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Messages - Fullmetal Megadave

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Old Time Aways / School Sucks Cojones
« on: 12 Aug, 2012 12:45 »
Name: Fullmetal Megadave

Time you are leaving: August 15 - Sometime in February.

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Additional Comments: Not really leaving, but school makes it harder to fullfill my adminly duties. :(

ah, the video was taken down. someone wasn't supposed to release the video this early, so they are getting in a big fight about it

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: 08 Aug, 2012 02:05 »

What type of suggestion?: Map
Why should it be added?: Nostalgia Boners all around
Link to download/addon:

Finnie posted it in his Source2 thread I thought? Lots of negativity in the comments, I can't wait to play though.

No, but he did post it in the shoutbox. figured it could use its own thread, pretty significant stuff

General Gaming Talk / Black Mesa Source "Leaked" Gameplay
« on: 06 Aug, 2012 21:03 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

figured this needed its own thread


New link:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Tlulu - Admin Abuse
« on: 06 Aug, 2012 16:38 »
This guy was trolling all night, got muted several times for trolling. If anything Waffuls was doing a great job, with the server being full. Anyways, admin abuse threads against waffuls are always a good read :)

The Art Forum / half-life 2 american storyline
« on: 28 Jul, 2012 17:59 »
Just drafting up a storyline based on the old 2000-2001 half-life 2 one.

 Half-Life 2: Dark Matter
Chapter 1: Fish Town (Not Final)
Mood: Dark, Stormy, Cold

Part 1
Gordon wakes up on a Black Mesa tram, starting his day, mirroring Half-Life's first moments. After the first turn, everything but the bottom of the tram is stripped as the G-Man begins his speech. It is revealed that a unknown, at the time, force has invaded and taken over all of Earth. The scene fastplays as the citadel spire is thrust into the middle of the city, and transforms slightly. As soon as this is over, you are dismissed from stasis and wake-up in a cot.

Part 2
Gordon gets up out of bed, and looks around the place. He hears voices, so he looks out the window, and sees several soldier-like people. Among them, he sees a weird tall creature with a gun of some sort. It is shown spewing out acid onto several dead headcrabs. They disapper from view, and Gordon decides to find a way off the ship. He dodges several soldiers until he comes upon a compartment. In it, are many citizens on their way to City 17. One of them, Samuel, comments that Gordon needs to blend in more, so he gives gordon some clothes (No, Gordon was not nude) and a gasmask, for when they reach the docks.  3 hours pass before the ship finally docks. Gordon, along with other citizens, and inspected to make sure they have the right ids. Gordon's doesn't check out, so the cop takes him to a cell. Along the way, Gordon is able to see the spire, and the ship's name, the Borealis. He is thrown into the cell, where the cop reveals himself to Gordon; Barney Calhoun. Barney gives him a quick run down of events, before sending Gordon off to Dr. Kliener's lab.

Part 3
Gordon exits the cell through some vents and an underground tunnel, before coming upon a bus depot. Samuel see and recognizes him, and motions to him to come with him on the bus. The bus drives through several parts of town, giving Gordon a big view of the city. The bus eventually stops at a bus stop, near some tenements. Gordon, as well as Samuel and a view other citizens, enter the apartments, and settle for a moment. Samuel, knowing Gordon's true identity, gives him the directions to Kliener's place, before a bunch of police raid the place, forcing Gordon to flee into the industrial area.

Solved Applications / Re: (=CG=) Mr.TheDoctor, TTT
« on: 22 Jul, 2012 22:15 »
+1 (:

Solved Applications / Re: Specialist7.scooby TTT app
« on: 22 Jul, 2012 22:13 »
+1 :D

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Pmute Request [DarkIce]
« on: 15 Jul, 2012 02:50 »
he was being a bit of a dick when he was on

Infection could be cured, but only when the person is 10 seconds away from turning, and the medication would be a bullet

General Gaming Talk / Insurgency 2
« on: 10 Jul, 2012 21:09 »

looks really good, and smooth.

Old Time Aways / Re: Waffuls
« on: 08 Jul, 2012 23:54 »
something tells me this is fake, cause you should have room for at least one compooper :)

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