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Messages - Dante

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Solved Admin Abuse / Re: DoomBringerDante
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:21:54 PM »
OMG oh this dosent even make mad it makes me kinda wana laugh I can't even mute admins except fo alizine and he's my friend mech is to I couldn't even hear lord in fact I thought lord left.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: DoomBringerDante
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:10:23 PM »
you gagged  3 other people for no reason too. They weren't "admin disrespecting you"

Your an idiot, I win.
?????? How does /gag rebel gag 3 people

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: DoomBringerDante
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:01:44 PM »
It's a gag get over it admin disrespect  equals gagg

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: abuse
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:59:51 PM »
Yah I'm done I'm going to be mature and just forget it.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: DoomBringerDante
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:55:57 PM »
This guy is the defintion of gay. He has the maturity of a 5 year old and doe's not know how to admin. I don't have the full story, but I'm sure any of the other admins will fill you in.

So, I join, play for awhile, hear everyone calling him an abusive no good admin, so I said "he's an emotion tripping fucker. God damn."

He then rage's, gag's me, and goe's on about his little whining spree. I'm not sure what he did previous to his baby spree, but I'm sure its nothing good. HOpefully Leomire or one of the other admin's can fill in the rest of the story.
I don't know why I'm replying boredom? Anyway he insults me every time he joins several times I have tried to make peace with him but quote "ok I'll stop telling people your a bitch if you stop bitching" I wasn't even admin at the time lone was still admin and I tried getting lone to slay the dude for rdm I coppyed exactly what he said on my computer I can post it on here latter for the reasoned I gagged him. The whining thing is I was laughing at what mech did Kleenex an me were talking about it then him and xeno joined in at the end.
Also the definition Dino for gay is happy.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: abuse
« on: August 10, 2010, 03:25:46 PM »
Troven your last statement is disapproved about everyone agreeing it was rdm. Very few people actually agreed it was rdm only you and templar were screaming o its rdm. Most people were saying its just a game and move on. Both you and templar i think were the only ones who actually said it was rdm.
Myself and motorcycle said that it wasnt abuse and it wasnt anything wrong. You falsify evidence saying the whole server agreed when i saw very few did and myself (who was in the server) did not agree. So how did the whole server agree?
I SAID OTHERS not every single person in the server dude. i didnt lie people did start shooting him.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: abuse
« on: August 10, 2010, 11:58:18 AM »
*sigh* what he is trying to say we had enough evidence to disprove agent and he was saying its either me or templar well entire server agreed that i disproved it so he gunned me down and then templar not even iding my body for kills. then we asked him to slay himself because he was admin and he started going off how it dosnet count since he is a higher level admin i cant touch him and the longest argument on the server started.
when agent gunned us down the other players started gunning him down because he to them is either rdmer or traitor.

« on: August 09, 2010, 02:00:34 AM »
troven stop with the goddamn necromance and yes lock this :|
wtf is with you calling me a necromancer
I DONT MAKE LOVE TO THE DEAD (eyes every corner of the room)

« on: August 08, 2010, 11:53:21 AM »
ok thank you remscar ive been looking for something like this on here (i have acidently rdmed once in which case i droped to my death) well looking at the list of commands its pretty thurough.
also theres gona be a rp server in gmod? and zombie and tf2?

.... its a lot simpler than i thought unless you use fraps and wegame. damn wegame making it so i cant hear sounds.

He seems O.K. haven't got a opinion on him yet since I haven't played with him much. Just needs a new mic >.<
>_< im trying to get a new one but at moments its ok atleast its not sups or phantoms(the fan is so loud its like he is screaming and the fan is still louder)

Admin Line Ups / Re: CG TTT Server Admin Line Up
« on: August 05, 2010, 11:28:28 PM »
Troven truncate that link in your sig it is ungodly long I can't remember ever seeing a link so long.  x_x
i dont know how to fix it its suppose to be a pic.

Solved Applications / Re: Application for admin.
« on: August 05, 2010, 06:07:22 PM »
LEAP OF FAITH!!! i dont know him really i thought he was an admin not sure though i cant say ive seen him might have been a diffrent person but ehh i cant say i havent i mean in 3 weeks playing total of like 113-180 hours u tend to forget stuff.

Admin Line Ups / Re: CG TTT Server Admin Line Up
« on: August 05, 2010, 06:03:18 PM »
i heard somthing about muffins being denied for his anger.

Admin Line Ups / Re: CG TTT Server Admin Line Up
« on: August 05, 2010, 12:43:41 PM »
what server TTT? its up and i didnt know i was aproved either alzine. i was just told wholegrain would have to see me play once more with him.

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