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Messages - matthew

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Solved Applications / Re: admin application
« on: 07 Mar, 2011 10:38 »
lol boxman and nice to meet you scott what part of canada are you from im from ontario

Solved Admin Abuse / stuff
« on: 06 Mar, 2011 20:44 »
ok this is not really admin abuse but i was playing early and i was slayed by gee easy he said it was for rdm but i was not asked any question about it and i had a reason for it. i asked him why he didn't ask me about it and he said there was 3 other rdms and and didnt wasnt he here all the story. so i would like someone to remind the admins to dont be lazy and get both sides of the story

Solved Applications / Re: admin application
« on: 06 Mar, 2011 19:05 »
yea i  just got on the forums and i will be active on them i got a on like a day befor they went down and nwo that there up i will be active on them :)

Solved Applications / admin application*APPROVED*
« on: 06 Mar, 2011 17:50 »
What server are you applying for: TTT

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: No

In game name: Matthew

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:(STEAM_0:1:29563506)

Do you have past admin experience: No

What are some good qualities you possess: im respectful i learn quick and im friendly to people

What country are you from: Canada

Age: 16

Additional notes: I know most of the server rules and i think i would be a good admin to the community.

Introductions Forum / hello peoplez
« on: 06 Mar, 2011 13:07 »
hey im new to the forums but i have been play on the ttt server for a around a month my in game name is matthew and yea just saying hey to the forums :)

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