Show Posts - Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)


Messages - Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

I know this sounds dishonest but I think it might help to populate the server if we get a fake player count. Oh and I think that we shouldn't have insta-spawn because that makes it a lot harder to capture the last point on most maps.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: The Three Word Story
« on: 12 Aug, 2011 13:04 »
throw up and

Team Fortress 2 / Re: The Three Word Story
« on: 12 Aug, 2011 00:29 »
suddenly there was

One of my second cousins (or something like that) was in the warped tour once >.>

Debate Forum / Re: England Riots
« on: 11 Aug, 2011 16:02 »
That should tell you something...

Debate Forum / Re: England Riots
« on: 11 Aug, 2011 11:51 »
Robert Ludlum b****es! :P

General Gaming Talk / Re: More trading.
« on: 10 Aug, 2011 18:47 »
are vintage items more worth

Depending on the item, it is worth more if it is vintage.

Debate Forum / Re: England Riots
« on: 10 Aug, 2011 00:38 »
Yeah... That guy is annoying he can't get his line right for more than 3 seconds... SO MANY EDITS!!!

Suggestion thread for Dod:s. I want to start it of by suggesting that we turn off friendly fire and add votemap.

What server are you applying for: Day of Defeat: Source

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Not really, Yahtzee thought it would be a good idea

In game name: Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0: 30606353 03:11 86 0

Do you have past admin experience: None

Why you wish to be admin: I know this game really well and I think that I will actually be able to be a good admin on the server.

What are some good qualities you possess: I'm pretty patient and know a lot about the game in general. Plus I have lots experience determining if a person is using aimbot or not.

What country are you from: Canada

Age: 15

Additional notes: As some people know I can't use my mic very much right now (because my computer is in my family room) and I think that Day of Defeat would be a good game to learn the ropes of administrating. I do want to apply for ttt sometime in the next few months, but not right now. Also it's kinda impossible to have 7.5 hours on the server right now :P

General Gaming Talk / Re: Left 4 Dead or Dead Rising?
« on: 09 Aug, 2011 01:26 »
They are both very different games

I've played neither anyways so I couldn't give you an accurate opinion if I wanted too.

Then this post is totally pointless

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 08 Aug, 2011 11:30 »
Granted but because you go back in time to do it you rip a hole in the time space continuum and now Mac is the superior computer race

I wish that I had a job

Minecraft / Re: Notch made a new mob. EVERYBODY RUN!!!!
« on: 06 Aug, 2011 22:48 »
he tweeted they were real i thought

Markus Persson
None of the Enderman videos are real.
2 Aug via web

Solved Applications / Re: Umbrae's Admin App
« on: 06 Aug, 2011 19:56 »
I believe the rules are that you have to have 7.5 hours on the server you are applying for in the last week or something like that.

Minecraft / Re: Notch made a new mob. EVERYBODY RUN!!!!
« on: 06 Aug, 2011 19:54 »
Notch tweeted that all the enderman videos are fake...

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