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Messages - Old Crow

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Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:40:49 PM »
Yeah Chris Crypto was always an egotistical trip on everything ever, got banned twice, we gave him a third chance, told him to play nice and he was on probation (Kwuartz was when he got unbanned as well), and well the rest is history.

I get that he posted that on a joke thread, but despite the sarcasim of it, its still easy to mis-interpet, and considering it came from the "troll god" how do you think its going to be persieved. If it came from Pillz, we would know it was a joke. If it came from Finnie, we would know its spam. It came from the troll god.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 16, 2013, 12:26:59 PM »
Crow, I think the real question here is: Are you mad bro?

Because you sound really mad to me bro.

I care about 10% because PC gaming master race  Meme3

No its because a spades a spade, and you cannot in any way call the Wii U successful. Will it become successful, maybe, but consoles that have botched launches usually don't do good. (Saturn, GameCube, Virtual Boy)

Of course correlation is not causation, but considering how much the Psssss4/Xboner have already passed the Wii U in sales, or are rapidly catching up, well its only a matter of time considering even this summer the Wii U won't have much to offer.

RalphORama's Tekkit Server / Re: Play some more F%$^&*# Tekkit!
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:58:51 AM »
>free jet pack

No-one has a destruction catalyst yet?
Jesus guys, I can get the end gear in 1 day already.

Its banned for obvious reasons.

Also if your using EE, you might as well not play. You'll get bored within a week because you have everything so fast.

RalphORama's Tekkit Server / Re: Play some more F%$^&*# Tekkit!
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:41:17 AM »
I'm just over here, playing with Dante and Liam. Why don't you ho's help me with the floating island. I'll make you a free jetpack cause Tekkit.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:35:00 AM »
The Wii did not dominate. It sold a shit ton of consoles because people though the motion controls were 1:1, and because it was easy for grandma and grandpa to play them. Outside that, it again came down to only selling first party titles. That's why practically every good third party title on the Wii failed. Hell it even put Grasshopper out of business, you know the guys that made No More Hero's and the like, and you can't even find those two JRPG's that were the last releases for the Wii because they sold so bad.

Concerning the lack of games on Xbone/PS4, console launches are always bare, but the Wii U has been bare for an entire year, usually you have to have some games come out six months down the road, all the Wii U got was another god damn Mario game. That and they can both relay on CoD to just float them right now.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:21:06 AM »


Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:05:43 AM »
How I feel when Finnie posts on here.


General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:04:02 AM »
Like I said, baby steps.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:03:36 AM »
So in other words Pillz, this is the Wii U in a nutshell

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 16, 2013, 10:53:35 AM »
I agree, u cant just keep giving people chances. Its not fair on others and just screams favourtism.

Hey, lets unban Snak and LilG too guys, hell lets just unban WG while we are at it.

Also to the people that don't know Crypto, go back and read his stuff. Don't just say +1 because second chances. He's had multiple chances, even the last time we told him to stay in line and he still couldn't do it.

Here is a history lesson:

Troll God
<- Thats his personal message thing

Except that God is not the logical default. Having said that, I do kind of dig the idea of botched irrationality, therefore rationality.

Oh, frogface.jpg.


There are many scientific theories on the beginning and end of the universe. Do not resort to supernatural answers until all other options are exhausted. That's the mistake ancient polytheists made when they thought worship of the rain god pleased him and led him to cause rainstorms. That's the mistake Christians made when they thought the earth, as the crown jewel of God's creation, was the center of the universe, and when they rejected overwhelming evidence of evolution. The list of religious beliefs rendered false by scientific discovery goes on and on, and it will continue to grow with the passage of time.

    No evidence? That explains the 1,000,000's of hours of paranormal footage and audio recordings. Not to mention the enormous amount of personal stories and claims of personal experiences. Now there is not much telling us what exactly these entities are, but it's more likely that they are, in fact, existent. I'd appreciate it if you didn't troll and take out your anger on religion here. This is a group effort to educate each other which what knowledge we have, not an out lashing with the "fantasy" and "flying spaghetti monster" comments. You make it sound like you know everything there is to know about life, it makes you seem arrogant and distasteful. Also if you read my post, my beliefs aren't random and do contain logic.

Hang on while I cut out the parts that don't have anything to do with whether or not my point is correct.

Evidently you are illiterate. Goes along nicely with your irrationality.

Spiritual people don't do jack fucking shit to contribute to peace.

Tower makes a joke. This joke breaks no rules.

Some people may have taken the joke too seriously and broken rules.

Kwaurtz drops a harsh ban hammer on Tower for making a joke which breaks no rules and which some people may have taken too seriously.



BUUUT as usual Kwaurtz will retain his admin happily ever after BECAUSE life sucks and then you die.

