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Messages - Echochrome4

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Way Off Topic Box / Re: The Pet Thread!
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:02:36 PM »
Probably one of the reason sometimes I suck at The Hidden, because my cat wants to play!!  Pushing random buttons!!!!

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: April 24, 2013, 09:47:32 PM »
Ya know just browsing on Ifunny

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: April 23, 2013, 12:19:33 AM »
Sorry, didn't know that.  I am really trying to get up too 20 posts so I can apply to be admin, as I really enjoy playing the hidden, but what really annoys me is all of the team killing.  It just sucks not being admin and having no admins online, because I want to do something but can't. 

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:41:07 PM »
People were not very happy with me.  Leninade why did you leave???

Red my friend, we all know its going to be me

We will have to figure out who is better

Usually I'm better but I was on crappy internet  trollface

No, we started at the same time

Yesterday  parrot

So first off I have to say that this thing is driving me crazy because it wont stop moving!    parrot
So now that I said that lets start. 

Echochrome is my name like I said, I really don't know why I picked it, but I do remember along time ago, when I got a PSP for Christmas I had to choose a username for the PlayStation network.  The first game I got was Echochrome, a interesting puzzle game.  To be able to receive the game I had to type a code in on the PlayStation store, and as I was young I picked the name Echochrome because I was holding the redeem card in my hand.  Because someone already had that name I had to do something, so I added a 3 to it, producing my name Echochrome3.  So ya that turned out to be a longer story than I thought. 

So you know how I got the name, now let me tell you how I got on Steam.  It all started when I began watching YouTube videos of PewDiePie playing Amnesia.  He is probably the funniest person ever.  So then I really wanted to play the game.  With that I got Steam and there it begins.  With that I played a few games on it and had a lot of fun.  Then one day my friend know by many as Red told me I should get get The Hidden.  Because I didnt have any money he gave me one of his account that had it on it and changed things so that it would become mine. 

With that I started playing The Hidden, and I sucked.  But after playing for a few days I really got better at the game, and now I usually get more kills then Red.   parrot  I feel the need to use this right now.  But the one thing I still need to do is get better than my friend Lord Callus who is amazing at the hidden. 

So now you know a good amount about me, and if you happen to ever run into me well playing The Hidden, I probably wont be that talkative, but ya overall I'm a very friendly guy, so if you want, say hi sometime!
Ending with a  parrot

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