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Messages - Wholegrain

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 19:47 »
i have yet to download battlegrounds 2

but it seems only 1 server is up and it is empty (from what i see from game monitor)

if i waste my time dling this just to find its a dead mod im going to slap you

CG Community Suggestions / Re: C.L.I.T
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 19:26 »
this is a project that should kick off in 2-3 months from now

if they still perform well and are still active in cg they will be put up and then the training will begin

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 19:22 »
i will dl battlegrounds and check it out

insurgency i still think we should at least give it a shot

CG Community Suggestions / C.L.I.T
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 17:30 »
Ok now i know how lolzy that sounds but it is the acronym for

community leader in training program which i am thinking of starting up pretty soon

basically what it is in a nutshell is training and grooming people who we believe will be our future leadership for cg

I will teach them everything they need to know in seminars about
installing sourcemod servers some basic guidelines to follow how to troubleshoot deal with people set tasks to people and have the right mindset

requiremenets are

-suggestions (no high pressure tactics) from other community leaders head admins and veteran admins nominating someone else

- Age must be at very least 17
- Must be a Veteran Admin Status or higher
- Must be able to commit to CG for at least a year
- No Confirmed admin abuse reports

people who have been suggested and i am keeping an eye on
cadver old (25+)
slyder 25
vincent 19
towersheep 22

these people in time will start to replace me

please i know the clit aconym is funny but if you make a post saying something about it at least put something else in your post that adds to this discussion

my joke would be that


CG Community Suggestions / Re: Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 17:17 »
still has a few good popular servers

and a good base something that can still be capitalized on

why not at least give it a shot?

if we get 10 people on the server lets says and after 30 minutes it doesn't climb to at very least 15+ people (5 at least being new) than i will cast doubt on the entire project and scrap it

much like our 2nd ttt vanilla server (now being made Duckys bitch and he is going to rape it with customization alot more customized than our original server)

Solved Applications / Re: Kwaurtz DarkRP
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 17:13 »

still lost the vote


he is very trolly and does it with stupid excuses

good player but not someone i feel comfortable with admin



CG Community Suggestions / Re: Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 09:46 »
wow rly?


tis sad

CG Community Suggestions / Insurgency Server?
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 00:15 »
I have been thinking of putting up a server

i have one installed and configured with sourcemod

and a good map selection i have yet to enable fast download for the 1 popular custom map (ins_dust_r10)

for this server to go up (which i will probably be on most of all besides rp)

i will need

a good amount of players and members of cg to help start it up for a week or 2 until we can get a community foothold in that game

you think we should put up an ins server?

Solved Applications / Re: Kwaurtz DarkRP
« on: 19 Jan, 2011 23:49 »
ok i was relaying that alot of people seem not to want kwaurtz to be admin

and im always the one in the middle and i forget the names of the people so if you want him say why if you dont want him say why not
or he gets admin

im also making a vote so you can vote anonymously

if he gets admin DO NOT BITCH AT ME because it is your fault i personally havent seen much wrong with kwaurtz but then again i rarely do with any admin

vote honestly







override decision they are underage


Solved Applications / Re: Blackllama's DarkRP app.
« on: 19 Jan, 2011 22:34 »
override decision they are underage


Solved Applications / Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« on: 19 Jan, 2011 09:44 »
put in some hours into the game

Help Section / Re: Finnie need help with reaching site!
« on: 19 Jan, 2011 00:44 »
we compiled a tracert from

ber finnie and our server box

inject is going to bitch at the owner tommorow directly and hopefully get this resolved

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