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You know what we need to bring back, and almost make mandatory for Regular-Vet-Head-CL admins?

CG Meetings.

What would we discuss? Well that's up to yall, but to have everyone required to come in vent(TS now) and talk to each other about things would really alleviate tensions to a degree.

Then we can talk directly to inject and speak to one another, instead of playing message tag.

Admin Applications / Re: Kwaurtz for Global Moderator
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 01:12 »
inb4 it takes 6+ months for anything to happen

The Art Forum / Re: C418
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 00:44 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I've always like this one the most. IT'S THE ORIGINAL. IT'S THE BEST.

Decided to selfie quick. My hair is shit today tho.
Oh yeah I have my laptop on my bed.

You look like a baby Borat. Who may or may not IS DEFINITELY* be trying out for a male model shoot.

Decided to selfie quick. My hair is shit today tho.
Oh yeah I have my laptop on my bed.

You look like a baby Borat. Who may or may not be trying out for a male model shoot.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 22:58 »
Anyway, what do you want them to do to make it transparent? Public admin office? There are so many reasons that would be a terrible idea.

Look at every single thread ever. I'm just now realizing this kinda, but..

Like 75% of this forum's population is admins. The admin office is practically already public. Shieeet.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 21:51 »
We should be able to just talk to HAs and CLs like they're normal fucking people, and not the Illuminati. How about that? That so hard?

Gotta love SMU. It's a party school, which means it's full of assholes, stupid assholes. Also it's encouraging rape, which is probably the worst type of hazing.

Hazing is illegal in the US.

Never knew that. Unfortunately, this is a Canadian college.

Also it's a university, you have it in the title and everything XD


GarrysMod / Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
« on: 05 Sep, 2013 16:43 »
I thought TTT was all about deception and mindgames. Shit, I might start giving people T weapons on the slick to get some innos killed. Make my job easier. Maybe even get "proven innocent" from it.

GarrysMod / Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
« on: 05 Sep, 2013 00:08 »
While it does gimp the team, it is not ghosting. It is not ghosting to announce yourself. So long as he is the only one outed by this it is not ghosting. (My vote)

GarrysMod / Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
« on: 04 Sep, 2013 23:42 »
I don't see that as ghosting; no. Technically, they can't even prove you're a traitor just because you happen to have a traitor wep. Even if it is one they asked for, that you just so conveniently had..

It's not like you're calling any of your T-buddies out. And calling yourself out isn't ghosting either. Giving friends t weps is just silly.

Hazing is illegal in the US.

Never knew that. Unfortunately, this is a Canadian college.


I understand hazing and all, and I personally don't think it's that big a deal when I'm 99% sure that all of these kids are just kidding around and having fun during their first week of college, but there's a time and place for everything, and out in the public with.. That chant, is definitely not it. Not exactly a chant to be proud of, either.

How do you feel about this?

You know what they say about big feet... Meme3


Big shoes.

Admin Applications / Re: [ttt] oobla (transfer)
« on: 02 Sep, 2013 13:41 »

So good at admining, he banned everyone on his first server. :D

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