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Messages - Christovski

Pages: 1 ... 74 75 [76] 77 78 ... 160
Admin Resignation / Re: Wooley no need Hidden no more
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:54:53 AM »
Wait, Wooley, if you're a vet, aren't you admin on every server anyway?

As vet, you CAN be admin on any server, but you still have to apply, put in time away, etc.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:53:13 AM »
Heck a few years ago could have been when I was running the slaughterhouse, not Pillz.  I don't have records of bans that long ago, maybe it was more recently and Pillz has him on a log somewhere he could search for the steamID on.

the first FPS games didnt have strafing so turning was way more important, this scheme kind of reminds me of how those games were played

Debate Forum / Re: The WiiU vs wii hardware specs
« on: July 14, 2013, 06:58:23 PM »
CoD is lame, who needs another TV remote, and PILLZ Y U NECRO.

No reasonably good games until smash bros comes out

General Gaming Talk / Re: This is bull
« on: July 14, 2013, 12:20:26 PM »
Falcon punch!

Also I dunno about the new one, but I remember the original Animal Crossing was basically a Debt Simulator.

Solved Applications / Re: Dante wants to help on TTT.
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:54:32 AM »
Dante was a reg. admin on ZM, he left due to getting addicted to an MMO (APB if I recall) so he has been reg as I've seen

Perhaps things like a larger avatar size to feel 'special', donator-only emoticons (might get spammed, but it is a thought), possibly a reserved slot on servers that constantly get full and people can't get on when they want to play (maybe make that a high $ donation thing), a donator only board on the forums (not sure what use it would be, just a thought), I'm just throwing out ideas off the top of my head before going to SLEEP. 

I know with sourcemod you can change colors of text in the chatbox, maybe something that gives them a special color in text chat on a server?

Might post more tomorrow if I think of anything better than these

If one CL is for appointing a HA, and none of the others have really given any input, why not just appoint someone and if the others don't like it, deal with it after the fact? Even if it's temporary, I'm sure having a HA for a week or two would solve a lot of the issues they're having.

I mean, it's kind of ridiculous that a gaming community is crippling itself because of formality/procedure.

To my knowledge Inject is the only CL actually capable of modifying server files, so if he doesn't want to do it, it will never get done.

Did you bring up the server issues to people who do have access while you waited for an HA?

If you'd like I can send you copies of all the PMs that Sammeh, Tictac, Death, Otter, and I have sent Inject requesting things to be added and fixed that never happened.

Inject is/was the only one with server side access, sometimes he would do things if it was short but none of the plugins we wanted have been installed, most of the recent map adjustments havent been made, some people were even promoted on the forums and still are trial admins on the actual server because they were never given their proper status, and still can't ban anyone longer than a week.

I can go on, is what I'm saying.

We're not demanding results so much as we just want acknowledgement. We want them to show that they're even looking into the problem and so far all I've seen is distractions to keep us off their backs while they continue to avoid the subject.
This is really what it is about, we just want to know they actually intend to do something, so far we just get excuses and putting it off for even longer.

This has been put off for something like 6 months, how much longer should we have to wait for them to appoint an HA?

It's not that big of a deal, we just want to fix our server, all they have to do is give someone HA and access so we can get it fixed.

I mean its just an admin position, its not like voting who is going to be the president of CG, its just an HA position

There aren't enough CL's giving a fuck it seems. This is how a community falls apart. RIP


6 weeks and counting on the HA nominees we gave them and they never responded since

Ok so response from one CL:

ZM has deserved an HA since at least May, but progress has been glacial.

I was waiting for the other CL's to add something to this, but nothing has been said so I will add my thoughts to the discussion.

I've talked to all of the ZM admins about this process for the past three months but I can only do so much, for I am not a dictator and cannot overstep my boundaries. I've already told the other CL's who I would think is best for HA and have recommended moving forward, but again I can only do so much.

Gustav, Chris actually was a Vet before his first resignation. Otter is also already a Vet, so that is a moot point. However, as Death pointed out, under certain special circumstances the CL's can appoint somebody an HA if they are qualified for the position and the server in question needs an HA.

Any other CL's want to tell us what is up?  I mean even just telling us what's going on, SOMETHING to let us know you are aware of the situation, or even better that you are willing to work with us to get something done??

Ok well I'm assuming since noone else has bothered to let us know what's going on, that Old Crow wants to help, and the other CL's don't seem to have taken the time to care.  Or maybe too busy to care.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Yet Another where is Hale thread
« on: July 12, 2013, 02:33:59 PM »
As Inject posted, use ATMA http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?topic=5686.0 to reach him when you need important stuff like updates :P

I'm pretty sure all admins can use it

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Yet Another where the fuck is Hale thread
« on: July 12, 2013, 02:17:03 PM »
You should fix the thread title before Cadaver comes in and destroys you Wooley.

Just sayin.

Read the rules ;D

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