What the absolute fuck are you doing in this thread? Why don't you tell everyone to stop bringing up stem cell research, or global warming, or terrorism, or poverty, or genocide, because debates about those topics only cause "WAR"? Once again, nobody is forcing you to read this thread. You have every right to stay out of it. So why the fuck do you come into the thread, ignore everything posted in it, and repeatedly make posts bitching at us to stop using our brains while you let your own brain fester in a heap of your own shit?

Still want him unbanned? At least Kwuartz knows he's a dick, this guy thinks he lives in the clouds and we mere mortals should bow down to his intellect. We also suck because spellllingz.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 16, 2013, 01:25:49 AM »
Just one question

Why are you so obsessed with pointing this out? Did Nintendo murder your family?

NO ITS WORSE. THEY MURDERED MY BELOVED SEGA (Well Sony technically did, but Nintendo raped the corpse with all the horrible Sonic games), oh and they killed my beloved Rogue Squadron and haven't released any Fire Emblem games. Actually TBH would buy a Wii U in a heartbeat for a true HD Fire Emblem game.

Honestly, I have a N64, of which I still play Mario Kart (and I'll brag just about this, I'll beat any of you at it) and a bunch of other games, I have a CG and a Wii. I'm upset in how much the Wii dragged them down in terms of third party content, how badly they have ruined the Mario Kart games (So little skill involved in the series now), and just the lack of anything new from them.

When was the last time Nintendo created a new IP? We should be seeing new stuff with all the money they have, yet its same old stuff year in year out. Honestly their quality is top notch, but its just so sad to see them waste so much potential.

To put it into perspective, only Ubisoft is creating any large third party titles for the Wii U, and I can play Watchdogs on other systems, so the only games I'll miss out on this year is Mario Kart 8 (Nope) DK country, which I've never been a fan of, Banyonetta 2, which I never played the first, and that's it. Smash will be delayed another year, and really won't influence me buying it.

I'll ask this of you Wii U owners though. Is the online system any better. I remember trying to play Brawl against some people in Chicago (so Michigan is 4 hours away) and the ping was easily 250-300. I consistently get a ping of 20-30 for everything on my PC, so what the hell?

Oh, here's anther article too http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/13/nintendo-has-to-sell-11-million-wii-us-a-month-to-reach-its-goal

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 16, 2013, 12:47:13 AM »
Exhibit B: http://www.gamesradar.com/npd-numbers-reveal-how-nintendo-has-lost-touch-reality/

Nintendo is really starting to lose it if they think this was a good year for the U.
Nintendo: Two systems. One selling really well; one selling really poorly. Sony: Two systems. One selling really well; one selling really poorly. Conclusion: Nintendo: Doomed! Sony: Doing great! Where are all the articles slamming Sony for the performance of the Vita?
I lold, but I didn't get that from the article. They said they're doing well which is a bit off, but I do agree that they are gaining momentum when they need to be. This past year had nothing to offer for WiiU but this coming year will see increase in sales as games start actually coming out for it, hopefully.

What would you like to see Nintendo do that would actually impress you or coax you into buying their system?

First. The handheld market is a secondary market. What I mean by this is its generally not the first system that you buy, its the second or third machine that you will buy. In addition, the handheld market only makes up so much of the actual market that for the millionth time, third parties don't see it as a big seller of video games, and looking at most third party titles, such as BioShock, CoD, Battlefield, Fallout, Mass Effect etc, they cannot be played the same way on a handheld and therefor take a backseat for obvious reasons.

Second, honestly Nintendo brings nothing new to the table. I get that you raging Nintendo fans see every Mario game, every first party title as the second coming. Its the same way with MS (Halo) and Sony (MGS?), but honestly its getting old. I want something new, something different, a different take. The only game I honestly look forward to is the new Zelda game, that is so far out it hasn't been named. Outside that, considering how awesome third party games have been or are looking, the Wii U is going to miss just about every single one, with the exception of Banyotta 2, or be some gimped version either due to graphics, the sad attempts at incorporation the touch screen or even just fully avoiding this feature

Sony will probably quit the handheld game. IMO Nintendo certainty does it best there with everything that the 3DS brings to the table, but that market is only so big and its not as big as it use to be due to touch screen phones (not saying they can ever replace a handheld, but they certainly take some of the market away).

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 15, 2013, 10:38:53 PM »
Exhibit B: http://www.gamesradar.com/npd-numbers-reveal-how-nintendo-has-lost-touch-reality/

Nintendo is really starting to lose it if they think this was a good year for the U.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 15, 2013, 10:23:15 PM »
The only reason anyone says "I am not replacing "X" just coming in as another addition" they are lieing and trying to make you not feel threatened.

It's a linux based OS. It can easily replace Windows depending on what you do.

Have you used it? It is LITERALLY big picture mode on a debian shell. The best you could do is install Debian with it, but besides that, it is literally like using the xbox OS.

Long answer: No Short answer: No  trollface

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 15, 2013, 08:17:55 PM »
One day though, Linux may just become huge, and with Steam backing them, who knows what could happen.

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