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Messages - Pillz

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71 ... 173
Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: August 23, 2012, 03:36:40 AM »
Well Alcohol isn't exactly as illegal as, say.. weed, cocaine and the such..

Talking about drinking underage is kinda like saying you smoked cigarettes underage, even if the cops saw they probably wouldn't try to bust you or hold CG accountable. We can have a booze thread, I don't think that's crossing the line too far.

Cadaver knows we know the rules, but IMO as long as you're legal to drink in 10+ countries, you should at least be able to share drinking experiences online.

Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: August 22, 2012, 08:55:36 PM »
four loko has to be the worst alcoholic drink, people only get it if they are broke and want to get drunk.

Nope, they have a 99c can of "Sparks" that's really for the cheap bastards. Four Loko's like 3 dollars and gets you fucked up, but IMO you might as well just get a 40oz of Steel Reserve. <3

Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: August 22, 2012, 08:33:54 PM »
Bloody Mary. My parents love it but I want to throw up anytime I drink one.. Just from the taste. My dad puts all these insane spices and shit in them too, it's scarred me for life.

Why anyone would want a tomato+spicy+alcohol drink is beyond me.

Yeah I've tried to keep ZPS going, but KAT kinda just merged and we made it the CG ZPS server; then after CG got a serverbox we put our ZPS servers on there.

Glad to see you on the forums again Billy, feel free to hop on the other servers and get to know everyone again. :D

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: August 21, 2012, 11:14:40 PM »


Where does he live? Find out for me.

Solved Applications / Re: after a month what's going on ?
« on: August 21, 2012, 02:21:44 AM »
After you become admin, the problem still exists. When admins aren't on, the trolls and RDMers come out, that's just a fact of life for TTT.

You can get their steamID's and continue posting them on the forums for now.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:06:25 PM »
Map rotation edited a bit; Late join changed to 5 seconds; and gravity on fun server changed to 550 by default.

Hour logs are now going to be posted every friday, or when I feel like it. Minimum of 15 hours required to keep me happy, and if you make me unhappy for 3 hour logs in a row, expect an unhappy talking to from me discussing your spot as admin.

Second server is also running, fun nights will now be every OTHER week.

Still no rank, one day.. one day.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Aint no ZPS like the good ol days
« on: August 20, 2012, 08:17:01 PM »
It's hard to keep every single player happy, most of them leave before telling you why they're mad. Some leave the second they're killed as a human, and some leave when the map changes.

I'm not to sure what maps to take off or keep; I got a few complaints about hideout being too big so I took it off, mainly because I saw the server dying and emptying on it a few times. I'd be happy to bring it back, but I think another problem is how understaffed ZPS. On top of that, most of the admins/players join the game after I'm already there and leave shortly after I do. Everyone needs to play more when I'm NOT there; which is often nowadays, but we gotta start taking shifts to keep the server alive until we have regular players at all different hours of the day.

On a side note though guys; which maps on the server do you think are bad for the population, and which maps not on the server should I add that might help? Or simply you just want to see them again/try having them in rotation.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Aint no ZPS like the good ol days
« on: August 20, 2012, 01:02:22 PM »
This is one issue I've had as Head Admin.. I prefer classic maps, but about 25% of the players that come in will wonder where the cabin/lake maps are.

I simply just don't have much experience playing the different cabins and lake maps because they never suited my play-style. Nowadays I'd be willing to play them, but my main issue with them is how shitty some are. Lake of the dead for example, looks like four lunchboxes on a lake; and each house has it's own "preset" difficulty level for zombies getting in. If the humans cade and lock window's soon enough; they win. If whitey picks that house immediately, they'll probably die. If you spawn in the big glass house, zombies can always drop in from the windows and it's usually the easiest house to raid; unless they're set up with shotguns already on the windows.

Some of them are decent and pretty fun to play; they just piss off newcomers into thinking the whole game is unfair like that. That's why I've always preferred classic / dev-intended ZPS gameplay on stock maps and decent customs.

Then there are servers who have every single map they can find, and those do well too. Yet on our server I'll often find it dying on maps like Hideout, Darkwater and the such. Maps that are amazingly made, and don't require you to camp the whole game. Camping is always a strategic way to win in ZPS though, if you have the ammo, and the barricades; it seems like a good way to stay alive. S'long as we're not doing it on Obj maps, it's a classic zombie survival strategy, also usually a noobs first gameplan.

For me it's just a matter of finding proper versions of the maps that aren't buggy, glitchy or just annoying and ugly.

General Gaming Talk / Re: OnLive restructures?
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:43:44 PM »
Never heard of it, and I think it's hilarious people are commenting "Stop streaming games like onlive, no resale/loaning games to friends is dumb". It's like they've never heard of Steam before.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:35:36 PM »
The picture of the person who shared the majora cake scares me a little.

Zombie Panic: Source / Crashing for "Update"?
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:09:15 PM »
The server sometimes crashes and when I go to control panel to restart it, it tells me "The server is currently being updated. It will be started when the update is finished"

Wat. There is no ZPS update at least.. and the other server never crashed.. and all 116 other ZPS servers were up.

Any ideas? This has happened 1-3 times in the past month or two.

Old Time Aways / Re: So damn Busy
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:42:41 PM »
This confused me a lot; I didn't know you ever even had TTT admin.

Anywho, glad to see you'll be on ZPS more. :D

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft 1.3.1
« on: August 17, 2012, 02:52:25 PM »
What do you need modloader for? It works for me without modloader i dont even know what it is :D

Modloader used to be the first step to installing the minimap, but I saw some modders say they don't need modloader anymore.. You used to have to install modloader 1.3.2, delete the metainf file in minecraft.jar and then find all the 1.3.2 mods like Rei's minimap, More stackables, Elemental arrows, etc.

It works without modloader though, so that's cool.

Now just fix the lag so we stop raging.

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Hour Logs 2.0
« on: August 17, 2012, 02:41:48 PM »
I will be posting a log of ZPS admins hours every Friday. Since it's going to be weekly I'll be requesting my admins get at least 15 hours of ZPS in before the log is out. If you feel you can't make this deadline, post an away thread explaining why or PM me about it. I'll also be looking at your playtimes on GameTracker to determine when you were playing and when you weren't.

We aren't punishing anyone for the current hours yet, just letting everyone know we're watching hours again. So start getting them up! Next weeks or the week after that; we'll start really yelling at people for their hours.

20+ hours is awesome, 11-20 hours is passing but slacking, and less than 10 hours is bad.
Admin NameRankHoursSteam ProfileAway Time?Comments
PillzHA28.5 hrs / 2,555http://tinyurl.com/8c4g52q
Considering retiring
MultigrainVet17.4 hrs / 929http://tinyurl.com/bnvymb6
Mom beat up his internet
KingtrueVet1.0 hrs / 584http://tinyurl.com/c9wg22w
Needs to play more, everyone kinda does
DocVet16.7 hrs / 1,337http://tinyurl.com/c74p5rp
Comments go here
LyssaVet11.5 hrs / 389.1http://tinyurl.com/9m8caft
Get back to 56hrs :<
PattyVet8.5 hrs / 601.7http://tinyurl.com/8w89s8c
More populating plx
SejoVet4.3 hrs / 956.4http://tinyurl.com/8s7m49r
SlyRegular11.4 hrs / 197.4 hrshttp://tinyurl.com/9hge6bx
Going to school, better play still<3
JayTrial8.5 hrs / 764.4http://tinyurl.com/9u6hlac
Will promote upon further activity
AllieTrialProfile not found?http://tinyurl.com/9vrqfys
Probably getting removed.

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