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Messages - Zukuto

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Guys, he wants to run Minecraft better, and Minecraft is a RAM heavy game, so even though his overall preformance wouldn't benefit that much from 8g of RAM, Minecraft would run smoother.

As far as your processer and because it's an HP, you're screwed, they don't let you change that stuff, they make it cheap, and they make it cheap good... Lol

Anyways, if you REALLY want to stick to a laptop, I just bought a new TOSHIBA Satellite A665-3DV12, and boy, let me tell you, this thing is a beast.

Oh, Cadaver, I know you have beef with nVidia, but they still do lead the Graphics industry, and just because they mess up here and there, don't lead him away, they do sell nice cards (and their on-board is awesome) for not a lot of money.

I think your best bet is a new laptop, you will end up spending less money in the long run. OR if you're not looking for mobility, go build a desktop, if you do your research, you can build a decent PC for under $400.


Honestly the age limit to me is a bit more of a guideline rather than a rule. I see no reason an 18 year old would do better than a 12 year old on the internet. If you can get the job done efficiently, and without bias, you are what I need.

Anyways, we NEED the server to get populated, and by approving this application I expect you to TRY your best and dedicate time to populate the server. I won't always be there to remind everybody, and get them in there, and lately it seems that I have to in order to get people in there. I'd like to see my admins do it voluntarily.

From all that you wrote, I can assume you will be good for this position, but unfortunately I cannot issue you admin at the moment, you will have to get another HA or CL to do it for you, just give Inject or Wholegrain the link to this thread and they should give you Trial Admin for the Jailbreak. PLEASE for the love of all that is holy read and memorize the rules posted in the MotD, or print them out, last thing I need is sorting through bullshit admin abuse threads.

I look forward to having you on my team of admins! Soon i'll have internet again, and I'll be stepping up the attention that is paid towards the server, which means more work for the admins, but I assume since it is summer, people shouldn't have a problem with it.

Solved Applications / Re: Jail break admin app
« on: 30 May, 2011 03:03 »

I'm not going to be on for a bit, not sure how long but I'll set your admin up now.
The server is set up with the exception of Fast DL for the new maps, which i'm trying to get done.
Until then, we only have 2 working maps.

Anyways, try to populate the server, and when I get internet again, i'll start doing weekly Jailbreak nights to boost the regulars.

Old Time Aways / Zukuto Moving
« on: 28 May, 2011 04:51 »

Name: Zukuto

Time you are leaving: 05/30/2011

In Which server you are admin on: Head Admin of CSS

Additional Comments: I'm moving to Texas for the summer, and so far I won't have internet when I get there, now, it could only take me a day to get it set up, or it could take me 2 weeks, i'm not sure, but just in case I need a Veteran Admin/CL to take up my Head Admin duties while i'm away, if you're willing please post below.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Jailbreak Event Afterthoughts
« on: 28 May, 2011 03:53 »
For a first time on a new server, it went well.

I need to get some kinks worked out like the muting at the beginning of the round, and some other helpful plugins.
After that, it should be FAR less hectic.

Solved Applications / Re: JAL's CS:S App
« on: 27 May, 2011 02:58 »
Accepted, glad to have you!

We will be needing more CSS admins as the Jailbreak gains popularity-
With admin-ship there will be a training course I'm going to write up to teach the rules and punishments for Jailbreak.

Debate Forum / Re: ADHD
« on: 25 May, 2011 09:01 »
I had ADHD when I was young, now it's just ADD, since all that activity went from being physical, to mental.

My main issue with it is I can't 'turn off,' I'm always thinking about something, and I can't concentrate on something very well unless I am physically moving a part of my body, or doing more than one thing. Basically, I HAVE to multi-task to concentrate.

If you know somebody with ADD/ADHD, you'll realize that when they ARE able to concentrate, they work extremely fast and without breaks. When I go to do something I enjoy doing, and can concentrate on, I get it done quickly.

As far as medication goes, my parents used to make me take it as a child, but around the age of 8, I started refusing. I haven't had any since, and I think it's for the best, because I've learned I can put my mind to things when I figure out how to slow my brain down enough to actually focus on to one specific thing.

I know to somebody who doesn't have ADD/ADHD, having an extremely active brain, and literally having to multi-task to concentrate sounds awesome and efficient. Which it is, but only if you CAN multi-task, or distract you're head enough to concentrate on one thing. Unfortunately, most of us can't do that and can't keep up with our selves, or we get bored.

Another thing I've noticed is I have an extreme lack of sleep, because I can't turn off, I'm always thinking, I HAVE to watch TV so i'm distracted enough to turn off and go to sleep, I can't sleep in complete silence or darkness. I have to focus on any sound a light to slow my head down to the point I can go to sleep.

Anyways, this is just my experience with ADD/ADHD, I'm not speaking for everybody.


Solved Applications / Re: Bigsister's css Application
« on: 24 May, 2011 00:25 »
Accepted! :D

General Gaming Talk / Re: Fretta Server taken down
« on: 23 May, 2011 19:15 »
The server went down due to negligence of the head-admin, and inactivity. CG as a whole is pursuing other investments, such as TF2, we're going to revive the server again, but not as some side-server to TTT, we are going to be making it a priority, and let the TTT live by itself.

You would understand the reasoning had you been in the meeting. Anyways, it's for the best, we're dropping it to use the space for something we feel is better for CG as a whole.


The Art Forum / Re: Post your desktop thread
« on: 19 May, 2011 22:40 »


Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 18 May, 2011 20:33 »
^ Herp derp

< Derps his herp

v Derps his mom's herp

Mass Effect 3
Hitman: Absolution
TES V: Skyrim
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Duke Nukem Forever
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Guild Wars 2
Half-Life 3

Help Section / Re: Help: Virus
« on: 17 May, 2011 12:39 »

Microsoft Security Essentials (I know I know, MC is scary, but they actually did good this time)
Maybe AVG, but they've been cashing out recently, and I'm not too happy with them.
Spybot S&D, not really necessary, but it's nice to have some extra security.

Make yourself known in CG before applying to be an admin, get in vent, post on the forums, be active on the servers, etc.

You seem like a cool cat, have fun in CG  ;D

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