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Messages - Tendovvi

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WB and oh my god I just have to say this, everytime I see that dancing batman on my screen, I wanna PUNCH THE SHIT OUT OF IT ITS SO ANNOYING! XD

Solved Ban Requests / Re: aFireArrow TTT Ban Request
« on: 29 Dec, 2012 14:00 »
Why didn't you ban him yourself Nexus? In console: ulx banid steamid time reason

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Prince Lunashy
« on: 28 Dec, 2012 12:44 »
+0 for now, I've only played with you once or twice (I was banned for a week tho). Forum activity looks very good.

+1 Happy bday, also very good english for a russian.

GarrysMod / Re: Tendovvi's TTT / CSS Vids
« on: 26 Dec, 2012 20:19 »
New vid :>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

GarrysMod / Re: Rearming maps
« on: 21 Dec, 2012 22:54 »
Cute Raccoon be rearmin' :>

GarrysMod / Re: Tendovvi's TTT / CSS Vids
« on: 21 Dec, 2012 22:53 »
Gonna record today or tomorrow, but GMod is borke for now.

Maybe make a video non ttt related for once MAHBEH... Just an idea.

Where are these so callled CSS videos anyways?

Counter-Strike: Source? :D Surf vids.

"Few days"? Is that what you think or did he actually say it's going to take a few days to fix it? :|

What type of suggestion?: New Rule - I'm proposing for a rule against wasting time, it sucks for everyone in spectator mode when one traitor wastes around 5-7 minutes doing nothing but go 2 kills in the beginning.
What does it do?: ^
Why should it be added?: Tired of wating of traitors doing nothing for elongated periods of time and with people telling me to slay them for wasting time.
Link to download/addon: -

Are you wanting to slay them mid round for not doing anything? That's what it seems like to me.

There's already the 4 min camp rule so even if he does have 2 kills u can still slay.

GarrysMod / Re: Tendovvi's TTT / CSS Vids
« on: 21 Dec, 2012 13:48 »
Gonna record today or tomorrow, but GMod is borke for now.

Well after all WarZ's excecutive producer is Sergey Titov, who developed the game that has been labeled as the worst game of all time, Big Rigs xD

« on: 16 Dec, 2012 00:02 »
Vets are just sensitive :P I think I've been drunk and then Waffuls has muted me but I don't ever remember getting muted for making those sounds, and then I must have missed it when people have said something >.< I guess I'll stop then :p

« on: 15 Dec, 2012 23:34 »
Just tell me to stop and I will, srsly no1 ever says anything :D

Solved Applications / Re: Specialist7.scooby TTT app
« on: 15 Dec, 2012 11:57 »
+1 was an admin befoar and seen him often on the server, pretty much everytime I've been on.

Debate Forum / Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« on: 14 Dec, 2012 21:07 »
Schools are "Gun Free" zones.  Supposed to prevent such from occurring.  Did not this time.   

Reminded me of this picture for some reason~

Also I allegedly know two people who have had illegal pistols in their possession before, how they got them or where from I'm not really sure. All I know is "My boy always know where you can get a piece"; so if my idiot ex-friends know where to find guns that aren't registered to them I'm sure many more organized and intelligent people out there know how to.

Guns are stupid, and I hate their existence. Destroy all of them and bring back swords and safer means of protection. I don't care if the gov't has all the guns, they already have nuclear warheads.

The only reason I feel the need to buy a gun to defend myself is because of all the crazy morons out there with guns. They should make them 99% more impossible to obtain.

Agree 100%. Honestly all you need if you want to protect yourself is a sword or some shit. Hopefully Obama reads this is which very unlikely LOL.

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