Show Posts - Blackllama


Messages - Blackllama

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 19:14 »
By not having a wish you killed the thread, now I can't make a wish, IT'S DEAD THIS IS THE CORPSE OF A GOOD THREAD.  HOW COULD YOU.  meme1

Minecraft / Re: hey OMGzombie, and other mc admins
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 13:22 »
Probably easier to PM/Find in vent/Steam chat them, but okey dokey.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 02:53 »
Granted, you can choose whether or not they do the actions naked.

I wish I was out of highschool and had a college degree.

Minecraft / Re: server suggestions
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 00:31 »
i say we wipe the server and start a new map
If you're gonna say shit like that at least give a reason.  How about no?

Minecraft / Re: server suggestions
« on: 30 Jan, 2012 21:18 »
so hears my thought on the server i think we need to get a couple of plugins mainly for greifing. i think we should turn in into a faction server because A) everyone loves faction servers, and B) it would make it so we could protect spawn, bases, anything if you get a big enough faction
Excuse me?  I hate factions with a burning passion.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights
« on: 29 Jan, 2012 18:42 »
I dunno if I could make it because I'm usually busy on wednesdays plus it's finals week, but if I can, KARAOKE!11!  Meme6

General Gaming Talk / Re: bhopping
« on: 29 Jan, 2012 02:15 »
If devs don't intend for it to be in their games they should learn to dev and remove it.  It's built in to the source engine but that doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be in source mods.

General Gaming Talk / Re: bhopping
« on: 29 Jan, 2012 02:04 »
I think we are missing the point.

CG is to make people happy and having fun, if the majority of the community does not like Bhopping, then why should we allow it? Now we are just angering who like to play the server, and if it happens to much, they find a new server, and CG has one less customer.
What about all the people who like it?  Not happy and fun for them.  That's why we're discussing it.  What if you anger the people who like it and they find new servers?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: FacePalm and Allie
« on: 28 Jan, 2012 05:09 »
If the person recording the demo presses tab they can see it, I think people can also see if it they're viewing it and hold tab and it should come up.

On the second day of school there was apparently a bunch of fireworks on the roof setup to go off, we had to evacuate for that and weren't allowed to go underneath the spot where it was, I dunno if they thought the roof would fall or what. XD

Solved Ban Requests / Re: FacePalm and Allie
« on: 28 Jan, 2012 03:32 »
it's hard to get proof of someone using the spectator command.

Not really, you just record a demo when the round is starting.

Put the outside of the doors?

For the last few weeks some arsonist has been lighting fires in the bathrooms at our school.  We had all but like one bathroom closed for a week or two, so taking a piss took a lot of walking across the school.  As soon as we got the bathrooms back (today) we got a larger fire.  In 3rd period whitellama came back from the bathroom yelling there was another one.

Janitors were running around with fire extinguishers, fire alarm got pulled, we evacuated, firemen and ambulance came, sat for 30 min, ate lunch, sat for 30 min, went home.

Someone did mention smelling marshmellows in the hallways, should've saw it coming, anyway, this is pissing me off, if they light one during finals and we have to evacuate it's really going to fuck with things.

It's legit:

Do I care you know what school I go to?  No.

What server are you applying for:

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:

In game name:

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:

Do you have past admin experience:

Why you wish to be admin:

What are some good qualities you possess:

What country are you from:


Additional notes:

Prob should use this format.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Bunnyhopping
« on: 27 Jan, 2012 03:39 »
Also to anyone who says that bunny hopping is fair so anyone can do it. Everyone can use aimbots too, or glitch through side of map its available. Just because everyone can do it doesn't constitute it being fair.

Unlike bunnyhoppying, you need hacks in order to aimbot.  And comparing it to glitching doesn't make sense, if you look up the definition of a glitch, it says it's an error or malfunction.  Bunnyhopping is not an error or malfunction, it's built into the game.

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