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Messages - Tyber

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Help Section / Re: Building a PC
« on: May 23, 2013, 09:48:26 PM »
Guys, I'm a noob, as well as lazy. It would be nice for you guys to just flatly say "Here's the specs go have fun kid" :3

Right now I'm looking at this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/PTBv

I like radeon best because, even with a 5-7 year old radeon card (ATI Radeon 2600 XT Mobility), I can play Bioshock infinite on high without shadows at about 25 fps. That's impressive if you ask me.


Help Section / Building a PC
« on: May 23, 2013, 05:50:34 AM »
I need something in the 1000-1200 range, but am willing to spend more if need be.

Intel processor and Radeon card if possible. If you want a representation of power, I would like to play modern games (Metro Last Light, Battlefield 3, Bioshock Infinite, Chivalry.) at high, not necessarily ultra, on 1080p.

Is this possible? If so, some pointers please, such as where to buy the parts, what parts of course ect.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Xbox 1 Release
« on: May 21, 2013, 08:47:30 PM »
From what I've seen, they're calling the Xbox One because it has everything in one.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Link236
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:05:09 AM »
How come anything that has to do with the entire community they feel a need to exclude me :3

Cya linksy.

GarrysMod / Re: New CG DarkRP server
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:12:39 PM »
Complete chaos. Nothing got done, we were all just flying around killing each other and painting things...

GarrysMod / Re: New CG DarkRP server
« on: May 18, 2013, 06:07:57 PM »
Is adminship carried over from TTT to DarkRP? I wonder because I would love to help out!

General Discussions / Re: Gaming/Computer Setups
« on: May 18, 2013, 07:25:28 AM »
I has 6-7 year old IMac... To ashamed for pics.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hai! I introduce myself.
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:49:14 AM »
I remember playing with you on ZPS, if I remember correctly I ate you... repeatedly.

Introductions Forum / Re: Kinda late
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:41:09 AM »
How'd did i say that...
1 day, tops.

Introductions Forum / Re: Kinda late
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:37:37 AM »
2) Post the the forums
This man is obviously unintelligent, I see him banned in 2 day, tops.

General Gaming Talk / Metro Last Light = Disappointing.
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:35:10 AM »
Sorry to say it, but it is.

Waaaaay to easy even on ranger mode. 4A games idea of making the game more difficult is to remove your third weapon slot, not giving you a prompt when there's loot to collect, and not letting you see how much ammo you have. That's all that changes on ranger mode.

Also, my bro said that the ending was meh, but that it could have been much better.

Although the stealth system is leagues better than 2033's was, it's just too easy. They won't spot you, even if you're no less than 1 foot away, as long as over 25% of your body is in dim light/darkness.

And my god, THE VOICES! OH GOD THE VOICES! If you're not looking DIRECTLY at the person you want to hear, they go mute. And I don't mean muffled, or even quiet, they're practically silent. I missed so much important dialogue because of this.

I did enjoy the game, but I was so disappointed to see the game I've been looking forward to for so long turn out so mediocre.

I give 2.7/5

General Gaming Talk / Re: Borderlands 2 Golden Key Thread
« on: May 13, 2013, 08:16:29 PM »
Yeah once I beat the story and all the DLCs once I just got bored, I dunno, I loved the first Borderlands and played it a ton, up until the week Borderlands 2 came out.

I think they made the end game of BL2 too grindy, and the rates for good loot drops lower, so its not as fun or rewarding unless you grind and farm, and that bullshit is for MMO losers I ain't got time for that!

So sad, it was a lot of fun and worth the money but I just don't have the interest left, so many keys left unused so many many keys

But Borderlands 2 is my type of game, I've never been able to stand beating a game twice, with the exception being this and Dishonored.

GarrysMod / Re: TTT Dream Team
« on: May 13, 2013, 07:17:23 PM »
Slightly off topic. Pyro and I will compose a European Dream Team for the Hidden. So far, it is us two.
This infringes on my rights as an american, let me join or I'll sew your asses  smug

General Gaming Talk / Re: Borderlands 2 Golden Key Thread
« on: May 13, 2013, 05:06:04 AM »
How long are these active?
No idea, I used them yesterday.

The Art Forum / Re: Well this is awesome
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:09:42 AM »

It's a lamp! Wait no... A tree?

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