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Topics - TheOwnKnown4

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Introductions Forum / An introduction.. ._.
« on: May 11, 2013, 12:09:53 AM »
Yeah no really, an introduction in the introduction section.
Anyway as said before, this is an introduction. . . to me. . .
I play almost everyday, Hidden and TTT mostly...
I'm GREAT at Hidden, and decent at TTT.
Requirement for admin is 7 hours a week? I'll take a guess and say I play more of 10 hours a week..
Another no lifer ~ me
I don't know where I'm going with this, so I'll just continue introducing things about myself
I.e. My name (or at least what people call me) is Mike.
As said before I'm a no lifer who practically only plays games..
Although I have no life, I still have a social life... Kind of weird.
So It would be great to know you guys ( as well as play )
As you've noticed I talk ( and type ) a little too much . . .
I'm fifteen, and my favorite breakfast is Bacon /w Iced Tea.
I live in the U.S.A, and the weirdest thing about me is that self-consciously I'll randomly change accents.. I don't know why, when, or how..
If you are still reading to this point I congratulate you, the whole point of me doing this was to see who would read it, and who would read THIS and then re-read the whole thing.  parrot

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