Just 2 make things clearer, In ZPS it is intended that when a player jumps and hits the ground they will then be slowed down. Anything other then that is exploit. When your spectator physics doesn't matter.

i am pretty sure in CSS finding guns and other things is easyer ( i dont know ) But in ZPS guns are kinda rare. depending on which maps.

ZM doesnt have a stamina system or physics system that slows u down when u Jump. So i have 2 say it might be a allowable thing on their.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Bunnyhopping
« on: January 27, 2012, 01:52:56 AM »
Zukuto have u ever play ZM or ZPS with everyone bunnyhopping. It is a uneven game. Zombies being able 2 jump over u. Humans being able 2 speed run from the zombies while shooting them with a pistol that has alot of force. Bhopping is thing that allows playerz 2 have a unfair advantage on others. In ZM and ZPS u have alot of time 2 run and use the trick pretty much instantly. The ability for humans 2 outrun a zombie like a crack user and not get tired. and also Bhoppers are not slower then normal people. When u get alot of ammo, guns, melee on the game, that is what makes u slower, ZM on the other hand has no weight system. speed is same as anyone elses.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Bunnyhopping
« on: January 27, 2012, 01:05:57 AM »
ZM =/= humanly controlled zombies so your last sentence is a non issue Pillz

For me it is a non issue in general, several ZM maps use bunnyhopping to avoid some traps and some few maps have bunnyhopping as a necessity to clear puzzles. The only person with a problem would be the ZM, and the ZM is waaay op in many maps anyways =P

Sidenote, what you said about zombies pillz makes this question a necessity, have you ever played ZM?
Actually i have 2 say bunny hopping is one of those things that should not be allowed. in most ZM maps u can get around traps by being smart. I for 1 have played on the ZM server more then u Jorgen. Pillz is right on this issue on bunny hopping. When u play on a regular stock map on ZM it is pretty much impossible 2 kill a bhopper if they are able 2 move faster then the zombz. In ZM their is no weight limit and no stamina. No reason 2 have the ability 2 bhop. On the ZPS server it is also bad because Zombs and Also bhop and catch a human extreamly quick. even when the human is in panic and doesn't have itemz. i banned someone who was teaching bhop on the server.

Solved Applications / Re: Just Put The Change In - Admin Application
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:59:25 AM »
because everyone loves me more.

That and i think tower said something about a waiting list because of the many many admins on TTT

Solved Applications / Sejo's AoC Admin App *N/A*
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:22:54 PM »
What server are you applying for:Conjoint Gaming Age of Chivalry Server.

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:lol no admins on the server.

In game name:Sejo Mino

Link to your steam page:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006182259

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:22958265

Do you have past admin experience: Vet Admin on ZM and Vet Admin on ZPS.

Why you wish to be admin:Seems like the AoC server seems very useless with no one playing on it. I want 2 play on the server a little more soo we can get some more players from other games.

What are some good qualities you possess: Great Admin on Both the servers. Fun and Joyful. Serious on Server Rules.

What country are you from:USA

Age:19 - Most think 25

Additional notes: Well Hopefully wholegrain looks at this.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Pattys admin abuse
« on: January 22, 2012, 11:12:49 PM »
which map? and far as i know it just seems like it was just 2 move and plant. Which means she/he would fly into another area and then plant themselves in the area. Like black said it would have been easyer with screen shots. We will also need pattys statement on this also.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Pattys admin abuse
« on: January 22, 2012, 11:00:33 PM »
too be honest if anything their would be a reason 2 why she/he would go and noclip. especially 2 people being as in 1 is themselves and the other is prolly someone they know or they might have gotten stuck. Not enough info 2 what is happening.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Removing Party Island
« on: January 19, 2012, 02:42:25 AM »
I never really liked the map either. It really sucked alot. XP

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