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Messages - Spadie

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Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:08:24 PM »
Well may as well put these here
Just some sprays I made for the ZM regulars. There's a few others.. But they have a big stamp that says '****got' over it and i'm not sure of the procedure of posting them even though the people whom they're about have seen them and have signed off on them. Except maybe Smiffy, he hasn't seen his yet. Sorry for the grey in some, it's supposed to be transparency (Targa files) and I turned them back into PNG.. I don't save WIPs (usually) so it's permanent

The other ones can be seen in this Imgur album (http://imgur.com/a/VboR5), and remember, they have the word '****got' in them so if you're super easily offended, skip it.

Introductions Forum / Re: oobla37
« on: September 15, 2012, 04:32:46 PM »
Well although  it'll never happen, Zm is a pretty nifty little mod we have, come play sometime.

^ QFT. Come for the game, stay for the community.

In The News / Re: French Canadia may be at it again
« on: September 06, 2012, 08:11:54 AM »
As a Canadian (Ontario), I can honestly say.. Nobody actually cares except for Quebec. I've been there once or twice, and both times, everyone was a stuck up douchebag. Didn't run into a single pleasant person there.

@Old Crow



now I realize I may have come off as unoriginal and douchebagish

welp I know where I am off to go live!

Wasnt referencing what you said directly, but since I had just read the word ''Southpark'', and usually people do go there with any Canadian discussion, I mentioned it first. Worry not

In The News / Re: French Canadia may be at it again
« on: September 06, 2012, 04:56:08 AM »
As a Canadian (Ontario), I can honestly say.. Nobody actually cares except for Quebec. I've been there once or twice, and both times, everyone was a stuck up douchebag. Didn't run into a single pleasant person there.

@Old Crow


General Gaming Talk / Re: CG Guild Wars 2
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:12:49 PM »
If anyone plays on the server Sorrows Furnace, send me a mail (main character is Indoril) and let me know you're from CG.
Why Sorrows Furnace?

I have a group of friends, real life friends who I played GW1 with a lot. I got the game third out of the 5 of them and by that time, the one guy already selected the server.. Don't know why he picked Sorrows Furnace... He wanted to pick a less populated server, everyone else wanted a very populated one, but he was first to choose so he got to pick unfortunately. Oh well. I'm on Sorrows Furnace so yeah. Apparently it did end up getting really popular anyway. Our WvW teams suck though

General Gaming Talk / Re: CG Guild Wars 2
« on: September 01, 2012, 03:13:34 AM »
If anyone plays on the server Sorrows Furnace, send me a mail (main character is Indoril) and let me know you're from CG.

The Art Forum / Doodle or Die!
« on: August 20, 2012, 06:49:09 AM »
There's a nice site called Doodle or Die that some of you may have heard of.

The premise is this

Person A draws a picture
Person B describes the picture
Person C draws a picture of B's description
Person D describes C's picture
Person E draws a picture of D's description etc

It's fun. Get in here.
Warning: As all content is produced by users, there's going to be some content that is not suitable for minors. Don't say I didn't warn you


Make an account to keep all your stuff in one place and post some of your pictures here!

Here's my latest one, and the one I'm most proud of.

It was originally just the Banana and the words but it made no sense so yeah.

Note: I was debating putting this in the 'gaming' section but hey, it's art.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:52:40 AM »

That last fucking picture man

That last fucking picture..

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:12:43 PM »
After reading this thread, I have come to two major conclusions

1) Sonic RPs (original character donutsteel), Bronies and Furries are by far the worst fandoms ever. By far. Ever. Like ever.
2) A good chunk of CG doesn't know how to remove long-ass picture posts from their quotes or simply do not care enough to do so, thinking it doesn't disrupt the reading flow as much as an iceberg disrupts a passenger ship circa 1912.

Edit: Oh, I already knew those 3 fandoms were probably the worst, but some of these things really helped me realize how incredibly bad the Sonic people really are. Like what the hell. The other two have just been 100% bad forever.

Edit 2: I also should have guessed Arby would have been a main player in this thread

Solved Applications / Re: Otterfiend in Zombie Master land
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:15:12 PM »
I was initially thinking that we didn't need another admin as we have 4, well I say 'we' being the people who play ZM all the time, but Arby mentioned the fact that none of the other 3 admins are on late except for him.

So long as you know where you stand, firmly below my heel, I vote a +1..

Don't know if I'm allowed to do that as I'm not an admin, but I vouch that you're cool.

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 30, 2012, 07:13:50 PM »
Well don't you think that ''I'm going to cut your dick off'' is a pretty decent deterrent?

I think so. I don't want my dick cut off.

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:53:44 PM »
I do see your side, worry not, I just disagree in how people should be punished for their actions.

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:39:32 PM »
Yeah, hormones can be hard to control, but why risk letting someone out to do it again? Who says they'll be able to control themselves after a short stay in prison? I don't believe people can change their nature just because they received a slap on the wrist. Is it not true that most people in prison these days are repeat offenders? They've been given a chance to not be a moron, they blew it. For less serious crimes like theft, minor assault, drug possession, these people are getting out and turning right back around into prison. I don't see why we should give these people any leniency after they've blown it like that. As for more serious crimes that we've discussed, I see no reason to let these people out of prison so they can just commit the same crimes again. How is it someone can kill another human being and then be out of prison in 10 years on parole while the person they killed is under ground, and their family living their lives with a large gaping hole where a loved one used to be? How is that fair to the victim or the victims family? How is it fair to a rape victim knowing that their rapist is out on the streets looking for women, sleeping around etc? How is it fair that a child abuser gets to live life, albeit with the label of Sex Offender, while the child has to go through life remembering all those times the person came and abused them? Do you have any idea of the psychological issues these people develop?

