Show Posts - Christovski


Messages - Christovski

      Remember this...If no one ever says anything, nothing will ever change.

This is why Gustav, we've been PMing the CL's politely every few week for months, with next to zero progress (the only progress was over a month ago they finally asked us for nominations) so the next step is to openly voice our frustrations, and hope enough people notice that there is something wrong.  ZM has been largely ignored since the server went up, especially compared to the treatment our other servers get.  We've had broken maps stuck in our rotation for months. 

Been a day and a half, haven't heard a thing.

The Art Forum / Re: Favorite Game Tracks?
« on: 10 Jul, 2013 12:04 »
Ok a bit more time so here are some of the best I can think of just off the top of my head

HL2 - Path of Borealis, you don't hear much of this track in the game, but the full thing is epic
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

SMOD's Welcome to C17 remix, I used to sit in the menu of the original SMOD (awesome way more fun way to play through the HL2 campaign IMO) because I wanted to hear the entire song before playing
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Ocarina of Time is the only Nintendo game I bought the soundtrack for, here's a couple favorites:
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

But other Zelda games have a few outstanding tracks, like this one from Twilight Princess:
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

More FF7, 2 of the best boss battle themes OF ALL TIME
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>  <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

A personal favorite of mine, up there in my top tier of 'Entire soundtracks that are all so good I can't pick a favorite soundtrack' along with Bastion and FF7,
Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP which was an amazing game no one freaking plays.
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>  <a href="" target="_blank"></a>  <a href="" target="_blank"></a>  <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

More to come later as I start to remember the best of the best.

The Art Forum / Re: Favorite Game Tracks?
« on: 10 Jul, 2013 08:57 »
Mass Effect's Vigil theme
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
All the yes on that one.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Dis is also best

Too busy for more right now to look for more that are best so just this one right now FOR ALL THE FEELS
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Ok so still no response from the CLs.  Waiting on you guys.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Its Coming to the consoles
« on: 09 Jul, 2013 18:12 »
It was in the shoutbox, I wasn't about to dig through the shoutbox history to out the guy who wastes money on a Vita

and then I did because reasons:;sa=shoutbox;shoutbox_id=1;start=640

Help Section / Re: PC won't power up
« on: 09 Jul, 2013 17:11 »
Yeah what Crow said, I've had both happen at once, a serious power surge or shutoff at critical time from the power supply croaking could wreck the HDD, or pop one of the components on the mobo which is what happened to my backup PC I had running all the time, unless it is under warranty you should open it up and check all hardware connections.  Could be something simple, could be catastrophic failure you never know.

Eh, I don't really liek the multi-character mission idea, but I'll probably get it just to explore and do whatever the hell I want like I normally do in GTA

General Gaming Talk / Re: 90 Minute Half-Life 2 Speed Run
« on: 09 Jul, 2013 11:55 »
I won't have 90 minutes free at one time to watch this until tomorrow.  :-\

I imagine there's a lot of prop jumping involved eh?

edit: I just watched some of it and what's with all the splicing of footage? I call BS.  Even if its impressive, hacking together all that isn't a legit speedrun.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Its Coming to the consoles
« on: 09 Jul, 2013 00:54 »
I posted that when one of the guys in here said they were BUYING A VITA JUST TO PLAY THIS GAME.

My face when.

If your going to start a strike wouldn't it be a little more useful if you got the other ZM admins to go on strike with you?

Every ZM admin is, there are only 4 of us left.   
Dante resigned to focus on APB and DOTA, and Sammeh transferred to ZPS with Pillz

We gave our HA nominees to the CL's but nothing came of it, no vote was ever started.

Cadaver is never online, but I saw him a month or so ago and talked to him about it.  Inject and I get in huge arguments so I only PM him instead of Steam, and I've been pestering Old Crow weekly on Steam.

Jorgen I believe is on sick leave (not sure but haven't seen him in months) so I haven't bothered him since the first few PMs back in february/march

Name: Christovski

Time you are leaving: Now

In Which server you are admin on: Zombie Master (Kill Factory)

Estimated time/date of return: When we get a Head Admin

Additional Comments: We've been PMing the CLs for months (since March at LEAST) asking for a head Admin to be appointed, and we were asked for our nominations over a month ago.   We gave them a bunch of us to choose from stating that as long as the job got done we would be happy with their decision.

On June 3rd 2013 (Over a month ago) We were sent PM's to vote on who would be head admin. We gave them a choice between roughly 5 five people and I know for a fact everyone involved in that vote put theirs in within the week or gave their opinion on which people would be suitable for the job.

We have received almost nothing in response to our requests, one or two PMs from Inject and a few from Old Crow, but no response about actually getting anything done.  We try to give them anything they ask us to do that would help the process, but still to no avail.

We have numerous issues that need fixing, admin plugins we want to use (sourcebans checker, chat filter, etc), ZM resource management is pretty crappy right now, and our map selection is in dire need of a COMPLETE overhaul.  (We still have at least 5-10 maps that as soon as the server goes there, everyone leaves after a few minutes) 

None of these issues would take more than a couple days to fix, if we had a head admin LIKE EVERY OTHER SERVER.

At first back in February we were given the excuse that "none of us were vet admins" BUT I used to be a head admin on ZPS 2 years ago, and I STILL have vet admin status on Pillz's ZPS server. 
Otter is now also a vet, and I'm pretty sure the rest of us have been admin about 6 months, so we are all rather close to vet admins I would think.

So until we get a Head Admin in place, I refuse to try and do my job in an environment where we get no support from our Community Leaders.

Why are you wearing a headset and using earbuds? I do not understand.

Yo dawg, I herd u liek speakers, so we gave you speakers you could wear inside other speakers

Help Section / Re: Steam.exe - Entry Point Not Found
« on: 08 Jul, 2013 21:06 »
*steam on  latest update, windows 8


Oh god.  Oh jeez.  I'm so sorry but you're on your own with the worst OS since Vista.

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