But oh, the criminal says they're sorry, they must be redeemed! Let us let them out in a few years, it will all be fine!

First degree murder should be punishable by death, as well as first or second degree murder with a child involved
Second degree murder should be life in prison
Manslaughter, 5-25 years, depending on the circumstance as Manslaughter can also be defined as an accident where a death takes place
Rape, 15 years and chemical castration (or altering the blood flow to the penis so it cannot have an erection) so the victims can sleep easier
Sexual abuse involving a minor, 25 to life, as payback for really screwing up an innocent persons life.

None of these things will really help the victim of the initial crime or fix for them what happened.. What it will do is make sure that this crime cannot be committed (at all or for a long time) by these sick individuals. And, after these people are released, they should be put under much stricter rules than the current parole system in most countries.

Also; I believe if someone violates parole or the conditions of their release, they should be put back in prison for a minimum of 3 months, doubling with each offense.

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:06:13 PM »
Seems we are at a slight agreement then =) no use to continue that part of the debate.

I think I have to say this once, bad things happen big whoop get over it.

Spadie congrats, if you are from America you just proved my point as to me thinking that the american views on this subject are barbaric.
If your views are that if you've done anything bad you are inherently bad and you should be punished your entire god damned life for a lapse in judgement then I must say, you are in fact just as evil as the men you hate. You've probly done something in your life that you regret that could be illegal or badly impacted another persons life, should you be punished your entire life for that?
Say if you speed with your car does that mean you should never be allowed in a car again? If you bullied a child when you were young does that mean you are just evil and you should be made a social outcast?
I would rather kill myself than live in a society that is that judgemental.

Don't confuse this with personal attack, we are all allowed our own thoughts but please try to view other sides.

Set yourself in the person situation, most people who do bad things are normal human beings that are pushed to a limit. Could be that child you bullied once in your childhood that just grew up completely fucked up and hate himself so much that in the end he snapped and did not care who he hurt. Technically that would make it so that you made a rapist, so are you directly responsible for that? should you be prosecuted?

same thing goes for people who do serious drugs, they were most likely at a low point and gave into peer pressure and a need to feel important or good. Does this make them terrible human beings that are a waste of space? not really.. they are merely human beings that got assulted by life and chose the wrong ways to deal with it.

Bullying is a little different than Rape. Rape is not a lapse in judgement, and these people do not deserve any chance at redemption. Also; no, I'm not American. I'm Canadian.

Also; about the speeding car, if you drive drunk and kill someone I believe you should not be allowed to drive again. Same with careless driving resulting in a fatality. Take the tools away from these people to commit a crime if possible.

ALSO; I do take being called ''as evil as the men I hate'' as a personal attack, as I have made it clear that the people I hate are murderers, child abusers and rapists. So in that sentence you directly said I am as bad as murderers, child abusers and rapists. Of course as you are a 'Community Leader' (which, as being such you should know better than to say things like that) so perhaps you are exempt from the ''no personal attacks'' rule. Mind you, I take a personal attack to be anything from racism to making fun of someones appearance, but saying they're as bad as the people who commit some of the worlds greatest crimes is a whole other level, and I don't think saying ''Not a personal attack but-'' makes it alright. ''Oh, Not to be racist but I hate your kind''

Does that make it any better? Nope.

Yes, bad things happen, but ''big whoop, get over it''? Try saying that to the family of a victim of murder, rape, assault, etc. I believe justice is making sure someone doesn't do something again, which is why I think my methods would be more effective than throwing them in a cell for a few years, looking them sternly in the eye, pointing, scrunching up your face and going ''Don't do that again!'' and spraying them with a spray bottle as they waltz out of the prison, back into a relatively normal life (that they have deprived someone of because of their crime)

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 30, 2012, 04:38:02 PM »
Liam's right, you know how hard it is to prove something 100%, it just doesn't happen, and even then, would we be any better mutilating a criminal for a crime, then the actual crime itself. I would hope we would take the higher road in that situation.

I believe we would be taking the higher road in making sure the person in question would not be able to commit the crime again. As someone who has a family member who has been raped, and having seen her go into a depression for weeks at a time because she occasionally sees the guy around town, and having seen how her father had to leave work (at a police station) for a night because he was going to shoot the guy (whom showed up in the drunk tank). This guy is walking around again, I'm not sure how long his prison sentence was but it couldn't have been more than 2 years. So he pays two years of his life and gets to walk around in public, someone who has shown themselves to be a sexual predator, whom admitted to the crime, is allowed to walk around with little to no repercussions?

Sure, registered sex offender, some public embarrassment perhaps, but if he chooses to do so, he may commit the crime he so willingly showed he was able to once again at a moments notice. Hell, he can have kids, and what happens to them? Do they just have to put up with the sexual abuse? Sure, they might report it and he'll be arrested again, but the damage is done. These victims will never get that sense of security again. Ever. So why should we be worried about the rapist being 'redeemed', as he already gave someone else a life sentence that they cannot escape from.

No, I believe that bastard and any other one who commits these crimes (Rape, Crimes against children) should pay in a way where they will not be able to re-commit the crime. Whether it be a permanent prison stay without the possibility of parole, or a shorter prison stay with castration/alteration as I stated before, or death. Preferably the last two, because the first one is expensive and the prisons would fill up and stay full for a very long time, costing the citizens (of whichever nation it is) loads of money to keep these pieces of filth alive and comfortable in their little cells getting 3 square meals a day and recess outside for exercise time.

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